Title: The Academy Is...
paranoiascreamsChapters: 1/?
Genre: AU, crack, funny, high school life.
Pairing: Shou x Hiroto, Tora x Saga, Kai x Uruha, Aoi x Reita, Kazuki x Manabu, Jin x Yuuto (unknown names are OC)
Rating: PG - 13 for now.
Warning: dialogue-driven, un-beta'd
Disclaimer: The Academy Is... is a band. I dont own them, nor the boys. The story is all mine.
Summary: The boys are all in high school, like everybody else's experience, they belong to different cliques, but once their lives intertwine, their lives could change and make high school unforgettable.
Notes: In each chapter, pairings will have their 'air time' so please, dont kill me if your fave pairings are not in a chapter. This is a challenge for me too. Dedicated to the Junko gheis. You know who you gheis are.
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] Saga sighs as he watches his friend curl up by the school gate, whimpering.
"Oh dear flower.. oh how cruel fate must be... you deserve no such thing as this. Oh gentle flower... may the gate of heavens spread wide open as you enter."
"What are you doing?" Saga asks as he approaches his friend.
"Oh Saga!" Shou jumps off and hugs Saga tight, "The poor flower has fallen from its stem, what painful death it must have been to die alone at night..."
"Shou, it's just a flower."
"To you, it's JUST a flower. But to me.. it's a pretty... NOOOOOO!!!!!" Shou sees Tora and Reita walk over the remaining flowers that has fallen on the streets making Saga push Shou off him.
"Next time you scream, try doing it on somebody else's ear."
"It is them! Again! How they enjoy defiling the beauty of my flower garden!!!" Shou squints his eyes as if Tora and Reita will melt on the spot if he stared hard enough.
"It's the school's garden. It's early in the morning... come on, we'll be late."
"But, what's the use of coming to school if none of those deviants ever learn?! They shou---!" Saga grabs Shou as he pulls him towards their building.
Manabu walks with his head down as he makes his way to the school. Thick glasses, backpack with lots of keychains, and holding some of his books in a way a kid will guard his favorite toy.
"HEY!!! Tight!" Kazuki grabs Manabu's butt making him drop all the books he is carrying.
"I... I'm sorry." Manabu squats on the road to pick up all the books he dropped.
"KAZUKI! You're with me! Stop fooling around with other guys!" Jho pulls Kazuki near him but the latter brushes his hand off to help Manabu with the books.
"You're a nagger. I hate naggers. Get off."
"No... Please, I can pick these all by myself..." Manabu fixes his glasses and continues with what he is doing.
"Kazuki, he says he can do it alone! Let's go!" Jho tries to pull Kazuki up to no avail.
"You're my ex now, stop talking to me." Kazuki hands over the last book to Manabu completely ignoring Jho's presence.
"You're unbelievable!" Jho walks away from Kazuki but giving him a huge push before disappearing in the crowd.
"Do you carry the whole library around, Manabu?"
"T-thanks..." Manabu walks away, speeding up his pace but Kazuki was able to catch up to him.
"Hey! See what I did back there? I had to dump him for you."
"Y-you didnt have to do that. I'm sorry." Manabu runs away from Kazuki who picked up a keychain that obviously belonged to Manabu.
"Hmmmn... I guess I'll see you again... Manabu." Kazuki grins and keeps the keychain on one of his pockets and finally heads to school.
"Dang." Tora checks all his pockets to see it all empty. "I forgot my lunch money."
"Then leech off the freshmen, like always." Reita suggests as they start walking towards the school gate.
"Hmmmn.. Yeah. It's been days since I last leeched off the freshies. Who do you think is good?"
"That foreign student. Mac. He's pretty loaded."
"And pretty cowardly. OH YEAH. Reita, we're having a feast later at lunch!"
"Dont forget seconds! Come on we'll be late!" Reita walks faster along side Tora, the most popular basketball player in school.
"NOOOO!" Shou wails from a distance.
"Bah. That Shou he's so weird." Tora turns around to see Shou staring at them. He taunts him more by grinning wide as if he knew what he has done to upset the drama club's president.
"True. He's too weird I never thought of bullying him, his weirdness may rub on to me. Ick." Reita says in disgust.
"Agreed." Tora nods as they continue walking on.
Uruha steps out of the car, his driver helping him put his coat on, then handing him his bag. Hiroto comes out next growling at the driver who tried fixing his coat and grabbing his bag when he handed it to him.
"WHY DO I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL WITH YOU!?" Hiroto grunts at Uruha who was all smiles as they stepped away from the vehicle.
"Because you're my baby brother silly." Uruha fixes Hiroto's collar which the younger man slaps off.
"The things I would give to not be so."
"Why do you hate me so much?" Uruha asks as he glided across the sea of people walking towards their school.
"Because! Look at you! You're too perfect." Hiroto grumbles some more as he looks at his brother from head to toe.
"I am not perfect. I just don't do what 'those' kind of people do." Uruha points out to Kazuki who he caught grabbing Manabu's butt. "See? He grabbed the poor kid's buttocks."
"Not like them?! We're in high school! It's what we're supposed to do! Gah. I'm going ahead. I might get sucked into your perfect little world." Hiroto throws his bag over his shoulder as he make his way amidst the crowd.
".......he's late..." Aoi checks his watch, 2 minutes late from meeting time.
Kai comes running, panting as he stops in front of Aoi. "Am I late?" he asks in between catching his breath.
"...not too late."
"Then, come on." Kai slaps Aoi's arm as a signal for them to start walking on.
"....uh-huh." Aoi throws his bag over his shoulder, walking with his head down to school.
"Heeey! Wait up!" Kai runs up to him, placing his hand on Aoi's shoulder. "You're more silent than usual, what's up?"
"....we're over."
"You and Mao?!?! But... you two were doing great."
"He said I bore him."
"You're not boring!"
"Kai. We're friends?"
"Yeah. well. NO! You're really not!"
"Uh-huh. Let's hurry up."
"Look there." Kai points out to the couple gushing at each other as they walk.
"Maybe Mao wants you to be like Jin and Yuuto over there."
Aoi grunts, "....never."
Jin gives Yuuto a big hug as soon as he reached him from their meeting place, "Have you been waiting long?" he asks.
"NO! I just got here." Yuuto smiles ever so sweetly at Jin.
"Then, shall we go, dearest?" Jin holds out his hand, which Yuuto happily obliged to take.
"Jin... I kept thinking about you before I slept..." Yuuto blushes, making Jin hug him again in the middle of the sea of people surrounding them.
"Awww... me too. You're so cute, you're also in my dreams!" Yuuto gives Jin's nose a little pinch, Jin scoffs.
"Oh, Yuu-kun, before I forget." Jin stops on his track, rummaging his bag.
"What is it Jin-kun?" Yuuto raises an eyebrow as he watches his boyfriend rummage through his bag.
"Here! I made this before I got out of the house." Jin hands out a heart shaped sandwich to Yuuto.
"You carved it?! Awww... I love it! Can i not eat this?"
"Eat it, i'd be heartbroken if it rots and get thrown away."
"You're the sweetest." Yuuto gives Jin a kiss on the cheek and they walk off again, hand in hand.
"Jin... look at Aoi-senpai... he's alone again."
"Yuuto. He always is."
"Wasnt he seen with Mao a few weeks ago? I wonder if they already broke up."
"Yuuto, it's none of our business. Coz my business... Is only you."
"Jin! I love you!"
"And I love you too. Come on. Let's not be late."
The school bell rings, marking the start of classes and the start of the entwining of lives of the people studying inside the academy.
Yes people, I am alive.
Ive been on a slump lately and i cannot seem to find the will to write.
comments are love as always.