Fic - Deadfield - A/U part 9/?

Sep 04, 2009 16:53

Title: Deadfield
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: Overall R to NC-17
Notes: This is an A/U fic. It's set in "present" day Springfield. A/U assumptions: Olivia left Springfield shortly after her heart-condition diagnosis. Emma doesn't exist.

Parts: One 2-4 5-6  7-8


When the world ends
Collect your things
You’re coming with me
When the world ends
You tuckle up yourself with me
Watch it as the stars disappear to nothing
The day the world is over
We’ll be lying in bed

- Dave Matthews Band

“Natalia!” I yelled when I reached the kitchen. She was loading bullets into a small handgun and didn’t acknowledge my arrival. “You can’t use that! It looks like it would barely scratch a tin can.”

“It’ll work,” she muttered as clicked the bullets in place. “Bigger isn’t always better.”

“No. No, I don’t want you to go. That’s not… it won’t work.”

She looked at me like I lost my mind. “It’s not your choice, Olivia,” she pushed me aside abruptly and ran out of the restaurant before I could catch her.

“Damnit!” I yelled in frustration and went behind the bar to bring the only weapon Natalia would allow: the sword. I argued with her before we left. She told me I wouldn’t need my shotgun, that there was an unspoken rule against walking into Company with guns in hand. I reluctantly agreed when she said I could bring my sword if I put it immediately behind the bar.

Fuck. I should have argued more. Those damn beautiful, brown eyes made me act stupid, but at least I had something.

I unsheathed the sword and ran out of the restaurant. I honestly didn’t care what was happening outside. The only thing I wanted to do was make sure Natalia was safe. I had to protect her.

When I reached the source of the fighting, I looked around in shocked horror. It felt like I was standing in the middle of a war zone - a war zone straight out of the movies.  There were gun shots going off all around me, there were people screaming, shouting to one another, sobbing… it was horrific.

“Olivia!” yelled a voice from nearby. I spun toward it. Bill Lewis was fighting off a zombie with his shotgun - using it like club to keep it at a safe distance. “Some help?” he asked as he shoved the muzzle of his gun into the dead man’s stomach, making him stagger backward.

I ran forward, swung my sword, and watched with disgust as the now headless body crumpled to the ground.

“A sword?” Bill said, and actually laughed. I stared at him in disbelief. “Gotta get me one of those! More bullets now, though,” he said with a wicked smile that showed his dimples in all their glory and trotted away toward a van.

I let him go without comment. I didn’t want to think about why or how he could laugh and smile at a time like this. I looked around again for Natalia. I needed to find her. I needed to protect her.   Panic began to rise in me when I couldn’t find her anywhere. Instead, my attention was drawn by a tiny woman holding a huge handgun. Lizzie Spaulding. I watched as she aimed and shot at a zombie that was limping toward her. Her entire body jolted back with the recoil of the gun, and I watched as the zombie’s head literally exploded off its body.

“Holy shit,” I said when I neared her. “What is that?”

She grinned up at me. “Smith and Wesson 500 Magnum Revolver,” she rattled off quickly before taking off to find another target. Clearly, she didn’t need my help.

Across the field, I heard a horrible scream. Someone, a man, was screaming, “No,” over and over again, and punctuating each occurrence of the word with a loud, cracking gunshot. I couldn’t see who it was and the voice sounded horrifyingly familiar, but he was too far for me to do anything to help. I knew instinctively it wasn’t Natalia and that was all that mattered to me at that moment. I steadied myself and tried to block the screams from my mind. Somehow, I was able to refocus my attention.

I scanned the field of horror again and saw Josh backing away from an oncoming group of zombies. There were five of them, and I knew he wouldn’t have time to target and fire at all of them before they reached him. I ran forward and slammed my sword into the head of the nearest one. He fell to the ground, but the movement drew the attention of two others. They bolted toward me. My sword was slicing through the neck of one even as I watched the other in horror. He was coming at me quickly. I felt panic grip me as I realized I may not be able to recover in time to take him down before he got to me.

Suddenly, a loud shot blasted out from behind me. The oncoming zombie fell to the ground just inches from my feet. I swung around and saw Natalia staring at me with wild eyes. The gun in her hand was trembling. “It worked,” she muttered and her knees gave out a little. I lunged forward to steady her before she fell to the ground.

I looked over her shoulder and saw a large army Jeep driving at top speed toward us. The driver began pounding on the horn and people everywhere scattered. I pulled Natalia out of its path.

Alan Spaulding was in the passenger seat and as they neared he began shouting, “Take cover! Get out of the way!”   When they came to a stop, the driver slammed the windshield down and climbed out. The Jeep had a massive machine gun mounted onto the back of it. I watched in shock as Alan climbed up next to it and began unloading bullets into the remaining swarm of zombies.

They began falling like dominoes.

I held Natalia close to me, one side of her head against my chest, the other side covered with my hand. I wanted to shield her from the awful noise of the machine gun blasts, if nothing else.

Within minutes, the movements of the undead ceased. I looked out across the field and saw corpses everywhere.

“Check every single one, and make sure there’s nothing left,” I heard Josh called out, and people began moving slowly onto the field littered with the dead. I didn’t move. Natalia was trembling in my arms. I watched as Reva walked toward an undead who was still twitching, she raised her gun and put a bullet in its head. When she was done, she raised her eyes heavenward and released a loud, horrible scream. Natalia pressed her face into me and held me impossibly tight.

“You two can go home,” Phillip said as he approached us. “We’re okay now.” He reached out and touched Natalia’s shoulder gently. She glanced up at him. “We’re okay,” he said again in a softer, reassuring voice. She nodded and pulled away from me.

“You alright?” I asked her as we began walking away from the carnage. She reached down and took my free hand.

“I’m alive. You’re alive. That’s all that matters right now. How are you?”

She didn’t really answer my question, but I decided to let it slide. She was walking and talking; that was alright enough for me. “I’m still here,” I replied and squeezed her hand.

No more words passed between us until we reached the bedroom. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, but I felt a strange tension crackling in the air between us. I wanted to know what she was thinking. In fact, that was the only thought that crossed my mind during the walk. I wanted to hop inside Natalia’s brain and know exactly what she was thinking. I didn’t have any other thoughts even though I probably should have been busy being horrified over what just happened, or terrified it would happen again. I just couldn’t process it. How do you even begin process the aftermath of a battle with zombies that played out like a war scene from a supernatural film? I couldn’t, plain and simple, so I kept my thoughts locked onto Natalia. Even though our relationship was new and potentially complicated, it was still easier to deal with than the rampaging undead that should have stayed in the video games and movies where they belonged.

I walked into our room and looked around for something to clean my sword. It was bloody and bits of gore clung to it. I didn’t want to look at it anymore. I was scanning the room when I felt Natalia brush up against me from behind. She reached out and took the sword from my hand, carried it across the room, placed it in a dark corner of the closet and shut the door.

“Come here,” she said as she leaned back against the closet door. I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She leaned up and kissed me deeply. I pressed her firmly against the door and greedily explored her mouth with my tongue. She moaned against me and her hands travelled up my back, beneath my t-shirt. Suddenly, I remembered my shirt had blood splattered on it, and I couldn’t bear the thought of it being there - a horrible, unwanted barrier between us.

I stepped back and lifted my shirt over my head. I was about to toss it to the side when I saw some blood had soaked through and onto my skin. I moved the wadded up shirt toward my skin in an attempt to wipe it off when Natalia reached out to still my hand. I looked up at her and watched as she lifted her own shirt off to reveal a black lace bra. I was so distracted by the sight, I barely noticed when she took her own shirt and rubbed it against my skin, cleaning the blood away.

“Lay down,” she said quietly when the blood was gone. I did as she requested and watched as she began removing her pants. “I want you to make love to me, Olivia,” she said when her pants were gone and she moved onto the bed next to me. She reached over and began opening my belt buckle. “I want to feel you inside me.” She leaned down and placed a kiss right below my belly button. “I want you to make me feel alive again.” She moved my pants down my legs and tossed them aside.

I sat up and she reached behind me to remove my bra. She covered my breasts with her hands, and I leaned into her touch. “You’re alive, Natalia,” I said as I took my turn removing her bra from her shoulders. I pressed my hands against her shoulders until she was lying back on the bed. “I promise. You’re so very alive.” I watched her eyes slide shut, and listened to her moan softly as I pressed my lips against the skin of her breasts for the first time. My lips melted against her as she reached up and tangled her fingers into my hair.

And then I was lost.

I was lost in the feel of her beneath me - lost in the sound of her quiet moans and ragged breathing. I explored her everywhere with my tongue and lips and hands, and the more I got to know her body, the more I felt myself falling into a warm, protective cocoon of pleasure. She writhed and moaned beneath me, and I willed the moment to never end. Her hands gripped my shoulders tightly, holding me against her as I left trails of kisses across every corner of her skin.

When I finally gave into her quiet pleas, and slipped my fingers into her, the whole world faded away. There was nothing left except for the feel of her body as she rose up to me, pressing fully against me again and again. There was nothing but the feel of her lips and tongue against mine as she moaned and cried out into my mouth. There was nothing but the feel of her fingernails and hands as they scraped against and pressed into my back.

When I felt her body tense and begin to clench against my fingers, it seemed for a fleeting moment that everything was right with the world again. I felt nothing but her pleasure as it surged through her body. The way she called out my name made me feel powerful and indestructible.

There was nothing else in that moment.

And it was everything.

When she finally fell limp beneath me, I moved up and gathered her into my arms. Once her breathing calmed, she spoke. “You’re alive,” she said, and thought I heard a bit of desperation crawl into her voice. She attempted to move more firmly against me, but we were already pressed so tightly together I could barely feel where she ended and I began. “Today… I was so scared when I saw that…”

“Shh,” I said and pressed two fingers against her lips.

She shook her head and broke away from my fingers. “No. I can’t lose you, Olivia. Not now.”

I cupped her chin and brought her face to mine. I kissed her, pouring all the emotion I could stand into it.   When we broke apart, I pressed my forehead against hers. “You won’t lose me,” I said. “I promise.”

“You can’t promise that.”

“I can, and I did. Face it; you’re stuck with me now.”

She smiled and released a small sigh. “I’m okay with that,” she said and settled back against me.

Neither one of us pushed the conversation any further, but I could tell by the tension in her hands as she held me that she didn’t fully believe my words.

I’m not sure I did either.

guiding light

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