Oh Hai Thar Cross, I Will Be Your Bearer This Eve

Nov 19, 2010 01:52

So I've been kinda sorta half-seeing this guy Deaks* for the last month or so. Fly in/fly out mechanic, smart, funny, sweet, attentive, and more importantly -- he's not bugfuck insane paranoid. Which is a refreshing change for me this year. I actually like this guy.

But I had a bit of a crisis of conviction this afternoon. )

fis, aa, things dragons is crap at, rl

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Comments 24

chocca2 November 18 2010, 19:29:10 UTC
You're my kinda normal, dragons. That's why I love you. And god damn, GET IN BED WITH FIS. I have seen pictures of this man and you HAVE to go there.

I miss you! Hope to catch you soon. Mwah!


pdragon76 November 24 2010, 05:22:46 UTC
Hey babe! I am approaching the prospect of FIS with extreme caution on account of it being incredibly dangerous to sleep with someone I not only ADORE, but also work with.

But I'm entertaining the notion seriously for the first time. We'll see how things progress. Probably it will be veeeeery slowly, if at all.

I have been a bad interwebz friend lately. :( Try to catch you soon.


jesseofthenorth November 18 2010, 19:33:37 UTC
You know what I hated most about my life when I first got sober? How much other people wanted to make my life about something I didn't do. It really annoyed me. It annoyed me so much that I started not hanging with people like that. Their loss.
Honey, your SOBER! If anyone has problem with that it's their problem not yours.

You know what someone posted on my facebook last week?
"Normal is a dryer setting not a state of being"

I like the word healthy a hell of a lot better and you are healthier now than ever.

It's hard. Sometimes it really fucking sucks. But you're doing it. And doing it right.

Besides you don't need some guy who says shit like

"You really scare the hell outta me."

you need a guy who says shit like
" You're fucking AWESOME!" cuz you are


pdragon76 November 24 2010, 05:55:28 UTC
Urgh. I don't feel very awesome this morning. I just broke up with the mechanic. He was...butthurt, I think is the appropriate word.

And a world of YES to this:
How much other people wanted to make my life about something I didn't do.

So, so much yes. More yes than anyone who is not an alcoholic can ever know.

Thank you for reminding me I'm not alone in that. *smish* YOU ARE ALSO AWESOME AND SOBER.


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pdragon76 November 24 2010, 06:03:53 UTC
Thanks, babe. He did call me back the next day and apologise for being such a tool and saying that.

But I think the damage has been done to us by the whole FIS affair. I can't stop thinking about FIS now, and that's no way to date other people. *facepalm*

Broke up with him this morning. It was...unpleasant, but necessary.


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pdragon76 November 24 2010, 06:06:21 UTC
You don't really need some guy who doesn't know what to do with you!

This, lady, is a world of true. I've come back to this statement a bunch of times the last couple of days.

Thank you for making it. :D

ETA: *points to icon* Connor McManus would know what to do with me.


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pdragon76 November 24 2010, 13:05:11 UTC
He can HAS my wallet. *throws it at him* Good luck getting anywhere on that credit card, McManus. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Aha. Ha. *sober face* Actually, my poverty isn't all that funny.


kimmer1227 November 19 2010, 02:44:24 UTC
Oh, hon.

You've told me about Deaks, and I know you like him. But FIS! I love FIS! You love FIS! The idea of you and FIS being togetherly gives me warm fuzzies, but I'm afraid for your friendship. Is he a relationship kinda guy or a friends with benefits kinda guy. Which do you want him to be?

Deaks? I don't like his comment. Maybe he thinks you can't handle being around alcohol at all. I doubt if you told him he couldn't drink in your presence, so that comment seemed to come out of left field to me. My question to you is. If FIS wasn't in the picture, would you still want to date Deaks? Is FIS an excuse to back out of the relationship before it turns into something real? Is Deaks so appealing coz he's the anti-TIG? Does Kim ask too many damn questions?

What the hell does normal mean in this day and age. We're not even gonna talk about your sobriety!

Anyhoo. You know where I am if you wants to chatter.


pdragon76 November 24 2010, 06:23:27 UTC
I dunno if anything is going to happen between FIS and I but I broke up with Deaks this morning. He was...not happy with me. But it's done now and I feel like a load is off.

I think maybe I was just trying to get some distance between TIG and I, and that's unfair to Deaks.

So. FIS. We'll see what happens. SO MANY REASONS THIS IS A BAD IDEA. But a lot of reasons it might be a great one, too. Remember Devon from the academy? When I spoke to her today and said I broke up with Mechanic Dude, she was all: *squeal* "Now you and FIS must pash. IT HAS TO HAPPEN, YOU TWO ARE MY SPECIAL FANTASY COUPLE."

To which I said: "Ew. Stop that, please?"

Xmas party is on Saturday night. I plan to wear an Israeli-pant-melting dress. In the hope that he decides to take it off me after.


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