Title: Felix Culpa (Part 1 of 5)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Dean, Castiel, Ruby, Uriel, Bela
Disclaimer: Still not mine, sadly.
Wordcount: Approx 50k for the fic as a whole.
Betas: Much love and thanks to my beloved
zooey_glass04 for beta-reading, and to the lovely
gestaltrose for Ameripicking. <333
Notes: Written during Nano 2008. Set post-4.07 (It's The Great
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Comments 17
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Um speaking of being completely posted, would you by any chance be sharing a single file version of your story when it's posted?
And of course, I'd be happy to put together a single file once it's all posted. :D Remind me if I forget! Oh, and possibly I should also mention that I'm also posting here at the Archive of Our Own, which currently displays all chapters of a fic on a single page by default. The archive's still a little rough around the edges (we're working on it!) but I figured I'd mention it anyway in case it's easier for you in general. :D
Thanks so much for pointing this out. :) I really should make an account there myself and start testing out the features. I think there is a way to friend favorite authors??? or tag stuff?
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The dynamic between the brothers is very well done. I like the subtlety of it, how it creates emotional texture without overwhelming the supernatural mystery narrative. A delicate balance nicely maintained. I'm really looking forward to seeing how both aspects play out.
Thanks again!
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