How to get the guy

Nov 22, 2014 17:26

Title: How to get the guy
Series: Love hurts
Written by: Parishs
Rating: pg
Summary: Luke tells Reg what has happened between him and Scott (Luke's POV).
Prompt: Fun Fic Friday prompt of How to get the guy (11-21-2014)
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warning: English is not my native language, unbeta-ed.

Previous chapter

While my body was still glowing from my lovemaking with Reid I opened the door of the familiar bar. How many Fridays had we spend here? How much fun did we have?

But it was not all fun. I also felt the tension again I had felt every week when I looked inside. Every week before I went to Dolly, Noah and I had a fight. Sometimes he joined me but that was worse, he sat on a stool all night looking like he was bored.

It was better if he stayed home, but then we had a huge argument before I walked out. He accused me of having fun with friends and not with him. He said that I was lusting after Reg. And so much more bullshit. And I.. I just tried to show him how much I loved him, but my attempts always landed on soil ground.

I am so glad that I didn’t give in on Noah’s blackmail hints, that he would leave me if I wanted to spend time with my friends.

My friends…..they never said anything about Noah unless I asked them but I knew that they were worried about me. They respected my choice although they didn’t understand it. They just loved me for who I was. It almost made me cry to realize how special that was.

And now I was more than happy, Reid joined me on my weekly trip to the bar even though he didn’t drink and didn’t mind that we did. How amazing was that? He liked my friends and beat us almost every week with his fantastic bull rides. I got all hot and heavy when he sat down on the bull, every time, and he moved his lean hips on the saddle. The moves he made there, he made on me too, he rode me like a professional jockey. God I was addicted to this man, we did have sex a couple of times today but thinking of him riding me got me rock hard again.

But I came here to help out my best friend, so I had to try and get my act together. I walked to Reg and kissed his hair.

“I ordered a cappuccino for you”, he said and I smiled. He knew me so well.

“You look like shit Reg, what happened?”, I asked worried.

“You look so fucked out Luke, and it is so adorable. But about me, well I feel worse. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I heard that Scott was sick so I….I wanted to see him and I went to his house”.


“You know why”.

“yes I do, what happened there?”.

“I met his girlfriend”.


“Yes o, why do I always think with my dick, she was terrible, everything about her was fake and she started to flirt with me, she said it was a shame that I was gay or…”. He shivered.

I could hardly suppress a smirk.

He shot daggers at me. “It’s not funny Luke”, he hissed. “For the freaking first time in my life I am falling in love and he gets off on plastic boobs and bleached teeth. If I ever thought that I stood a chance, I know now that I don’t. What an empty person she was. What does he see in her? Maybe her Botox lips do a good job on him but god…”.

I grabbed his hands and caressed them. I had to tell him about the blackmail but god, it was hard, to be honest to the man I loved so much. He seemed devastated already and I had to make it worse for him.

“Reg”, I said softly. “I am so very sorry that I have to tell you this, but I had a talk with Scott yesterday. I am going to be completely honest to you about him, because he has hurt me. I want you to know what he is capable of when his back is against the wall. Or… at least that’s what I think is happening”.

“Don’t give me this shit Luke”, Reg said. “Spill, what did he do?”.

“It’s only guessing what I do Reg, you have to talk to him in person and me too, but yesterday he copied a picture of you from my laptop to his mail. The one in your Speedo. I caught him and then he went in a kind of blackmail mode, he said that Reid wouldn’t be thrilled to know that I had nude pictures of you on my laptop”.

It was too much for him, I saw the wheels turning in his head. “He wanted a picture of me….why? It feels like I am going crazy Luke, I feel sucked to him and I don’t want that, and he steals a picture of me while he had sex with his girlfriend this afternoon…what is going on here? Why is this happening to me? I was so pleased with my life, and now I am a wreck”.

He obviously didn’t get the message I tried to give him, but I wanted him to know what kind of a guy Scott could be. I squeezed his hands and looked at him.

“Reg, baby, did you hear me? He blackmailed me. I have been up all night, and in the end I decided that I had to talk to Reid about it”.

Reg looked bewildered at me. “He blackmailed you with what?”, he said softly.

“He wanted me to keep my mouth shut about him copying the picture so he threatened to tell Reid that I had nude pics of you”, I said, trying to be patient.

“Do you have pictures like that?”, he asked stunned.

I shook my head. “No of course not baby, but he knew that if he told Reid that I wouldn’t be able to prove my right. He has found Reid’s weak spot, and that’s his jealousy about our friendship. It’s so fucking mean”.

Reg lay his head on the table. For a minute I thought he was going to cry, but he just sighed.

“So now I know what I have to do, I am going to end this…whatever it was between us… and ask him to leave us the hell alone. Why do you think he did such a thing Luke? You have been nothing but good to him, you have given him so many opportunities, and now he is blowing them in a day”.

I looked at his curls. “You know why Reg”, I said softly.

When he didn’t move, I felt so sorry for him, I wanted to take him in my arms and rock him, tell him that things would get better, but I couldn’t, I knew how much love could hurt.

“I guess that he is falling for you as hard as you are falling for him Reg”, I said. “I see how he looks at you, and how he touches you all the time, I am sure that he didn’t see a way out yesterday when I caught him, but he shouldn’t have done a thing like this.

I want to be open to you and Reid, and now you have to go and talk to him. If you want to get the guy, then you have to open your heart for him. And realize that what happens to him is a thousand times more frightening than it is for you.

Maybe he is denying this his whole life, but now he has met you there’s no way back. I was hurt yesterday but Scott must be terrified to make a move like that, to ruin everything he has worked so hard for.

Give yourself a chance Reg, find out what he thinks and what he wants. Maybe it’s the same thing that you need. I can feel the hormones flying in the air when you to are together, you’ll make a fucking hot couple if you can get over yourself. But he needs a little push. And you are the one to give that to him”.

The head on the table didn’t move. I knew that he was boiling over right now, hurt and need were fighting on a life and dead level but he had to grab this chance, I knew that if he sat down with Scott they would end up together. And that was all I wanted for him.

Next chapter

love hurts, atwt, !author|artist: parishs, funficfriday, pg, luke, reid

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