Title: The Academy Is...
paranoiascreamsChapters: 4/?
Genre: AU, crack, funny, high school life.
Pairing: Shou x Hiroto, Tora x Saga, Kai x Uruha, Aoi x Reita, Kazuki x Manabu, Jin x Yuuto (unknown names are OC)
Rating: PG - 13 for now.
Warning: dialogue-driven, un-beta'd
Disclaimer: The Academy Is... is a band. I dont own them, nor the boys. The story is all mine.
Summary: The boys are all in high school, like everybody else's experience, they belong to different cliques, but once their lives intertwine, their lives could change and make high school unforgettable.
Notes: In each chapter, pairings will have their 'air time' so please, dont kill me if your fave pairings are not in a chapter. This is a challenge for me too. Dedicated to the Junko gheis. You know who you gheis are.
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] "Ah, Mr. President, so thankful that you graced us with your presence." Kai greets Uruha who suddenly barges inside the music room.
"Where could Hiroto be?! Ugh!" Uruha stomps his foot, Kai was surprised at how aggravated Uruha is being, not that he's not always.
"Why are you looking for him?"
"He's my brother, silly. It's time to go home. Have you seen him?"
Kai sets his drumsticks down and takes his bag, "No. not until after this morning. Shall we go?"
"Shall we go? Where?" Uruha raises an eyebrow, he isnt quite sure he heard Kai right.
"You're too uptight."
"I know already! Yih! How many of you do I really need to tell it to me in one day?!"
Kai laughs, Uruha is pouting, looking a little pissed but in a funny way.
"Well.. Are you busy today?" Kai asks, making Uruha raise an eyebrow.
"No. I just told you, I'm here to fetch my brother, and we're about to go home."
"Then come on, let's go." Kai smiles, dimples showing. Uruha couldnt help but blush and turn away.
"W..Where are we going?"
"It's ok to be spontaneous once in awhile." Kai takes Uruha's hand, running out of the music club's room, Uruha red from embarrassment as the other students to the sight of him being dragged out by Kai.
"K-Kai... slow down!"
"No. We make a run for it. It's gonna rain!"
"I didnt bring my umbrella!"
"That's why we run!"
Kai kept running with a panting Uruha behind him, the latter looking very lost in the city, he after all was never like his younger brother who wanders around, he gets in and out the car, to and from the academy. With all the turns Kai has made, if he leaves Uruha alone, he'd probably be lost.
"Tadah! We're here!" Kai leads Uruha inside, he looks around and realizes they're in a quaint diner. It looks a little empty with only at least two groups of people from different schools. He noticed that even if there are only a few customers, and from different schools, they get along pretty well.
Kai takes a seat in a cubicle by the window, Uruha sits across him.
"This is like an 'underground' diner."
"How do I say...? An artist's hideout? Lots of indie bands are formed here, designers and artists flock this place. It's a little empty today though because of the weather." Kai briefly explains and hands his companion the menu.
"Are these edible?"
"Yeah. Pretty much. AH!" Kai looks outside the window, the rain finally fell. "Glad we made it in time."
"AH! Hiroto! I was looking for you! Why are you here?!" Uruha stands up, looking down at his short brother, ignoring Shou.
"I come here everyday! And you?! Kai-senpai! This place is tainted!"
"My darling! You're scarred!" Shou pats Hiroto's back, making Hiroto calmer.
"You're dating an older guy? And of all people, Shou?!" Uruha makes face to the thought that his rebellious brother is actually dating the most eccentric person he's ever met.
"But what is wrong with I, brother-in-law? Am I not worthy to be with a prince such as your brother? Woe is me... woe is the beloved." Shou hides his face in his hands, then turns to lay on Hiroto's chest, as if crying. Uruha takes a step back and returns to his seat.
"Ok. That's done, you lovers can sit down now, you've attracted too much attention already."
"Are you two dating?" Hiroto asks after settling in one of the empty spot in the couch, Shou sits beside him, making Uruha alone in one side of the table. "Oh, brother-in-law, Kai is a good person. Had I not loved your brother first, I would confess to him!" Shou smiles, Hiroto faces him, "You would?"
"But I didn't! Because the moment you stole my heart, I know I've found the one!" Shou touches the tip of Hiroto's nose then latching onto the younger man's arm.
Uruha makes face again, glaring at his brother, "Hiroto, seriously. You're with him?"
Shou turns silent, as if a gloom cloud has fallen on him, Kai laughs. He cant say anything but just watch the little show happening before him.
"Yes. He makes me laugh." Hiroto answers, Shou smiles, eyes twinkling in delight. "Well, he IS rather funny." Uruha adds, making Shou pout, gloom cloud looming over his head again.
"Shut up Uruha, we're together, deal with it." Hiroto scoffs, Shou smiles again, Uruha turns away and scans the menu.
"So, Kai, are you dating brother-in-law?"
"No. He's now my student!"
Uruha looks up, startled, "I'm your what?!"
"I'm teaching you the art of life. Hahaha!"
"Stop checking your phone and get yourself back in court!" Tora shouts when he saw Saga resting on the bench with his cellphone after the captain has gone to the men's room.
"...I'm tired and it's raining hard. We should probably cancel." Saga sighs, Tora yanks the phone away out of his companion's hand, looking at the cellphone's screen. "Hmp! You just wanna skip today and date!"
"Hey! I'm not gonna date. Stupid. Give me back my phone!" Saga stands up to reach his phone that Tora has held up in the air, they quickly realize they're almost the same height when their eyes met, their lips only a few inches away from each other.
Saga steps away, so did Tora, they both turn away from each other, Tora stretches out his arm to return Saga's phone, refusing to look at him, Saga yanks it away.
"I'm not scared of you Tora! I'll tell coach what you did!"
Tora recovers from his shock, arms crossed on his chest, he raises and eyebrow, "I'll tell coach you were trying to ditch your make up class."
Saga recovers too, squints his eyes and glares at the person before him, "This is your makeup class too. You're an asshole."
"I know. Heh."
A bolt of lightning flashes above their glass covered court, and a loud thunder surprises them, moments later the power supply went off, leaving both of them in the dark.
"I'm going ahead. No use staying here."
"I'm going with you. I know you're meeting Shou at Jonie's!"
"You've already gone through my message that fast!? You're unbelievable. Fine. Come on." Saga slings his bag over his shoulder, ready to leave.
"...Take my hand."
"And why should i?"
"...I'm scared of the dark."
"Pfft! You?! Scared of the dark?!" Saga laughs so hard.
"...It's not funny."
Saga turns silent, there's a hint of fear in Tora's voice, and he noticed that his companion actually didnt move from where he's standing. Saga takes the other bag besides his, steps forward, with hands in the air to look for Tora, he felt relieved when he felt his hand brush against Tora's bare arm. "Let's go, Tora. Here's your bag." Saga gives Tora's bag to him, he searches for the latter's hand, when he did, Tora locks himself to Saga's.
"Don't tell anyone, Saga..."
"It'll be our secret."
"Are you hungry?" Kazuki asks Manabu who kept quiet while they walk away from the academy's gate.
"A little... I forgot my bento box at home..."
"Why didn't you just buy at the cafeteria?"
"...I was saving up for the Gundam model kit I want to buy..." Manabu answers hesitantly, scared that Kazuki will laugh at him.
"Oh! I build model kits too!" Kazuki smiles, so does Manabu. Kazuki is somehow relieved that Manabu isn't too shy with him anymore.
"Uhh, you should just drop me by the bus station..."
"I know this diner, it's a little out of the way but I love the food and ambiance. You know our senior Kai?"
"Yeah. Music club's president, right?"
"Yeah. He's my cousin and he introduced me to that place, it's awesome."
Manabu wanted to decline but he couldnt when he felt his tummy grumble and started to feel a little faint. His gundam can wait for now, he's really hungry.
"Shall we go?" Manabu nods, Kazuki leads the way.
"Hey, Manabu."
"Don't be scared of me, ok?"
"...Please dont touch my behind anymore... It's embarrassing and scary..."
Kazuki laughs hysterically, from embarrassment or to Manabu's directness, he's not quite sure, "I'm really sorry about the times i do that to you. Im not bullying you, i just find you adorable."
"Yes." Kazuki looks up at the sky, "We should hurry, looks like the 2nd wave of downpour is on its way." Manabu nods, he decided to tuck the word 'adorable' at the back of his head. This is Kazuki he's talking to anyway, if rumors are true, he dated 75% or more of the academy's population.
"We're here, and oh, dont worry about a thing today, im treating you." Kazuki winks, opening the door for Manabu, letting the shorter man enter first.
"Kai-senpai!" Kazuki waves, then turns to Manabu,"Come on, let's join them." Kazuki walks to the group, Manabu follows.
"This is some crowd. Especially with our majesty here." the resident playboy winks at Uruha who gives him a scowl.
Jin runs out the library leaving Franz alone when he got a text message from Yuuto. Braving the rain that immediately soaked him wet, he makes his way to the parking lot.
"Yuuto!" He calls out when he saw his boyfriend by the waiting shed.
"Jin-kun..." Jin immediately runs to him, "What happened Yuuto?"
Yuuto whimpers, struggling to get the words out of his mouth, "After I cleaned our classroom, I was about to go home then it rained, i realized i have no umbrella and I cant walk it home, then when I thought i can take a cab, i realized i had forgotten my wallet at home." Jin hugs Yuuto tight, "Oh... such a baby... How long til you decided to text me?"
"About... 20 minutes..."
"You waited 20 minutes in the rain? Alone? You should've contacted me immediately. You know i'd come running to your aid."
"I didnt want to disturb your study time."
Jin places his hands on both sides of Yuuto's face, making his taller boyfriend look at him straight in the eyes. "Yuu-chan, you know i'd always come to your rescue. That's how much I love you. Come on, let's go to Jonie's. Help me study there."
Yuuto nods, relieved that Jin isnt angry at him, the latter takes out his umbrella.
"Jin-kun... if you have an umbrella, you shouldnt have ran in the rain."
"I got worried about you." Jin takes Yuuto's hand who grabbed the umbrella from him, Jin is shorter him anyway.
"Man... I'm hungry from all that studying."
"I hope you pass because I know you've been giving it your very best."
"I know! Franz helps me alot." Yuuto turns away, he's been hearing that name alot lately and it's really bothering him now.
"We're here Yuu-chan." Jin opens the door, Yuuto enters, while Jin fixes the umbrella, he was surprised to the group of people who are hanging together. "Jin-kun... look..."
"Oh, wow. Hey, Hiroto!" Hiroto turns, smiling, he motions them to come over.
"Are we joining them?" Yuuto asks.
"Yeah. Study time can wait later. It's unusual to see this group together." Jin takes Yuuto's hand and they walk towards the group when Saga and Tora walks in, Tora closing the umbrella behind Saga, who's wiping off some of the rain that wet his arms.
"Oh, Saga! You're soaked! And why are you with him!?" Shou asks, glaring at Tora.
"We cancelled the class, so I went here when you texted me. He got hungry so he tagged along." Saga answers, "May we join you?"
"Of course!" Shou drags Saga off, Tora follows.
"Wow. The more the merrier." Kai remarks when he noticed that what's supposed to be just him and Uruha has grown to a 10-person group.
"Uhh... Reita's on his way here, you guys mind?" Tora asks while he and Saga dry themselves up with the towels handed by the waitress.
"No. Not really." Kazuki answers, passing the ketchup bottle to Shou, then munches on his burger.
Manabu offers his fries to Uruha who was enjoying his milkshake. The newcomers bug the waitress with their orders.
"Tora! Crap!" Reita exclaims the moment he saw Tora when he entered the door. He was taken aback when he saw the rest of the people with his friend. "Are you sure?"
"Just shut up and enjoy the rainy afternoon and company." Tora answers, moving closer to Saga to make room for Reita.
"No bullying today, ok?" Uruha reminds the two who just laughed it off.
"We're not with freshies." Reita shots back.
"... I cant believe this, Kai." Everyone turns their gaze to the newest person to arrive who immediately sits on across Reita. "You made me come all the way here, in the rain, when i'm already at home."
"Don't be like that Aoi, your place is just a few houses away from here."
"Look, Reita, he's sitting in front of you..." Tora whispers, Reita hits him slightly with his elbow. "Shut up."
"...Reita, are you sick?" Aoi asks, "You're red."
"Uhmn.. Oh. It's the weather." Reita stutters, trying hard to look at Aoi but just cant seem to do so.
"Mother nature's really depressed today..." Shou remarks.
Yuuto stands a little to take a peek outside, "The downpour's really heavy. The flood's getting higher."
Another bolt of lightning and loud thunder surprised the crowd, in just seconds, the place turned pitchblack, Tora suddenly grabs onto Saga's arm. Saga places his hand over Tora's, assuring that it will be fine.
"Oh no! Looks like we're stuck here!" Uruha screams, a flicker of light lightens up their table a little, it's Jin who was lighting up his cigarette. "Stop over reacting, Uruha. So what? We have no classes tomorrow." Hiroto tells his brother, a waitress hands them two sticks of candles which Manabu and Reita starts up, Tora removes his grip on Saga's arm.
"Looks like an all-nighter for everyone." Aoi adds, lighting up a cigarette of his own.
"I say we make the most of it. Besides it wont be long til us, seniors, graduate." Kai gives off his welcoming smile, making everyone rest assured that even with the worst weather they are currently experiencing, they'll be fine.
Long update is long.
I was supposed to make it into 2 parts, but i didnt.
Comments are love.