Nothing but trouble chapter 14

Jan 05, 2014 13:50

Title: Nothing but trouble
Chapter: 14
Written by: Parishs
Rating: nc-17
Summary: Luke gets a reality check at work (Luke's POV). Links to the previous chapters below!
Prompt: Fic(let)-a-thon february 2014. No beta, sorry.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Previous chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

I was surprised that I could produce so much sperm after the night we had. While he talked my cock grew harder and when I grabbed it, I could only moan. I heard his breathing deepen and knew he was thinking about me too.

What was it between us, that we were so horny? He had told me he had been hurt. I was too. Was it just a physical thing we had? Did I want a commitment with him? Or would it be better if we kept it physical?

In the relationships I had before I always knew what I wanted. I wanted to belong, I wanted safety and honesty.

But it brought up the worst in me, I lost myself trying to keep it together. I was a doormat. The two guys I had been with asked me to be myself, but somehow I couldn’t, I wanted to do what they needed so they would stay.

I don’t know why I see it so clearly all of a sudden. Or maybe I do. When I told Reid to use me, I was so horny that I didn’t realize what I said, but looking back, it was the opposite of what I wanted. I didn’t want him to use me.

Fuck, I was a mess. I had to take a shower and dress myself before I walked to the shiny studio to talk business with Jeremy. But thinking about last night made that I closed my eyes. I had never done this before, have phone sex with a guy. Or ask him home and let him have his way with me. Would he think I was easy?

Why was I doubting so much? Reid and I had a chemistry that was scary, but in a good way. Now all I had to do was being honest about what I wanted. I had to stand by it too, I didn’t want to give in this time to save what we had, that strategy didn’t work in the past. I had to tell him what I wanted and expected and if he was my guy, he would listen to me.

If I could do that, tell him what I needed, I could let him to “use” me, I had seen how much it turned him on to have some kind of control over me, and to be honest it aroused me so much that only thinking about it made my cock stir again.

I shook my head and searched in my messy bedroom for some clean clothes. Maybe it was useless to think so much, maybe I needed to do what my heart said. Our bodies knew what they wanted, they heated up when they were close.

That would be something when we were going to work together, we would have to figure out a way to play boyfriends without walking around with an erection all the time. It would be the toughest job in my entire life, to play passion while I also felt it.


Jeremy was nice to me when I entered his office. “So, can I keep my pants on?”, he joked.

I felt my cheeks burn while I studied the carpet. “Yeah, sorry about that, I thought it was Reid who called me. We kinda…”.

“You kinda made each other very happy last night, yes I got that”, Jeremy said smiling. “And that’s cute and disastrous at the same time. Can you play his boyfriend to be now you are so much in love with our star actor?”, he asked.

Love? Who said anything about love? It had been lust, our phone sex and now, our real thing. But to say it out loud would be so awkward and cheap. Maybe he thought I had chosen Reid because he was famous, that I was star struck. I could tell him that I didn’t know Reid was an actor, but in a way it was none of his business.

“Yes I can”, I said firmly, and for a second I believed my own words. I had to have this job, I wouldn’t admit anything that would affect my career in a negative way. “I am a professional Jeremy, I can separate my work from my personal life. When can I start? I am looking forward to be here and learn the ropes. Is there someone who can show me around? It’s so huge”.

I didn’t stop babbling because I wanted to grab control of the situation, I wanted this formal nonsense to be over so I could go to work. I didn’t want to talk about personal stuff with him, especially stuff that totally confused me.

He invited me in his office, also Tony’s but fortunately Tony was not around. We sat down and he gave me a contract.

“Can I read it at home?’, I asked.”I want to read the whole thing before I sign, when do you want it back?”.

“Take your time Luke, and bring it with you when you start working. I need your word that you are going to be here on Monday, I can’t afford a day without you so you have to promise me that you will be here on time. Maybe Reid can show you the ropes, since you know each other inside and out”.

I looked at him and smiled at him. “It’s weird”, I said softly. “I didn’t know him before I had dinner with him, I didn’t know he was a famous actor when we made an appointment. But he is great”.

Jeremy looked at me and shook his head. “Do you have any idea how famous he is?”, he asked. “Do you have a clue what you are getting yourself into when you start something with him? Do you have any idea how many mails he gets every day, marriage proposals from men and women?

I want you to be careful with what you do. He isn’t out, people are guessing which team he is playing and he is not clear about it. He says it’s no one business but his own, and I agree. So when you are going to play his boyfriend I want you to realize what that means to you. I don’t want you to brag about your connection with him. You have to be silent about it, are you prepared to do that? Stay in the closet for him?”.

next chapter here

fic(let)-a-thon 2014, nothing but trouble, : !author|artist: parishs, luke, reid, rating: pg-13

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