[insert clever subject line here]

May 11, 2010 18:18

Apparently it takes longer than a week to recover from the amount and intensity of work I've been doing for the past few months. I continue to be just barely functional as a human being. The brilliant thing is that THIS IS OKAY!!!!!!!!!!! I have no obligations to anyone for WEEKS!!!!!! If I want to stay in my pajamas all day, I CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

Though I do hope I can work up the energy to exercise, write fic, and, well, leave the house sometime in the not so distant future. Those things would be good. In the meantime, this is probably exactly the right frame of mind to mainline some TV. Should I finally finish Star Trek: DS9, which got abandoned over a year ago (I think?) to the schedule of doom??? ;)

And in TV meme news, have yesterday and today:

Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving

Stargate: SG-1. I imagine it's a not uncommon answer to this question because it's one of those shows that has a way of sneaking up on you. It's not actually that brilliant. The plots are often contrived, the special effects often silly, and the writing never quite as good as one wishes it were. Yet there's this moment when a switch is flipped, and none of that matters because all of a sudden you realize you LOVE these characters.

I discovered fandom with X-Files, and after it was over, I figured I'd soon get over this urge I had to think about it obsessively and to read lots of fanfic. The solution, I thought, was to find a mediocre sci fi show, and that would break me of this odd habit I'd developed of being obsessed with a sci fi show. The mediocre show I tried to use to break the fandom habit was SG-1--which, of course, became my longest-lasting active fandom yet. :) Objectively, it is a fairly mediocre show, but oh, there's something about it that inspires love beyond all reason. My TEAM!!!!!

Day 11 - A show that disappointed you

Two words: Battlestar Galactica

And next time on the TV meme...

ds9, sg-1, bsg, 30 days of tv meme

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