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icequeen_aran June 26 2009, 04:47:13 UTC
"Hahaha~ You're probably right." Oh Falcon was very right about that. Samus would sooner die than risk any of what happened at BSL again, especially if she happened to be the subject of the Federation's interests.

Well. She was sure she always was in their interest. For better or worse.

"I was just about to ask about that!" Setting himself on fire and punching through cars and concrete walls? And where did all that amazing flexibility come from for a guy his age? Falcon wasn't like... Rundas. Rundas... could generate and shape ice with his body. Rundas... was a Phyrigisian. Falcon... was not a Phyrigisian, as far as she knew. That effectively qualified as weirdo material in her book. She laughed a little too. "Perhaps you have a subconscious ability to control the energy of the atoms on the surface of your skin to such a degree that they ignite. Sort of like blushing, I suppose. The act raises the temperature of your skin a little but... Not quite that much ( ... )


pedaltothemetal June 26 2009, 05:41:44 UTC
He laughed at that. How could he not? "I'm pretty sure I'm not made of phosphorus. Last time I checked I don't glow in the dark. OR DO I"

Falcon was not a complicated guy when it came to setting his fists on fire and punching things. He didn't really think about the how and why of doing it, he just...did it. "To be honest, I still don't really know how it works. I had Jeff all curious about it in physics last year. Told me to go talk to Ness about PSI or whatever but I'm not really sure it's the same thing. Your theory makes sense, though. Or an instantaneous buildup and release of energy."

Honestly, it sounded a lot less cool when it was equated to blushing, but ehn. Her explanation was logical enough. "All I know is that the first time it happened, it scared the ever-loving shit out of me. It took me a week to calm down and even get myself to try to make it happen again." Because honestly, who really expects their punches to spontaneously combust ( ... )


icequeen_aran June 26 2009, 06:47:02 UTC
OR DOES HE?! Quickly, to the labs!

PSI? Did he mean psychic, like how Ness had and some of the other kids had telepathy? That'd be pyrokinesis, or something along those lines... emotion controlled, maybe? Samus was still somewhat skeptical of psychic abilities, but that was a rapidly changing opinion the longer she stayed at this school.

Samus grew curious and wanted to ask him how young he was when it first happened... probably young, she imagined. Something like that would scare her too, at any age for that matter. God, the things his mother probably had to put up with...

But that train of thought was quickly derailed as he asked that cheeky question.

Gosh, he could only uncover the amazing secret of his laden abilities and perhaps use that knowledge to control it and be a hit at parties by lighting drinks on fire or something. Jeeze.

"..." She bit her lip. She bit her lip because the first thing that came into her mind was that stupid index card with ticky boxes he made in her class and she knew she should probably not be ( ... )


pedaltothemetal June 27 2009, 00:19:19 UTC
Spoilers: Falcon just wanted an excuse to say "pyrokinesis" a lot because it is a very cool word and it would make him sound very smart and informed.

A part of him did actually want to maybe try being Samus' BioMech project, if only because he'd never actually really thought about what he could do and why he could do it. Obviously when Internova approached him, he rejected it outright, but he trusted Samus and it seemed...different somehow. Like he might be able to learn something.

He wasn't quite sure what any of this had to do with biomechanics because he as fairly certain he was not cybernetic in the least, but a little exploration of his weirdo ability couldn't hurt.

It was about then that he noticed this was the closet he'd ever gotten to actually telling the "and then I spontaneously caught on fire and I freaked the hell out and got two weeks of suspension and a semester in the guidance counselor's office" story. Not a very glamourous moment. And he'd almost told it. Almost. He'd never told anyone, really, and he could tell ( ... )


icequeen_aran June 27 2009, 03:16:17 UTC
It has everything to do with biomechanics when Samus could easily make you an arm canon that lets you shoot fire from your fist or something. Even if he never learned to control it, if they both learned a little something about it that'd be good enough for her. It couldn't hurt. It would definitely make sparring matches between the Captain even more interesting.

She made a mental note to self to ask him more about that story later, surely it was a good one.

Awww he'd bring a pillow? That was so sweet of him. "Haha, alright. If you insist." By now Samus had switched the phone to her other ear/shoulder and finished collecting the randomly strewn bottles off the floor and was downing some Advil. [With water. Water.]

This was... probably one of the longest phone conversations she had ever had with anyone. Ever. It was kind of nice. Surprisingly nice. Could she have more with him in the future? Hopefully not with a killer hangover next time? Samus could only hope.


pedaltothemetal June 27 2009, 05:19:10 UTC
Yeah that better have been water, Samus.

"I do insist. Anything to save myself arrest on the grounds of indecent exposure." And she would totally let him get arrested for indecent exposure, she totally would.

A quick glance at the clock told him it was probably time to get out of bed...and also told him that this was maybe the longest he'd spent on the phone in a long time. Not that it was a bad thing, really. It was different. A good different.

"Feeling better? You sound like you're feeling better."


icequeen_aran June 27 2009, 05:54:00 UTC
And then she remembered how vodka contained 50-60% water or so AND CHANGED HER MIND.

She probably would. She'd still bail him out if she even went that far. Secretly. Maybe knock out a guard or two with him for fun. Then take his trunks all over again.

By now she was making her way over to the laptop and seeing if that would yield any clues. "...I am. I haven't had a phone conversation as long as this since... well, ever, I think." That certainly said a lot.

After a few clicks Samus could only cock an eyebrow at the most recent entry she made. "...apparently Kyle and I went to the grocery store last night." What, you think she would have done something fun and interesting with how smashed she was...


pedaltothemetal June 27 2009, 06:57:10 UTC
He couldn't help but smile at that, because it was true for him as well. "I don't actually talk to people on the phone either." But this conversation kind of made him want to change that. It was nice. No, it was more than nice, it was...really great. That they could do this. It was something neither of them did often but somehow it felt so comfortable.

"You went to the grocery store?" Certainly an odd choice for drunken escapades. "Oh geez, I think you should check your wallet." Who knows how much she spent, especially since she'd apparently gone out to buy booze.


icequeen_aran June 27 2009, 08:17:24 UTC
Samus wasn't sure how comfortable she was with talking this much, but with him she might be able to make an exception. Talking in person was far more preferable for her, however. She could glare and pout and smirk and watch him do the same.

"Yeeeah. Apparently?" Oh, right. Wallet. Good idea.


...she wished she didn't. "...well. That explains the dozens of new bottles all over the place." Sheesh. Samus [and her wallet] hoped she wouldn't get that shitfaced anywhere near a store ever again.

"...no, I'm not borrowing money from you. I'll survive until next paycheck."


pedaltothemetal June 27 2009, 20:51:04 UTC
Dozens of new bottles? Jeez. That meant at least a triple-digit bill, because Samus liked vodka and that shit was expensive. No sooner had he opened is mouth to ask if she needed anything, she shot him down. Oh well. If he knew Samus, he knew that she wouldn't have accepted the offer anyway.

"Well, tomorrow can be on me, then. At least."

She was probably feeling a little humiliated, and Falcon was a bit guilty that this financial discovery had happened over the phone. He'd be embarrassed if he was on her end. Then again, his pride was only outmatched by his ego.

"Let me know if you need anything, though. Not necessarily...money-wise. Just anything. You never know."


icequeen_aran June 28 2009, 03:15:07 UTC
She read your mind Falcon. She does it very often actually. If only because she was very stubborn about being an independent self-supporting sort of woman.

More importantly she wanted to support the people she cared about and she couldn't do that if she couldn't support herself first, pssh. But, she would keep the offer in the back of her mind. Falcon, pay my atrocious phone bill, she said.

"I... will. Thanks." It was still hard to spit out sometimes, but she was thankful. Just for him listening. "Same goes for you. If you need... anything. You never know."

Samus was feeling hazy from the hangover... her face was feeling warm and she was very sure she could use a shower and do her other usual errands but she didn't really want to get off the phone. She knew she should though. Soonish. Probably. She was going to see him tomorrow anyway, jeeze. It almost couldn't come soon enough.

"Actually, I need you to say goodbye to your precious sticky notes, for they are coming down in a few minutes. Lament to them your finals words, Falcon."


pedaltothemetal June 28 2009, 06:51:56 UTC
He smiled a little and finally made his way into the kitchen, making a beeline for the sink to rinse out the coffeepot and get some caffeinated beverage going. "I know. Thanks." To you too. It felt a little odd parroting her, but it was still nice to know they had a mutual agreement. They had each other's backs, no matter what. The past two weeks had proven that a hundred times over.

She was probably about ready to take some headache medicine and lay down. After she cleaned off all those sticky notes, apparently.

Falcon cleared his throat rather dramatically, buying time to prepare an Ode to the Post-Its on Samus' door.

"Goodbye, Post-Its. Our time together was brief but your valor will be remembered for minutes to come. Farewell and Godspeed."


icequeen_aran June 28 2009, 08:29:57 UTC
Yes. The notes had to go, sorry Falcon. She wasn't about to have your post-its decorating her door like a giant yellow I GOT INCREDIBLY DRUNK LAST NIGHT AND THIS IS THE RESULT OF A CONCERNED what is DOUCHE BAG BOUNTY HUNTER IN ACTION, ASK ME HOW IT WAS beacon for all to see. She stood outside her door with a hand on her hip as he delivered his amazing Ode to Post-Its.

Was that a giggle?

Nooooo that couldn't of been a giggle on the phone. Samus didn't giggle. Okay maybe it was a little laugh.

But the next sound was very clearly the ripping of many many small pieces of post-its off the door, their lives and dreams suddenly and forcibly crushed at the very hands of the bounty hunter on the other line. What few that could escape into the wind bid a tearful farewell to their paperly brethren, never to be seen again. Farewell and godspeed little post-its.

"Oooooh." Samus was quite satisfied with a clean door again. "They are gone. Did you hear that?" She crumbled their little yellow remains next to the phone ( ... )


pedaltothemetal June 29 2009, 05:44:44 UTC
It was a magical beautiful ode to Post-Its, and it hurt him inside that she could not appreciate the value and valor of hundreds of little yellow sticky-notes.

Okay, it didn't really hurt inside. The whole thing was more amusing than anything, especially when she made point to crumple them near the phone. It was the greatest waste of paper ever, and totally worth it forever and ever. Even if it did take him maybe a good half hour to cover the door.

And he was making her laugh. That was the most important thing.

"Yeah, well. You just don't understand the importance of sticky-notes. Those little guys are tenacious. And who's to say your door didn't deserve it?"


icequeen_aran June 29 2009, 06:12:42 UTC
The whole thing was very amusing. Not really so much amusing last night when her blurred alchohol vision almost equated it to a new coat of yellow paint on her door but... okay yeah that was kind of funny too. She went back inside and flopped on the couch.

"My door was undeserving, unsuspecting, unprepared and unprotected. You didn't even give it a chance before you covered it from top to bottom with your tenacious little guys."

"It only takes one to get through, you know." That one she still had. She turned it over in her hand and inspected it.

Samus planned on keeping it.

...just in case she needed an excuse to call him again.


pedaltothemetal June 29 2009, 07:12:23 UTC
"I did give it a chance." He mock-whined. "I waited five minutes like your note said. And then I took my revenge, so there."

He knew very well that one note could have done the job. But this had been so much more satisfying.

Falcon took the pot of coffee from the maker and poured himself a mug, sipping slowly as he threw another glance at the clock. They'd been going at this for quite a while. Not a bad thing, of course, and Falcon couldn't help but feel...special. And he kind of hoped she felt the same way.

As reluctant as he was to end the conversation, he was sure she was unbelievably hung over and probably just wanted to lie down. "Anyway...I should probably let you go and get some rest."


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