let's just say I want to believe

Jul 25, 2008 21:45

I have made it to gabolange's!!!!! And we assembled furniture without disaster!!!! I even hammered left-handed without smashing myself or her new furniture!

And then this evening we went to see X-Files, like good fangirls. ( spoilers!!! )


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Comments 4

scrubschick July 26 2008, 13:55:31 UTC
I loved the car scene with Scully and Skinner. I did know he was in it because I'm an IMDb whore and he was credited. "Mulder won't do anything crazy." *snerk* Where've you been for the past 15 years, Walt?


gennifer_g July 26 2008, 16:23:21 UTC
*Skimming past spoilers*
I have to wait to see the movie (dang parties and parental get-togethers!)!!


asta77 July 27 2008, 01:53:26 UTC
The plot was lame and full of holes. I don't know how Mulder could be in hiding if he's shacked up with Scully and the FBI knows how to track her down. But I am glad the movie exists if only because Chris Carter showed us that after the series ended these two did not go their separate ways, but built a life together. And Mulder finally was able to move on and choose the light over the darkness. I want these two to be happy and it seems that they are now. :)


scarym1 July 28 2008, 16:39:56 UTC
The roomie and I saw it yesterday and we loved it. I almost sgueed when the first few familiar notes of the theme song played. Loved all the Scully/Mulder ship!!!!!To see them work thru their issues was angsty. Did you stay until the end of the credits? Something fun was there ( ... )


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