Nothing but trouble chapter 13

Jan 05, 2014 13:42

Title: Nothing but trouble
Chapter: 13
Written by: Parishs
Rating: nc-17
Summary: It's hard to go to work after a good night (Reid's POV). Links to the previous chapters below!
Prompt: Fic(let)-a-thon february 2014. No beta, sorry.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Previous chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

He is really something else, this Luke. When we kissed in his favorite restaurant, something happened inside my body. My brain stopped working and my heartbeat decreased. His lips against mine felt so wonderful that I didn’t want to let go, but we had to, we were in a restaurant, so we sat down and talked and ordered a pizza.

My hand searched his and with our fingers intertwined we looked at each other. He was different that how I pictured him, but his longish hair made him angelic and manly at the same time.

After our first night together I walked to the studio where I was supposed to do my job. How on earth could I do that, after everything I had felt last night? After everything he put me through? His devotion and surrender to me were almost too much, the lust we seemed to evoke in each other terrifying. But in a good way, I had to repeat to myself.

But it also scared me, that a person could affect me so much. How could we work together if the directors wanted him? The whole country would be able to see what we had, we would be the talk of the town. The nation. Did I want that? My personal life spread all over the internet?

But there was no way back. After I had heard his voice during the audition I knew that we belonged together, and although I tried to prevent that, it was hopeless. It would be a rollercoaster, but breaking up with him was an alternative that seemed hilarious.

I could not tell him that we didn’t belong together, just because I was scared. Scared that he would go away, like the last few boyfriends had done. Love had chosen me this time, and all I could do was give in.

When I walked into the studio I saw Jeremy. “Hey”, I greeted him.

He looked at me and smiled. “Tough night?”, he said.

I nodded.

“Take your time when you are in make-up”, he said. “Maybe they need to use some extra foundation to make the circles around your eyes disappear”.

I laughed but held his arm. “Did you decide yet who’s going to play my boyfriend?”, I asked.

Jeremy nodded. “Yes, we want that Luke guy, Tony called him but he didn’t pick up”.

I felt my stomach tighten. “Can you please call him?”, I asked. “I think he did a great job, we really had some chemistry, whatever that is. When I looked back at the film, we definitely had a click. Here, call Luke now, I have his number”.

Jeremy took my phone and waited till Luke picked up. “Why do you have his number?”, he asked softly.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

Then I saw Jeremy’s eyes light up. “Hey”, he said. I heard Luke’s voice talk and when I saw the grin on Jeremy’s face brighten, I realized that Luke must have thought that it was me on the phone. Fuck. I tried to grab the phone out of his hands, but Jeremy pushed me away with his arm and listened.

“Luke”, I yelled, hoping he would hear me. “It’s Jeremy on the phone, don’t say another word”.

“Hey”, Jeremy said again and introduced himself properly. “So you are the guy that has worn out my star actor, he looks like shit. And thanks for the invitation, but if you don’t mind, I want to keep this professional.

I wanted to tell you that we have chosen you for playing Edward Smith. Can you please come to my office today so we can work out the details? Can you start here next week? We are going to shoot the scenes with your introduction soon”.

God, I couldn’t stop laughing, taking the pone from a smirking Jeremy. “Hey “, I said, “it’s me Luke, how are you? What did you say to him?”.

“Do you think this is funny”, he asked a little pissed. “I thought it was you Reid. Are you going to be in trouble? Or me? I told him how much I liked to suck his dick. He wants me to come to his office today, how on earth can I show up there after everything I have said?”.

I pictured him in his bed and moaned. “So you liked know…”, I said, feeling my cock harden. It hadn’t been enough obviously, what we had done last night. He still could get me weak in a second.

I heard him sigh. “Don’t change the subject Reid”, he said. “I am going to come to your studio, but Jeremy isn’t going to take me serious anymore. And Tony…well you know what he wants to do to me, so what am I getting myself into? Huh? This must be the worst start of a career.

But on the other hand, it’s bearable when I think about last night. Yes I loved to suck you, you have such an unique flavor. And a wonderful dick. Shit, talking about it makes me hard again, what about you? Can you handle standing there while I talk like this?”.

No of course I couldn’t, but I couldn’t stop either, he got me so worked up that I had to walk to my dressing room and lock myself up in the toilet.

“Tell me what you are doing”, I said softly while I pushed down my pants. I heard his moan and pictured him naked, playing with himself, stretching his neck like only he could do so sexily. When he didn’t answer, I knew he was close.

“I got so horny when you said “use me” last night Luke. I want to use you, lay you down on your bed and look at you, trying to decide what I want to do first. You make me so fucking impatient. I want it all with you, your kiss and cum, your cock tickling me deep inside and your ass stretched open for me. God, fuck, I am so close again, you?”.

I heard the moan through the phone that I had heard before, every time he came last night, and knew the effect it had on me. I felt the orgasm rise from my toes up.

next chapter here

rating: nc-17, february fic(let)-a-thon, nothing but trouble, : !author|artist: parishs, luke, reid

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