[DCU] In a World Without You, Part 2

Apr 14, 2011 08:42

Title: In a World Without You (2/5)
Fandom: DC Universe  
Characters/Pairings: Tim/Kon
Rating: R
Spoilers: None, unless you have no idea what happens in Infinite Crisis.      
Warnings: Dark themes, lots of angst, mentions of character death, language, psychological/emotional unbalances and mature sexual content.
Word Count: 1906 (for this part)
Summary: After Kon's death, Tim copes in the only way he knows how: ... he doesn't.
Notes: Thank you to everyone who commented yesterday~ I appreciate all the encouragements :)  Now hang on, because the real angst is just getting started~ Enjoy!
Previous chapters: Part 1


He was someplace warm, his cheek against something soft and comfortable; the air and smell around him homey and familiar. The covers were drawn to his waist, and from between shut lashes, he could see the first signs of sunlight seeping through the curtains, where a cool breeze was blowing in from the open window.

For a moment, Tim didn’t know where he was. Half-between wakefulness and sleep, he couldn’t bring himself to make sure. But he felt like he knew this place, like he’d been here many times before. It felt like home.

Then a strong arm snaked its way around him, tugging him close until he was against something solid, something warm and safe. A light kiss was pressed against his neck, lingering there for a moment, and then another and another, each one rousing Tim more into consciousness.

“Mmmm… five more minutes,” Tim said sleepily, too comfortable to move. He shifted closer to the warmth next to him; felt the irrepressible feeling of happiness when the person behind him pulled him tighter against them.

There was a smile against his hair. “Tim…” said a voice in his ear. “It’s time to wake up, Tim…”


Tim’s eyes flew open.

“Kon?” he mumbled, still half-asleep and disoriented. He quickly turned beside him, his arm reaching out for that familiar warmth, only to find nothing but empty space.

More awake now, Tim realized where he was.

He was lying on the floor of the laboratory. The comfortable softness and warmth of the bedroom was gone and replaced by damp, cold and stoned floors. Everything was at it should. It was dark save for the glow of the test tubes surrounding him; the morning light was absent, the arms which had once once wrapped him in a cocoon of safety and love had disappeared, and Tim was alone.

He was alone.

He felt his chest ache at the remembrance.

The main computer was still on, and from where he was he can see the words 1000th Cloning Attempt: Fail still blinking back at him on the screen.

Tim felt the ache in his chest expand tenfold. He gritted his teeth and quickly got up off the floor. He felt a little wobbly and discombobulated at first, but found his balance soon enough. He looked back at the screen again, at the words on the monitor and for the first time, was at a loss on what to do next.

“Computer,” he started, and then hesitated.

He… couldn’t bring himself to start again after all. But he couldn’t bring himself not to… do anything either.

“Tim…” he heard Kon’s voice in his head; heard it loud and clear, as clear as the memory of his lips against his ear and the feel of his arms wrapped around him, and then… gone. Gone again. Faded with merely an echo to haunt him in his wake.

“Computer,” he sighed, suddenly feeling more tired than ever, “revert to standby mode.”

The simulation instantly processed this request, and Tim, unable to do anything else, walked out the door.


You have 1 new message:

“Tim, I’m serious. It’s been over two weeks since my last call and I still haven’t heard from you! What the heck is going on? Will you pleeease call me back? You’re starting to scare the crap out of me.”


What was he supposed to now? Tim thought as he wandered back to his apartment, where he stumbled blindly into his bedroom.

The room was still empty, save for a few bags on the floor which still held his clothes. The bed at the far corner was untouched, the sheets still drawn from the lack of use. At the bedside table was the only distinguishable item that’d been successfully unpacked.

It was the picture of him and Kon, from a couple years back. They were standing side-by-side; Kon had his arm over his shoulders and was grinning broadly at the camera. Tim was smiling too, but behind the mask, he knew his eyes had been locked on Kon’s face the whole time.

It felt like a life time ago. Tim longed to be there again, with Kon by his side and his arms wrapped around him, shielding him and keeping close; murmuring sweet nothings in his ear and promises of impure delights later.

“What am I supposed to, Kon?” he asked, staring at Kon’s face; his eyes glued to that wide smile.

He felt Kon sit down next to him. “Let me go, Tim…”

Tim didn’t answer. He didn’t have an answer.

Not for something he wasn’t sure he knew how to do.

He kept his eyes trained on that old photograph until he was too tired to stay awake.



Tim opened his eyes. His vision was hazy at first, but as it cleared, he realized he was lying in a field of grass. The place felt… recognizable, like he’d been here many times before only he couldn’t place why that was exactly. Ahead of him were rows upon rows of corn crops that stretched on for miles, as far as the eye could see. And beyond was the sun, high above a cloudless sky, and the summer breeze felt cool to his skin. It felt… peaceful. Like… he belonged here somehow.

“Oh, you’re finally awake,” said a familiar voice, calling Tim to attention.

Tim followed the sound of the voice and met a pair of deep, blue eyes looking down at him. He blinked. “Kon?” he said.

Kon grinned. “The one and only,” he said. “Man… you were out like a light.” He chuckled but gave Tim a leer-a look that sent pleasant heat at the base of his stomach. “Not that I completely mind you using me as a pillow… I figured you could make it up to me later.”

It was only at this second that Tim realized he’d fallen asleep on Kon’s lap. He felt his face heat up instantly and he quickly moved to sit up and get out of the way, but Kon’s hands-sure and steady-were on him, keeping him where he was.

“Dude, relax,” he said, smoothing his palm over Tim’s chest, where Tim could now feel the warmth of his touch spreading through him like wildfire. It was a touch that Tim relax again.

But something was eating away at him. Something … that wasn’t quite right.

He frowned, staring up at Kon. “How did I even get here?” he asked.

Kon raised a brow. “You don’t remember how you got here?” he said in disbelief.

Tim shook his head. “No… I don’t…” he said slowly, glancing towards the sky. “I remember being… somewhere… someplace else… Somewhere sad…” He gripped at Kon’s hand and cradled it tightly to him as pieces started to slowly make their way back to him. “I… I was alone, and you… you were gone. You were-”

“That’s because I am gone, Tim,” said Kon, suddenly standing up and started walking towards the field.

“What?” said Tim, faintly.

“I’m not here, Tim,” said Kon, staring ahead. “I was never here. I left you, remember?”

“W-what are you saying, Kon? Kon?” said Tim. Panic and dread began to well up in his chest when Kon didn’t answer him. He scrambled to sit up. “Kon, where are you going? Kon? Kon!”

But Kon didn’t say anything and kept on walking.

Tim quickly got to his feet and started sprinting towards Kon, who only seemed to be getting farther and farther away.

“Kon, wait!” he shouted, but Kon was already a mere spec in the distance, barely within view anymore. “Kon, don’t leave me-not again! Please!”


“Kon!” Tim screamed, shooting awake.

He was breathing heavily, his face dripping in sweat, and he shaking violently from head to toe despite the blankets. His arm were out, in mid-stretch, as if trying to grab at something. Or someone.

Tim swallowed and slowly brought his arm back down. In his other hand was the picture frame, which he’d fallen asleep holding. However, there was crack on the glass from having held it too tightly. He placed it back on the nightstand, suddenly feeling nauseous at the sight of it.

“I’m not here, Tim… I left you remember?”

Tim fell back against the pillows, staring blankly at the ceiling.

“That’s right…” he said quietly. “You did…”


“Dude, is this seriously all the aftershave you have?”

Tim rolled his eyes. “Maybe if you started using your own, I wouldn’t keep running out,” he retorted, hefting the towel a bit higher on his waist. He wiped the fog that accumulated on the bathroom mirror while he’d been showering.

“Geez… someone’s a bit touchy,” said Kon, coming up behind him. Tim felt his hands settle at his hips, tugging him against hard, naked flesh. “You need to relax, man…” he said huskily, his mouth moving over Tim’s neck and shoulders, sending goosebumps everywhere.

“Kon,” he half-protested, half-moaned. “I just showered.”

“That’s the great thing about showers,” said Kon, slowly undoing the towel at his waist and dropping it to the floor by their feet, “you can always have them again.”

Tim felt himself giving in before he even knew he was doing it. He whirled around, threw his arms around Kon’s neck and yanked him in for a fierce kiss. Kon responded immediately, hoisting him off the floor and onto the bathroom counter, his hands at Tim’s legs and rear, urging him closer.

The mirror steamed again almost instantly as they got lost in each other.


“Fuck,” Tim muttered as he stared down at himself. He was hard.

He pressed a hand over himself, trying to relieve the tension somehow, but all that did was make him even hornier.

“Tim… god, Tim, you’re so-”

“Fuck,” he swore again, shutting his eyes to clear memories of dark corners and rooms, the feel of a hot mouth against his neck and the desperate, frantic jerk of hips that lasted throughout the night.

Tim slipped his hand into his pants and bit down on his tongue, hard, to keep himself from calling out Kon’s name as he came.


“Hey,” said a voice.

Tim looked up from his drink. Standing next to him was a man, who was in in his late teens, early twenties maybe. He looked young despite his size (he was broad on the shoulders with a built chest and arms), with his short, dark hair, tanned face and dark blue eyes that Tim knew had been watching him since the moment he showed up at this joint.

But if Tim was being completely honest with himself he’d say he’d been watching the man too, just as closely.

“Hey,” Tim replied, and liked how the man’s eyes swirled dark beneath the dim lights of the bar.

The man leaned towards him, and Tim could smell the strong scent of night air, of soap and something else. Normally, Tim didn’t appreciate people invading his personal space so abruptly, especially people he hardly knew, but Tim stayed where he was as the man came to whisper something in his ear.

“Wanna get out of here?” he asked.

Tim knew he shouldn’t. Knew he should decline the offer and stay where he was, but from this angle, from this light, the man looked exactly like…


“Alright,” said Tim and followed the man out back.

Part 3

fandom: dc universe, character: conner kent, character: tim drake, pairing: tim/kon

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