52 Week Collage Weeks 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Apr 05, 2016 12:15

Week 24: Hamilton
I have been listening to it NON-STOP!

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cancer, fiona, job training, medical, job hunt, politics, 52 week collage project

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Comments 4

pameladean April 5 2016, 20:43:44 UTC
The Hope card is just lovely.

One thing the flu shot probably did for you was to reduce your risk of heart attack after having the flu.



weaselmom April 5 2016, 20:46:08 UTC
These are really lovely, Peg! So different from each other, but all visually and emotionally powerful. I'm sorry that the flu struck your household - I wish it had just been *all* glitter and tutus. Hope you are all back on your feet soon!


bugeyedmonster April 6 2016, 04:45:37 UTC
Glad to hear that you got that grant! Congrats!

Love the colleges. I had not heard of the Tutu project.

Sorry to hear y'all had the flu that bad.


aome April 6 2016, 11:12:38 UTC
Ugh - that flu sounds miserable. Are you both recovered by now?

I read about the Tutu Guy a couple of weeks ago; I love what he's doing. :)


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