[insert clever subject line here]

May 11, 2010 18:18

Apparently it takes longer than a week to recover from the amount and intensity of work I've been doing for the past few months. I continue to be just barely functional as a human being. The brilliant thing is that THIS IS OKAY!!!!!!!!!!! I have no obligations to anyone for WEEKS!!!!!! If I want to stay in my pajamas all day, I CAN ( Read more... )

ds9, sg-1, bsg, 30 days of tv meme

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Comments 6

holdouttrout May 11 2010, 22:25:37 UTC
and none of that matters because all of a sudden you realize you LOVE these characters.



aurora_novarum May 11 2010, 22:45:36 UTC
Yes, yes, yes. That's it exactly.


zinke May 12 2010, 01:28:06 UTC
and none of that matters because all of a sudden you realize you LOVE these characters.

Yup. That sums it up rather nicely.


abyssinia4077 May 12 2010, 01:36:05 UTC
Objectively, it is a fairly mediocre show, but oh, there's something about it that inspires love beyond all reason. My TEAM!!!!!

Yep. They had some perfect combination going on that made something mediocre better than it had any right to be - something with enough talent behind the scenes and enough acting talent and people who knew the line between serious and not and straddled it well. And the characters just...work.

And I'm still really glad I gave up on BSG when I did. Ah well.


gabolange May 12 2010, 02:23:24 UTC
What you said!

And yes, you should finish Deep Space Nine. Though I am enjoying my Farscape pseudo-rewatch a hell of a lot. ;)


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