Fresh start: chapter 2

Aug 19, 2015 12:17

Series: Fresh start
Chapter: 2
Written by: Parishs
Rating: pg
Summary: Reid is a neuro surgeon in Dallas with a burn out who tries to figure out what life is really about (Reid's POV).
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warning: English is not my native language, no beta so all mistakes are mine.

A/N: thanks guys for all the lovely comments on chapter 1! I am so glad that there are still so many Luries around here. Thanks so much for reading!

In this chapter Reid is talking to Aaron on the phone who turns out to be a great help.



To say that I liked my new life from the first I didn't. I totally missed my routine and it kind of made me feel miserable. I still felt guilty that I wasn't busy trying to save lives an the fact that I didnt have a hobby or friends made that my days seemed endlessly long and empty although I worked hard on my new house.

The first thing I needed to do there was stripping the whole place and I enjoyed demolishing walls but the physically heavy work exhausted me to no end. I wasn't used to do this and at day three I injured my back muscles so bad that I couldn't get up anymore. I crawled to the matrass I used to sleep on and tried to figure out what to do next. I didn't know anybody here in this godforsaken part of Illinois so who could I call for help? I had only saved one phone number: that of the owner of the ranch I brought my horse to. But could I call him? Would he even remember me? The farm had been so busy.

After laying there for a while I finally admitted that I needed help so I called the number. While I waited for someone to pick up the phone on the other end I tried to remember the name of the owner of the ranch. The ranch was called Walsh world but that was not the name of the guy who gave me the tour at the farm. Why didn't I save his name as well as his number?

"Aaron Snyder", I heard a man's voice say and all I knew was that that was not the man I was looking for.

"Hey", I said, "I am looking for the owner but I have forgotten his name".

"Hello mister Oliver, you want to speak to my dad Holden Snyder?", the voice said. "He is busy helping a horse right now, she is in labor but the foal won't come out. Can I help you instead?".

How did he know my name?

" am new here and I am renovating my farm but I have hurt my back and now I can't get up anymore. Do you know someone who can help me to clean up the mess? I don't know anyone around here".

"I am sorry mister Oliver", he said sincerely. "I can call around and see who is free at this moment. I know some strong guys but they are all busy at the farms right now, it's spring you know, the busiest time of year around here. I am going to make some calls and you hear from me as soon as I know something. Do you need immediate help or do you manage?".

His care warmed my heart. Although he didn't know me he wanted to help me.

"No I 'm fine", I said. "In a while I will try to walk a little and I have food and water next to me so I won't die. Thank you so much for your help".

"That's okay doctor, and shouldn't you be a bit careful with your hands? You are going to operate in Chicago, right?".

How did he know all of this? I had been talking to his dad for a while but I didn't tell him that I was a doctor.

"Yes I am but I have a month off before I start there, so I hoped that I could make a start with the renovation before I would hire a constructor. I guess I am not used to this kind of work".

"Yeah say that again, I had my share of aching muscles when I started my business and I was used to heavy work on my dad's farm so I was prepared in a way. I am a contracter by the way so I can help you if things here at the farm are a little less crazy, but I can also give you the name of some builders in the region if you need to be quick. I can't promise you that I have time in the next three weeks".

I had to let all the information sink in for a moment. Was I in a hurry? No not at all, I wanted to stay here for years so it didn't matter if my farm was ready next month. If I took a little more time that I had planned I could live here and get to know the house before I made plans. Maybe that was a better idea. I had to get rid of the impatientness in my body and mind. Life was slower here and I had to get used to that.

"Thats okay mister Snyder", I said. "I can wait, if my back is a bit better I can do little things here while I try to figure out what I want. If you have time then you can come here and we can discuss what has to be done".

The guy smirked. "Please call me Aaron, mister Snyder is my grandfather. We are not so formal here mister Oliver, you better get used to that".

"Then call me Reid please", I said.

"Okay Reid, when things are a bit more quite here I am going to ride to you farm but I dont know when that will be. If you need help call me or my dad. I'll give you my number too in case you need it".

While I saved his numer in my phone I lay down on my back, trying to cope with the pain. I felt out of place here, in this community where I didn't know the mores. Why did I think this transition was easy and fun? Without my work and my colleagues I felt a bit lost. My horse was at someone elses farm and my house was a mess. My back hurt like hell. Why was this good for me?

I was relieved when I heard a car coming up the driveway. Someone came here to rescue me. God send me an angel.

I shook my head in confusion. What had happened to me that I suddenly believed in a superpower? Where did the doctor go that ridiculed everything that had to do with religion? Who only believed in science? Unbelief until proven? This place had changed me already. Maybe praying to a superpower was the only thing here that worked. All the neuro science didn't help me here.


atwt, pg, fresh start, : !author|artist: parishs, luke, reid

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