
Nov 15, 2014 22:49

Title: Italian
Series: Love hurts
Written by: Parishs
Rating: pg13
Summary: Reg's life is not what is has been (Reg's POV).
Prompt: Fun Fic Friday prompt of Italian (11-14-2014)
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warning: English is not my native language, unbeta-ed.

Previous chapter

When she opened the door the only thing I could do was smirk. The girl standing in the doorway looked like Katy Perry.

‘Hey”, I said and put my hands in my pockets of my jacket. “Is Scott home?”.

She looked at me as if I was a homeless guy asking her for money. “Who’s asking?”, she said and squeezed her eyes as to calculate if I was a risk.

Was this his girlfriend? This Barbie with manicured hands and fake eyebrows? Our Scott? The guy I was falling for?

“I’m Reg”, I said and smiled at her. “I heard that Scott was sick so I wanted to know how he is doing”.

She looked at me from head to toe and opened the door for me. “So you are Reg” she said and pointed at a couch. I felt trapped like a fly in a spider’s web.

“No Scott wasn’t sick, but Luke called him that he could stay at home and work from here on his project. It was a wonderful day, we finally had time to talk and I could spoil him with a good lunch and know…some quality time”.

I saw the spark in her eyes while she pushed her big plastic boobs forward. What was Scott doing here with her? Why was he impressed by all this fakeness? Could I leave already or was that indecent?

She sat down across from me but a little too close, almost in my space.

“You are really handsome Reg”, she said and she showed me her bleached teeth. “It’s a shame that you are gay”. I felt more awkward by the second.

“And what if I wasn’t,?”, I asked. “Would you make a move on me?”.

She hesitated a moment too long. “No of course not”, she said, “I am with Scott, I would never hurt him. But there are so many gorgeous men here in Oakdale. Are you working out in the gym? You have such strong arms”.

It got weirder and weirder. I came here to talk to my crush and now his girlfriend was flirting with me. Maybe if I told her what I wanted to do to Scott it would silence her and wipe that phony smile off her face. It confused me that obviously this was Scott’s taste.

“Yes I am doing my exercises”, I said and stood up, ready to leave. I felt her eyes burning holes in my back. What did she want from me?

“Say hi to Scott from me”, I murmured and opened the front door.

“You can do that yourself Reg because he is going to come to Dolly tonight, it’s Friday! I don’t know why he wants to spend time with you guys instead of me but okay, I have accepted that, as long as we live here I know he wants to go and drink beer with you. I am glad his internship is ending in a few months and we can go back to Texas”.

A wave of panic washed over me. Scott was leaving. He was living with this doll. I was in love with him. Or…

Why did I ever think I stood a chance? I was a guy, a normal guy, normal size, normal hair, not as…fake as this woman. Why did he look at me sometimes as if he wanted me? I had to ask Luke what he thought about Scott. While I closed the door behind me I called my man.

Or…he wasn’t mine anymore. Not after Reid had walked into our lives. Luke spend time with him, and I got that, that he was happy and was absorbed by this guy, but I felt a little ….yeah what? Lonely.

I knew that Luke didn’t tell me everything like he had done, because Reid didn’t like that. I totally got it, Luke and I had grown into a pattern in which we were like lovers, but we didn’t make love. And now he had a guy who adored him. And I…

God, I was acting like a spoiled brat. Of course I wanted him to be happy but I missed what we had, that intimate contact about every little detail of our lives. He probably had that now with Reid, although I didn’t think they texted as much as we did.

Yes I missed Luke, but more than that I seemed to miss the one thing that I swore I would never like: a guy for myself. And not just a guy, I had to fall for a straight guy. With bad taste.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and apped Luke:

Where are you, need to talk

Why didn’t it surprise me that he didn’t answer right away? I guess he was in bed with his man. When they were together they could hardly keep their hands to themselves. And I loved it, that Luke had it this bad.

I swallowed. Self pity was never my thing, and now I was bathing in it. I walked through Old town when my phone rang.

“Hey Luke”

“Hey Reg (he never called me baby anymore I noticed, not when Reid was with him), where are you? Can you come to Reid’s apartment? We have to discuss something with you”

“I can’t Luke, I am busy”

“with what?

Feeling sorry for myself, but I couldn’t tell him that. “I have a very responsible job you know”, I said a little too pissed. “I am not an Italian barista making lattes, I am doing million dollar transactions you know”

“Hey baby, what’s wrong, I know what you do for a living, what’s making you so upset?”

His voice, his concern, I needed it, I needed my BFF to take care of me if his boyfriend liked it or not, so I sighed.

“Sorry gorgeous, it’s nothing, I am there in 30 minutes. What can I expect, are Reid and you going to grill me? Are you finally going to tell me why you didn’t finish your sentence this morning?”

“Yes, I am, but it’s not going to be nice”

“Yes I figured that Luke, and it’s about Scott?”

“Reg, come here and we can talk about it. If it feels uncomfortable to you that Reid is going to be there we can talk together, I can come to your office if you like”

“I am not at the office Luke”

“Where are you Reg? This doesn’t make sense”

“I am utterly confused Luke, I am walking in Old town and I don’t know what to do or think”

“I am on my way baby, meet me at Dolly in 15 minutes, we are going to have a talk”

“No you fucker, I am not going to spoil your quality time, we’ll see each other there tonight”

“Quality time? Where did you pick up that term? Did you watch a soap? Or dr. Phil?”

“No, someone mentioned it today, and it made me puke”

“Hey, are you okay? You sound very…I don’t know, not yourself. I am dressing right now and I am on my way. We are going to drink a beer and figure out the world together”

“I feel bad about it, Reid will hate me”

“Haha no he won’t, and what kind of a friend would I be if am not there when you need me? You have been my support system for years, you listened to all my shit, now you are going to be the one who spills. Let me kiss my boyfriend and I am on my way”

“I’ll see you there baby, don’t hurry, just finish what you started”

“see you in 10”

“Love you Luke”

“I know baby”

Flabbergasted I ended the conversation and put the phone in my pocket. What kind of answer was that? “I know”? He didn’t want to say I love you with Reid around, I got that, but….

I shook my head and looked into the windows of the shops I passed without seeing anything. This feeling of not belonging, or even understanding the world around me was a little terrifying, but I was sure that Luke would help me to put the pieces in the right place again. And I could tell him about my visit to Scotts house. Why did I go there in the first place? What did I want to find there?

Next chapter

love hurts, atwt, !author|artist: parishs, funficfriday, reid, rating: pg-13, fan fiction, luke

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