Title: Felix Culpa (Part 1 of 5)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Dean, Castiel, Ruby, Uriel, Bela
Disclaimer: Still not mine, sadly.
Wordcount: Approx 50k for the fic as a whole.
Betas: Much love and thanks to my beloved
zooey_glass04 for beta-reading, and to the lovely
gestaltrose for Ameripicking. <333
Notes: Written during Nano 2008. Set post-4.07 (It's The Great
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Um speaking of being completely posted, would you by any chance be sharing a single file version of your story when it's posted?
And of course, I'd be happy to put together a single file once it's all posted. :D Remind me if I forget! Oh, and possibly I should also mention that I'm also posting here at the Archive of Our Own, which currently displays all chapters of a fic on a single page by default. The archive's still a little rough around the edges (we're working on it!) but I figured I'd mention it anyway in case it's easier for you in general. :D
Thanks so much for pointing this out. :) I really should make an account there myself and start testing out the features. I think there is a way to friend favorite authors??? or tag stuff?
I'm also very excited about the features this archive will have so I'm willing to be patient because really it's worth the time to get it right the first time.
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