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And the score is... Even worse than April - but with good reason. What was a distinct possibility - moving house - became a definite in May, and has been dominating things these last few weeks - and how those weeks have sped by. I haven't had time to consider making any substantial Mission progress - and yes, I do feel bad about it.
I do have a mini-*SCORE* or two to report, however. I clocked up my third concert for Task 90 - Go to five concerts, seeing
Rush in Glasgow on May 14th (click for the review!) This is a Task I can definitely complete on schedule, if not well before - that is, so long as the relevant opportunities present themselves.
I've also "broken ground" on Task 49 - Create "covers" for each complete "season" of each project, producing
a title page for Season 7 of Dominion/The Darkhawk Diaries.
So, what next...? I will have completed Tasks to report next month.
I have it on good authority that Edinburgh Zoo has binturongs, for a start (as in Task 73 - See a binturong in the flesh)...
Tune in next month to see if I manage to stay true to my word.