Title: Felix Culpa (Part 1 of 5)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Dean, Castiel, Ruby, Uriel, Bela
Disclaimer: Still not mine, sadly.
Wordcount: Approx 50k for the fic as a whole.
Betas: Much love and thanks to my beloved
zooey_glass04 for beta-reading, and to the lovely
gestaltrose for Ameripicking. <333
Notes: Written during Nano 2008. Set post-4.07 (It's The Great
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Comments 17
Thanks again!
I love the relationship between the boys here: the awkwardness, the lack of trust, the guilt, all with the underlying love that's never gone away but can't be acknowledged right now. All this plus a case - oh, and Castiel! Coming to say goodbye, possibly. *sniffles*
This is fantastically rich and deep, and I simply cannot wait for the next part. *taps foot impatiently*
Thanks again. :D
(that was initial reaction to Bela's entrance)
Man, that one hit me like a sledge hammer... you FIEND you managed to ingeniusly distract us with all that resurrection town and angel pep talk mojo, that I completely overlooked the obvious. I mean.. DAMN...
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