Beeper (part A)

Sep 06, 2014 10:49

Title: Beeper (part A)
Series: Love hurts
Written by: Parishs
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Luke tries to understand why Reid started drinking again (Luke's POV).
Prompt: Fun Fic Friday prompt of Beeper (09-5-2014)
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warning: English is not my native language, unbeta-ed.

Previous chapter

“He is going to be okay Luke”.

“yes I know, but I…..I can’t wrap my brain around it. Why did he do it, after we have been so close in Dallas? Maybe it didn’t mean anything to him”.

We looked at the form in my bed. The form I loved. The man who we fished out of a bar, drunk. He didn’t want to come with us, he struggled like only a wasted man can, and it took us a while to get the limp body in my car. He puked on Scott’s lap.

We carried him inside my cabin and undressed him. I washed his body with soap and warm water. I tried to ignore the whistle that came out of Reg’s mouth when he saw Reid naked. Now was not the time to drool all over him.

I heard Reg swallow when Scott came out of the shower, dressed in my underwear. I looked at my friend and saw that his cheeks colored red.

If this had been a soap, I would have laughed because of the stupidity of it all, but it was real life. There was nothing funny about it. It was a disaster.

When Reid didn’t show up at Dolly I got worried, and when he didn’t answer his phone I knew something was wrong. I send out an APB on my what’s app and soon I got the message from Don that he was in Dixon, in Don’s shabby bar. How the hell did he end up there? Don promised me that he would get Reid’s car keys and pour him alcohol free beer till we got there.

Like a mad man I drove through the dark night, till Reg summoned me to stop. He ordered me to step out and he sat down on the driver seat.
“I understand that you are in a hurry Luke, but I am going to throw up if you keep driving like that. Relax. We know where he is and he is going nowhere. Take a breather for god’s sake”.

I sat down in the passenger seat and closed my eyes. “It’s not that Reg and you know it. He has been drinking again, he is risking it all, his job, our relationship, his health. His entire life”.

Reg caressed my cheek. “I know honey, but he didn’t do that without a reason. He must have been devastated. He is an alcoholic, it’s an everyday battle he fights against the urge to drink. Something must have triggered him to give up the fight. Be patient with him, take care of him and don’t put him through the wringer. Pressure will only make things worse. So love him and give him time, he will explain when he is ready”.

I would have knocked him on the head if he hadn’t been driving. I hated him, the voice of reason, the man who thought he knew everything. The fact that he was right most of the time was annoying as hell.

“Easy for you to say”, I said pissed, and I knew how harsh my words sounded, and how shitty my behavior was. I didn’t want to act like a drama queen but my worries and disappointment blurred my vision.

“Maybe you should be a little nicer to Reg”, I heard a soft voice coming from the back seat.

God, why didn’t he shut up? As if I didn’t know it myself. As if I wanted to hurt Reg. Reg and I….we had survived so many storms. I accepted everything from him and vise versa. For an outsider like Scott our interaction may have been weird, but we knew that whatever the other man was saying was good. He knew that I was worried sick, he knew how much I loved Reid. He knew me.

That realization grounded me a little. “You are right Scott, sorry Reg”, I said.

Reg rolled his eyes. “Don’t say that baby, we are going to bring your man home and then you can start exercising your patience. He is going to need that. It’s going to be hard for you, but you have to calm down. You can’t control him, you have to have faith in him and his feelings for you”.

“Why are you always sweet-talking to him?”, Scott asked. “Nothing Luke does is wrong in your eyes Reg. You are thinking for him, you do anything for him, what’s the deal between you two? Why aren’t you together?”.

We both smiled. “We are like brothers”, Reg said and caressed my hair.

Scott smirked. “I don’t have sex with my brother”, he said. “You two act like lovers. I can see how that messes up Reid. But what do I know about gay relationships, right?”.

Reg made me promise not to assume, not to think for Reid, he needed to explain his breaking point himself, but maybe Scott had been right. Reg was part of every little detail of my life, did that make Reid doubt? I swallowed. What if he was going to ask me to take a step back from Reg? Could I do that? Let go of my best friend?

“Don’t get back to that dark place Luke”, I heard Reg say while he circled his strong arms around me. He lay his head in my neck and together we looked at Reid. He was right, he read the signs, he saw how hard this was for me.

I shook my head. “I am trying Reg”, I whispered. “I realize that he loves me and doesn’t want to hurt me. I know that fighting for this relationship is completely different than what I did with Noah. Maybe it was too soon, what we did. But my feelings for him haven’t changed”.

The beeper on the microwave indicated that our chocolate milk was ready. We sat down on the couch and drank the hot drink that Scott had made. No one said a word.

I noticed how Reg tried to avoid looking at the half naked man next to him. He really had a thing for my intern, and this time it wasn’t because he had a dick, but because had feelings for him. Poor Reg. Fishing in the wrong pond. Was he ready to settle? I hoped he would find a guy who could appreciate him and love him.

Now we sat down, I felt how extremely exhausted I was, I could barely keep my eyes open, so I stood up.

“Guys, thank you so much for helping me. I have to go to bed, what do you want? You can borrow my car and drive back to Dolly, or you can sleep here, I can change the couch into a bed”.

Reg looked at me if I was insane. “You mean we have to sleep together?’, he asked softly.

I locked eyes with him to see what he wanted. “Or you drive home. What do you want Scott?”.

Scott yawned. “I am going to sleep here Reg”, he said and stretched his arms in the air. “I am so freaking tired that I don’t want to dress and drive, I am going to help Luke make the bed and then I am going to sleep”.

Reg closed his eyes and I felt sorry for him, but didn’t have the strength to bring him home. “You can have my bed Reg”, I said softly in his ear while we went to the closet to get sheets and pillows. “I don’t mind sleeping on the couch with Scott, you can take my bed. It’s clean”.

He looked at me and sighed. “No Luke, you need to lay next to your man, I am going to dream about the man laying close to me but so out of reach. We are both dickheads, you and me. We will be happy, one day soon, and then we are going to laugh about this night, I am sure about that”.

I kissed his cheek. “Let’s hope so”, I said and walked to my bed. “Good night guys”, I whispered and rolled over to the man I thought I knew, but who smelled so differently right now. Life sucked, but for now I was happy to have him in my arms again.

Beeper part B

love hurts, atwt, !author|artist: parishs, funficfriday, luke, reid, rating: pg-13

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