Fresh start: chapter 3

Aug 24, 2015 10:49

Series: Fresh start
Chapter: 3
Written by: Parishs
Rating: pg
Summary: Reid is a neuro surgeon in Dallas with a burn out who tries to figure out what life is really about (Reid's POV).
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Thanks to zzzfreckles (Pamela) for the beta!!!


While I looked around in the kitchen I tried to understand what had happened. Why did these people came to my rescue? They didn't even know me but they came to my house anyway and helped me on my feet. A nice woman put a blanket around my shoulders and introduced herself as Emma. She asked me all kinds of questions about my back and asked if I was okay that I stayed at her place until I could move again. her place? why?

"Because you need someone to take care of you of course", she said and smiled at me as if I was a stupid little boy.

"But I can manage", I said while I tried to hide my pain.

"Don't fight her", a nice guy said while he brought in a basket with food. "If grandma has something in her head you can't get it out so come with us and let her spoil you until you can take care of yourself again. She missed it, to mother over someone now her grandkids are adults. I'm Aaron by the way; we have talked on the phone".

I shook his hand and looked at him. He was a gorgeous guy, lean but with strong arm muscles. Must be because of his work at the farm and his construction business. It surprised me that I noticed; I couldn’t remember that I had checked out a guy, it must have been months, years ago.

"Hey", I said. "Yes I remember, maybe you can look around for a minute and let me know what you think about the place. I have put down a few walls as you can see but it's hard to imagine where the new walls have to be".

"I can do that later Reid; I can see how hard it is for you to stand on your feet so I’ll bring you and grandma to her place so you can have a bath and a bed. I can call a friend of mine who is a PT is you want, maybe he can give you some exercises".

I looked at him and tried to get a grip on the situation, I had no idea who these people were and why they were here to help me but I was in too much pain to struggle so I bit on my teeth and walked with them to the truck. It was nice of them to do this for me and I had to accept help now I was living on the country side, a place with so much challenges. Why on earth did I move here? Why did I think I could do this, start a new life and make the farm my home? Why was this fun? I felt more miserable than when I was still in Dallas working my ass off.

As a control freak I started to panic, feeling lost and floating. It was hard to remember why I wanted to leave the hospital that had been my home for years. Why didn't I take a sabbatical there and ....

I cursed when Aaron drove through some huge holes in the road, my back was killing me. I looked at the surrounding through the glass and was surprised how beautiful it was here, with hills and woods wherever I looked. When we entered a long driveway I even saw a huge pond with an island in the middle.

Emma was talking the whole ride, about her family mostly. She had a lot of grandchildren who came and went as they pleased, using her hospitality and farm as a safe haven but everyone was supposed to be present at the Sunday lunch; no apology was accepted by this wonderful woman.

"That way we keep in touch, otherwise they are all too busy. I think it's good to have one meal a week together to hear how everyone is doing. I know some of the grandchildren see it as control and that's okay, I don't mind what they think as long as they show up and bring something to eat. Earlier I made the lunch myself but since my stroke I can't do that anymore, so I ask everyone to bring something homemade".

Aaron smirked. "Yes everyone except Luke", he said. "I don't know how he gets away with the things he buys at the caterer every week. You really have a soft spot for him".

Emma frowned her brows when he said that. "Now stop that Ronnie", she said. "You always say that he is my favorite but you are all precious to me you know that. It's just because Luke is so busy that I understand that he can't make time to cook something. And I also know that when he brings something home-made Noah had made it. I know I treat his differently at the moment but I am going to talk to him, he has to realize that my rules also apply to him. It's just....".

Aaron smirked again. "I know grandma", he said, "Luke is busy but we all are, he needs to make time for us, his family, he needs to get his priorities straight".

Emma smiled apologetic at me. "Do you have children Reid?", she asked.

I shook my head. "No I don't have kids", I said. "I never wanted them and to be honest I guess I look a lot like the Luke you have been talking about, I was so busy with my work that I didn't have time for a social life. That's why I had to leave Dallas, one day I realized that all I had been doing with my life was work, and I couldn't do it anymore, I wanted some spare time now and then to do something else than operate. But it's hard to let go Emma, if you are your job you feel so responsible for the whole thing that you think that no one else can do it the way it should, so you work your ass off until ....yeah until it's too late maybe, until your body starts to protest. You can cover up the signs for a long time but in the end you can't get anything done anymore. It's scary to get so lost, trust me, so maybe I need to talk to your grandson and try to make him see that work is not the most important thing in the world".

Aaron smiled at me and nodded. "Well Reid, don't waste your time on my brother because he won't listen to you, he thinks that the world needs him. He even orders us around when he is here at the farm. He has changed so much in the last...say....year that I hardly recognize him anymore".

"But he is still your brother and he is making time for the lunch every week", Emma defended her grandson.

Aaron rolled his eyes. "I love you grandma, and I am grateful that you keep our family together like this but you have to admit that Luke isn't the same anymore, even Noah said something about it last week".

Emma nodded and looked in the distance. "Yes I heard what Noah said, it made me think indeed. If Noah says something like that about Luke then it must be bad, Noah is always so positive and giving and he takes such good care about Luke".

"Who is Noah?΅, I asked.

"Luke's ex", Aaron said. "Luke broke up with him a while ago but they remained good friends, and now Noah is looking after Luke as a kind of house maid".

"Ronnie", Emma hissed. "Don't talk about your brother that way. Noah cares deeply about him and he likes to take care of Luke, what's wrong with that?", she asked.

"Grandma, you are the best but you know as much as I do that Noah hopes that Luke will get back together with him when the whole storm is over, he is just waiting for Luke to calm down again and hopes that Luke realizes then what a great guy Noah is".

"Ronnie, don't talk like that. Noah knows that things are over between him and Luke but he cares about him, what; s wrong with that?".

"There's nothing wrong with that if two people both invest time and effort into it", Aaron said. "You know that Luke doesn't do anything for Noah, it's just convenient for him that Noah takes care of his daily routine like he did when they were together. Caring goes both ways grandma, Luke just uses Noah as a free ride".

"So your grandson is gay?", I asked.

"Do you have a problem with that Reid? Emma asked, looking at me as if I was a bigot.

"No, not at all", I said and smiled.


atwt, pg, fresh start, : !author|artist: parishs, luke, reid

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