How to marry a millionaire

Nov 29, 2014 08:50

Title: How to marry a millionaire
Series: Love hurts
Written by: Parishs
Rating: pg
Summary: Scott knows he has ruined his future with Reg and the guys and leaves Oakdale in a hurry (Scott's POV).
Prompt: Fun Fic Friday prompt of How to marry a millionaire (11-28-2014)
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warning: English is not my native language, unbeta-ed.

Previous chapter

It has been such a bad idea, to come to Oakdale. I felt so much at home here for a while, with my internship at the University and Luke’s friendship. We were a great couple, he and I, he introduced me to his family and invited me on his weekly night out.

And he shared his friends with me. From the moment I entered Dolly for the first time I was possessed. Since he laid his beautiful flirtatious, greenish eyes on me I am shaking on my feet. At first I was sure it was because I was new there. I drank with the guys and we rode the bull. I was surprised by their easy way of interacting, there wasn’t any competition between the friends. They just loved each other.

And that was such a difference from where I came from, the South. Guys there patted each other on the back, clumsy, always too hard, to show the rest of the world that they were not gay. Or something. I never thought about it until I came here.

Guys here were touchy, also the straight guys. When they had a few rounds of shots they hugged me and kissed me, and after a few weeks I did that myself, I became more free around the guys than I had ever been around people.

Luke was touchy too, too much for my taste. He and Reg (god, would I ever be able to think about him in a normal way?) were apping each other every hour of the day. About everything. Luke asked me once if I was jealous, because I said that Reg shouldn’t think for Luke. Even that comment didn’t open my eyes. I had been so blind. On purpose.

Because I didn’t want to see it, I didn’t want to feel how my heart raced in my chest when I was around Reg. Even when I was in bed with him, in Luke’s cabin, and I touched his cock carefully I didn’t think it was weird.

But things spiraled out of control after that, and now I was on the run. I had nowhere to go, I had blackmailed Luke. And fuck, even when I did that it didn’t feel wrong, obviously I was explaining everything I did in my head, trying to convince myself that what I did was logical.

But sitting in a bus things became clear all of a sudden. It was not normal that I was thinking about green eyes when I fucked my girlfriend. I had been cheating to everyone around me. To Melanie and the guys, to Reg. And most of all to myself. I was obsessed by Reg.

And yes, where I grew up guys like me were called queers and sissies, but somehow it wasn’t important. The fact that my parents always talked degradingly about “fags” didn’t matter.

It was in my head that it was wrong, in me, and slowly I started to understand myself. While I passed acres of land, I finally started to see a light. I had been so straight as a guy could be to prove the world that I was. I had been searching for the most beautiful, feminine girl to prove that I could be with women.

And I could, I managed, but it didn’t come anywhere near the feelings I had for Reg. The way he took my breath away every time I saw him was confusing and terrifying, but it was so much more than any woman had ever evoked in me. Maybe I was bi, I didn’t got horny when I looked at Reid or Luke. Maybe I just fell in love with a person. And that was a man.

I looked outside through the dirty window and saw farms and cows, horses. I had no idea where I was going, I jumped on the first bus that arrived in Oakdale. Somehow it wasn’t scary that I was leaving everything behind, there was so much I had to figure out. I had enough money on the bank to live somewhere for a while. They would trace me, I knew that, and that was okay, when they found me I would talk to them, I would have a clue then, about who I was and what I wanted.

It was so wonderful to feel so free. Obviously I had been stressed out for months, in my silly attempt to prove myself that I was straight. And now, in this bus, my muscles relaxed and it felt like I could breathe again. Why did I play hide and seek with myself for so long? I had been around gay guys for so long, why didn’t I get a clue before?

And why did I push away this overwhelming, wonderful feeling? Thinking about Reg I enjoyed the sensations he evoked in me, the thrill that took over when I thought about my hand laying on his chest. The stolen moments we looked at each other. I wanted to be with him, but I could understand it if he didn’t want to see me anymore after what I had done. The realization that I could be so much in love with someone that he made me shiver could be enough maybe, in the end. He…

I got my phone out of my pocket and looked at the picture I had stolen from Luke’s computer. Reg in his Speedo’s. O man, this image drove me crazy with want, and created so many fantasies in my head. It felt so wonderful that it didn’t matter what his size was, or what figures his bank account showed.

The idea of wanting the perfect partner was gone, I didn’t need a guide to tell me how to marry a millionaire. The girl I had been with was perfect in every way possible, but now I knew Reg, it meant nothing. I had to text her, soon, she would miss me, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was free and nothing else mattered somehow.

At the bus stop a guy entered the bus. He looked like Reg but it couldn’t be him, he didn’t know where he was, so I closed my eyes and dreamed on, until I heard a guy whistle. I looked up and saw that it was Reg who was gesturing at me, with one fast move of his head he ordered me to leave the bus. I was frozen for a moment, until I looked in his eyes. They were spitting fire.

Holy fuck, I had messed up, he somehow had me in his grip and he forced me to listen to him. Slowly I stood up and walked to the door , followed by Reg who pushed me outside with his chest. He waited until the bus had left and then he only said one thing:


It sounded like a gunshot and I didn’t want to turn around but he left me no choice, so I slowly started to move. When I could see his face I opened my mouth to speak to him but he was fast, so fast that I couldn’t duck away. He hit me on my right cheek with his hard fist. I didn’t feel the pain right away, just that my knees started to buckle. And then I blacked out.

Next chapter

love hurts, atwt, !author|artist: parishs, funficfriday, luke, reid, rating: pg-13

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