The Neighbor - Kris x Tao - 02/?

Jul 17, 2014 22:29

Title: The Neighbor
Chapters: 02/?
Author: paranoiascreams
Genre: smut, angst
Warning: unbeta'd
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Kris x Tao
Synopsis: Tao is a dedicated employee of an advertising company living a routinary life until his sexy new neighbor moves next door and turns his life upside down.
Disclaimer: Own no one but the story. I would like Yifan to own me.

[01] [02]

Tao wakes up with a burning pain in his backside. He groans and sits up on his bed feeling more exhausted than ever. He checks his clock and is shocked to see it flashing 6AM. He runs out of his bedroom and rushes his shower before running out of his apartment to make it to his office.

"Phew." He sighs in relief when he clocks in and barely makes it in time. Joonmyun greets him with an inquisitive eyebrow when he walks to his desk. The assistant is sitting on Yixing's desk and he waits until Tao is settled before speaking. "You're almost late." Joonmyun tells Tao as he checks his watch to confirm. Tao dismisses him and just turns on his computer. "How was the meeting?"

"DON'T ASK ABOUT...!" Tao yells but stops himself midway, " was fine. I think. I dont know."

"Huh?" Yixing butts in and looks at Tao in confusion, "Didn't you two talk during the meeting? Wasn't that what both of you were supposed to do last night?"

"He said he'll think about it. I don't know. He was a little vague."

"What's he like?"

"A pompous bastard." Tao tells them and the couple doesn't say anything more. Joonmyun shrugs and gives his boyfriend a kiss before jumping off the desk, "Well, you obviously don't like him so I hope that you two can work it together IF he agrees."

"Ugh. I hate my life."

Tao rests his chin on his desk and absentmindedly browses through his computer. He sits up suddenly with a yelp and his officemates turn to him. "What happened?!" Joonmyun runs to the younger's desk and looks at the monitor.


I just got off the phone with Kris. He told me to email you and tell you that he wants a meeting with you and Alexandria's execs tomorrow at 6PM in your office. He wants to know about the concept of the shoot and its location.

Please be advised that the shoot will work accordingly to his schedule. Thank you.

Kim Jongdae
Personal Assistant
Wu Photography

"Isn't this great? It's only Thursday and you will be able to give Alexandria the news already!" Joonmyun cheers and claps Tao on the back. The younger groans in pain and sits back on his chair. Yixing turns to the othe Chinese and raises an eyebrow, "You didn't sleep with him, did you?"

"I didn't!!!" Tao immediately defends himself and Yixing is taken aback with the younger's reaction. "Okay. If you say so. I just don't get the anger you have on the guy."

Tao balls his fists in anger and just excuses himself before marching out of the room.

Tao is already dreading the thought of walking back to his apartment when he gets home that night. He cant believe he is this affected with a one tme sexual encounter he's had with Yifan and that he had actually cried in disgust and anger that morning when he walked out of his office. He takes a deep breath and stares at the building and with another breath, he walks inside.

It doesn't surprise him to see a shirtless Yifan smoking in the veranda when he gets to his floor. He bows his head and walks faster behind the photographer until he gets to his apartment. Yifan is quiet and doesn't bother him, which he's relieved about and Tao peacefully reaches his home uninterrupted.

Tao missed his routine in the morning and decides to make up for it by keeping up with his schedule in the evening. He just finished dinner and when he checks his watch, it's only 7 in the evening. He still has time for his power walk around the block. He's about to turn back to his corner when he's grabbed from behind and pressed firmly against an old tree. "LET ME GO!!!"

"Ignoring me?" A familiar voice asks and Tao tries to push Yifan away from him, "We have nothing to talk about. Please let me go."

Yifan smirks and releases Tao. The younger tries to run away but Yifan catches him immediately with a searing kiss. Tao hits Yifan's chest repeatedly but it only makes the other deepen the kiss. They are both out of breath when Yifan finally decides to release himself from Tao's lips, "You look sexier when you beg."

"I can have you arrested for this!"

"You can. But you wont." Yifan smirks and Tao's resolve breaks and he cries. The smirk on Yifan's face disappears and he tries to reach out to the other but Tao growls at him, "Don't fucking come near me!!!"

"Look, sunshine, I was just teasing you."

"Then stop it! It's not funny, okay?!"

Yifan raises both his hands in defeat, "Fine. I'm sorry."

"You're not." Tao gives Yifan a hard shove before running back to his apartment in tears.


"You look worse than ever." Joonmyun greets Tao the next day. The younger gives a weak smile before sitting on his desk. He wasn't able to get a good sleep last night because of all his pent up frustrations with Yifan. He ignores everyone for the rest of the day and just starts to file the documents needed for the meeting with Kris later with Alexandria's representatives.

Before Tao realizes it, his office phone rings and the receptionist tells him that Kris Wu and his assistant are in the lobby waiting for him. He takes a deep breath and gathers his stuff before meeting them.

Tao is surprised to see Kris in a white dress shirt and torn jeans. For an asshole, and a person who has some grudge with a shirt, he can carry himself well. He takes a deep breath before walking towards the two men waiting by the reception area. "Good evening. You're quite early. Alexandria's people told me they'll be here in 10 minutes."

"It's okay. Where shall we wait?" Jongdae asks with a smile and Tao leads them to the meeting room across the hall. Tao meets Joonmyun and Yixing on his way and the couple stops him. The shorter Korean whispers into his ear and Tao nods with a whisper, "Yeah. This is him."

Tao straightens up and introduces Joonnyun and Yixing to Jongdae and Kris, it surprises Tao again when Kris smiles invitingly to the two and even compliments the agency by telling them that he's aware of their other big clients as well. Tao grits his teeth because Kris is a liar and Yifan is a fucking asshole. Even with two personas, this person is just as annoying as ever.

"Well, we won't keep you. Bye Taozi. Nice to meet you both." Joonmyun waves goodbye and he walks off with Yixing. Tao opens the door to the meeting room and when Kris and Jongdae settle, he asks, "Have you had dinner? I had some food delivered just in case."

"Pizza. I want pizza." Kris speaks and Tao smiles his practiced smile, "Well, good thing I ordered pizza, too. It'll be here in a minute. Excuse me, I'll just make a call for the delivery update."

Jongdae turns to friend slash boss with a raised brow, "You. I know you. You slept with him."

"I did."


"And I kissed him when I saw him the first time. I even kissed him last night."


"He is my neighbor and I can't help it. I'm bored, I'm heartbroken. He's sexy and he needed something from me."

"Your breakup with Kyungsoo was inevitable. Fuck you being heartbroken. You gave him a hard time."

"Jongdae, I was swamped with work. It was the reason I wanted to settle first but this company wont shut up about this fucking campaign." Kris starts and Jongdae sneers at him, "I got dumped 2 months ago because Kyungsoo said that I was making him my second priority and believe me, I mean, you should know that I tried my best to salvage what is left of that relationship but he still broke up with me and then what? He goes and starts dating somebody else?! Jongdae, I needed a distraction, I needed a good lay."

"Tao looks like a fine man! Fuck it, Yifan."

"Fuck Kyungsoo for replacing me with that fucking model right after dumping me! Me?! Wu Yifan replaced by some model I helped launch a fucking career!" Yifan bangs his fist on the table just in time for Tao to walk right back in, "Oh. Did I interrupt something? I... Alexandria's representatives are here now, as well as the food."

"It's fine. Sorry." Jongdae apologizes and Yifan sits back on his chair. Some interns help serve the food while Jia and Amber step inside to meet with Yifan and the rest.

The meeting goes well, with Alexandria explaining the concept they want and where the location will be held. Tao only agrees and take notes of the things they will be needing for the campaign. He doesn't usually go to the actual shoot and he sends an assistant in his stead and he's already thinking of sending Luhan to Jeju Island for the shoot. He thinks it will be a good time for Luhan to meet up with Sehun, too. It's obvious that his assistant has been very sad ever since their Korean intern went back to Seoul.

"I want Tao to be in Jeju with us." Kris tells the group and Tao looks up to look at the photographer. Tao sighs and shakes his head, "I don't go to the actual shoots, Mr. Wu. I only let my assistants go since I have other desk jobs to prioritize."

"No. You are going. I don't work with assistants of the people I'm talking to. If you were sending an assistant in your stead, you shouldn't be here. Tell your assistant to be here instead."

Jia and Amber looks at Tao with awaiting eyes. Tao can see Jongdae glaring at Yifan and Tao takes a deep breath before speaking again, "Fine. I'll go with my assistant if that's how you want it, Mr. Wu."

"This is settled, then?" Jia asks and Amber nods, "The shoot will be in Jeju in two weeks on Wednesday to Friday. We'll be in the island by Wednesday morning. How about the team?"

"Luhan and I will be there by Tuesday. I'll talk to our branch in Seoul to set everything up on Jeju. Please wait for our emails to confirm our hotels. We'll set everything up."

By that, Jia and Amber thanks Tao and the rest. Kris and Jongdae gives their thanks as well with Jongdae and Amber talking personally about Kris' compensation for the shoot. Tao keeps his eyes locked on his laptop because even through Kris' branded sunglasses, he knows that the photographer is staring at him.

Ten, fifteen minutes later, Tao's guests leave the building and he finishes what's left of his work. He is still cleaning up the meeting room when a voice speaks from behind him, "I'm sorry that I was a dick."

Tao turns to find Yifan leaning against the doorframe. Tao glares at him then turns back to stacking the empty boxes of food, "The meeting is over. Please leave."

"Look. I'm trying here."

Tao scoffs and turns to Yifan again, "And you want me to forgive you easily?"

"We will be working together and I just..."

"YOU JUST WHAT?!" Tao yells and Yifan flinches. The younger takes a deep breath before continuing, "You've attacked me more than once already. Fuck. I even had to swallow my pride and sleep with you just so we can have you aboard this project."

"I just want to be your friend!"

Tao shakes his head, "You have no idea how to be someone's friend. You admit you're a dick and you want me to just accept that so you can be friends with me? Who are you kidding? We can never be friends so please, the exit is that way." Tao points to the door and Yifan walks out of the room dejectedly.


"AND THEN HE TELLS ME I DONT KNOW HOW TO BE SOMEONE'S FRIEND!" Yifan yells at Jongdae as they drive their way to his assistant's hotel. Jongdae is laughing on the passenger's seat and Yifan punches his shoulder.

"Yifan, he's right. Who are your friends? Not counting me because I am not your friend, I'm your employee."

"Really? I'm not your friend?" Yifan raised an eyebrow and Jongdae tells him he was kidding. The photographer sighs and turns to Jongdae when the light turns red."Well, there's you and there was Kyungsoo but he isn't my friend anymore ever since he dumped me. And Chanyeol. He's my friend."

"He's your secretary."

"His boyfriend's my friend."

"You don't even remember Baekhyun's name."

"They're just a new couple!"

"New couple? They've been going out for a year. They even moved in together already."


"Yifan... we're your friends because we were employed by you. Kyungsoo was your friend, lover, and ex-boyfriend because you worked together before and you went out for 3 years. And that was it. You dont know how to be someone's friend because the people around you all come to you, just like that."

"Tao came to me, too."

"Oh no, he did not. You pushed yourself to him. I know you've been sleeping around but couldn't you have made him an excemption?"

"But... he..."

"NO. Don't blame him, blame your irrational dick."


"You loved sleeping around."

"I did. That was before Kyungsoo. Well, thrice during Kyungsoo, but Tao is the first one after the breakup."

"You're a douchebag. So you cheated on Kyungsoo, too? He's right to leave you, you know?"

"I'm hot with a successful career."

"You're 28 and alone."

Yifan doesn't say anything but responds by parking the car by the road side and kicking Jongdae out of his car. He ignores his assistant's cursing as he continues to drive back home. He parks the car in his parking space and jumps out of his vehicle when he finds Tao stepping out of his own car. The younger ignores him and starts walking away, Yifan runs up to him and grabs him by the shoulder. Tao shrugs him off and faces him with a piercing glare, "I am going to poke your eye out if you even try!"

"I wont do anything." Yifan retracts his hand and raises them up, "How do I prove to you that I really am sorry?"

"Ignore me. Get away from me. That will help."

"As if that will work."

"I've decided to give my project to Jonghyun. I'll brief Alexandria about this, I really can't work with you. Damn it, I'm even considering moving out of this apartment to be as far away as I can from you!!!"

Yifan's blood boils and pushes Tao against a huge pillar behind the younger. Tao screeches in pain but averts his eyes from Yifan's pair of angry ones. "Say that again."

"What I do with my life is none of your business."

"I agreed on this fucking project because of you."

"Then sleep with Jonghyun, too!"

"That's not the point!" Yifan punches the concrete pillar by the side of Tao's face and the younger flinches in fear, "You're right. I don't know how to be someone's friend and I was a dick to you and I'm sorry about that but I dont regret anything I've done to and with you. I'm only sorry that I've hurt you and that's what I want to make up for."

""But why? Couldn't you just leave me alone?"

"Not anymore."

They stare at each other in silence for a few seconds before Yifan punches the pillar again and pulls away from Tao, "Stop looking like that!"

Tao sighs and looks up at Yifan again, "Looking like what?"

"So help me God, how do I keep myself from ravishing you right now when you look like that?!"

Tao shakes his head and sighs again, "You're a spoiled brat. I understand you now. If you want to be my friend you'll think with your head and not with your dick."

Yifan nods his head vigorously like a kid and Tao couldn't help himself from being amused, "I really don't know how we'll start this, Yifan. But okay... I'll try if you'll try."


Tao turns his attention to Yifan's fist and notices it bleeding, "Come on... Let's treat your hand. You baby." The younger tells the other and they head back up to their floor. Tao invites the other inside his apartment and the photographer quietly sits on Tao's couch while the other grabs his first aid kit inside the bathroom. When he returns to his living room, Yifan is already nitpicking on his wound. Tao sits next to him and swats his hand, "You don't want to get your hand infected."

"Okay. Sorry." Yifan lets Tao take his hand and he bites his lower lip when the first round of antiseptic is rubbed on his wound. "THAT HURTS!"

"I know."

"Are you hurting me on purpose?!"

"No, you asshole."

Tao glares at Yifan but averts his eyes away immediately because the photographer kinda looked cute being teary eyed like this. He looks like a kid tripping down and scratching his knees for the first time. "Didn't it hurt when you punched that pillar?" Tao asks without looking at Yifan and instead focused on replacing the bloodied cotton ball.

"Didn't... Ah!" Yifan instinctively retracts his hand but Tao grabs it again when he dabs another round of antiseptic, "I... I was too angry to notice."

"How did you even survive your childhood and high school and college like this? Didn't you have other friends?" Tao asks without looking at Yifan and proceeds to wrapping the photographer's hand with a gauze.

"I don't know. I always had some kids at my beck and call when I was in high school. I don't even remember their names anymore but they're just always available for me. I didn't go to college and I just traveled and took pictures. The rest is history."


"I might have been." Yifan responds and Tao pushes him against the couch, "You still are." The younger scoffs and stands to take the first aid kit back to the bathroom. Yifan stares at his bandaged knuckle and he looks up when Tao returns in the room. "Hey, Tao... are you giving the project to Jonghyun?"

Tao looks at Yifan and shrugs his shoulders, "I have the weekend to think about it."

"Will you give me the weekend to change your mind?"

"Sure." Tao smiles and Yifan immediately turns his attention to the floor, "I... I'm glad you aren't mad anymore."

"Yeah. I don't know if I'm mad or not but I told you I'll try, right?" Tao tells Yifan and then checks the clock on the wall, "It's almost 9 pm. I need to rest now since I still have an appointment tomorrow."

"Okay. And thank you for fixing me up." Yifan leans over and kisses Tao's cheek in which the younger immediately responds to by pushing him harshly, "No!"

"I can't even kiss you on the cheek?"


Yifan laughs and walks towards the door, "Okay. I'm sorry. No any form of kisses between us."

"Good night." Tao tells him before closing the door behind Yifan. He immediately runs to his bathroom to take a shower to calm his racing heart.


"Here." Yifan greets Tao after his morning jog the next day. It's 5:10 am and he didn't know Yifan is a morning person, too. "Stalking me?" Tao playfully asks and Yifan scoffs, "I was going for a morning run too."

"Well, shall I eat breakfast alone or are you joining me?"

"I'll join you." Yifan opens his apartment door but Tao steps back, "Can we eat in my apartment instead?"

Yifan closes the door to his apartment and joins Tao in his. The younger tells Yifan to join him in the small dining table where he sets up the sandwiches and coffee the photographer bought. "I guess my apartment brings back horrible memories." Yifan comments and Tao stops chewing his sandwich midway. The younger swallows his food and smiles at Yifan, "It's not horrible, but it's... it's something i would rather forget."

"Yeah. Right. Let's just forget it happened." Yifan tells Tao and the other nods. He continues to eat and Yifan steals a glance or two when Tao is sipping his cup of coffee. They share a quiet breakfast for a while before Tao has to shoo Yifan out of his apartment, "I have somewhere to be today, so I need to ask you to leave."

"Where are you going?"

"My brother is in town and he asked me to accompany him."

"Okay. See you later."

Yifan bids him goodbye before leaving Tao's apartment.


"Hey, Jongdae."

"What?" Said man in question asks as the both of them drive their way to a camera shop to pick up Yifan's new equipment. "So, I talked to Tao. We agreed to try and be friends with each other."

"Awwww.... did my little boy make his first friend?"

"Fuck you. If my hand is not busted I'll punch you out of my car."

"Speaking of which, what happened to you?"

Yifan starts telling Jongdae the events that took over in the parking lot last night and his assistant listens eagerly. The story ends with their shared breakfast this morning and Jongdae ruffles Yifan's hair, "Good job, little Yifan."


"But seriously, I'm surprised Tao is giving you a chance. I mean, you did sleep with him and you kept attacking him but he is trying to indulge you. I commend him, so please dont screw up."

"I will try not to. I can't explain this thing. I wanted to mess him up at first but now, I am genuinely serious to be his friend."

"Well, a friend is a friend so dont mess up." Jongdae reminds Yifan and the photographer nods.

Tao is unbelievably energetic even by the end of the day. Nevermind the number of stores he had to be dragged into by Zhou Mi. He loves shopping, yes, but his brother is obsessed. The both of them are finally resting in a coffee shop when his brother asks, "Something good happened lately? I haven't seen you this relaxed."

"Something... something okay." Tao smiles and Zhou Mi checks his calendar, "It's not the end of the world yet, is it? You... you're happy."

"I am not happy. I'm just... I don't know. I'm okay." Tao checks his watch and looks at his brother, "It's quite late. Do you mind if I go ahead now? How long will you be in Shanghai?"

Zhou Mi checks his calendar again and tells his brother he'll be in Shanghai until he end of the month. Tao tells Zhou Mi he might be out of the country by next week so he'll see him agajn when time permits. Tao leaves the cafe and drops by an Italian restaurant to buy pasta for dinner and happily drives back home.

Again, he isn't surprised to find a shirtless Yifan outside his apartment while hanging out by the veranda. The photographer turns to him and tells him to "Smile, sunshine."

Tao does so and Yifan takes a random picture of him, "How much would that cost?" The younger asks and Yifan laughs it off, "A year worth of your income."

"So expensive!" Tao walks past Yifan and then turns back to him before opening his door, "Put a shirt on. If you haven't eaten yet, you can join me for dinner, I think they gave me more than I could eat."

"Be there in 5." Yifan tells him and Tao nods. When the younger gets inside his place, he immediately sets the food on the plates and mentally slaps himself since he really did buy dinner for two. He tells himself it's for trying to be friends, and a sort of payback for this morning's breakfast, too. Tao has just finished setting up the table when there's a knock on the door. He walks over to the door to find Yifan on the other side. "Come in."

"Thank you." Yifan heads to the dining area and Tao walks with him, "I'm gonna go change my clothes. Give me a minute." The younger tells him before disappearing to his bedroom. Tao is still inside the room when Yifan calls out to him, "How's your wall?"

"There's still the hole you've made, thank you very much."

"Sorry about that."

Tao walks back to the dining area in his casual clothes and sits across Yifan, "Well, thanks for the weekend, I think I can have it fixed."

"I'm just a little new to this. I've lived in Guangzhou all my life and my servants do the housework. And Kyungsoo, too, when we moved in together."

"Ah... so where's...?"

"We broke up just recently."

"Oh. Then let's not dwell on that." Tao smiles and eats his pasta, "Eat. It's still warm."

"Wow. This is delicious."

"It should be. It's a little pricey."

Yifan laughs and keeps eating the food. Tao watches him and imagines a 'Kyungsoo' living with this idiot. Must have been a total disaster. The sex must have been great.

Wait. What.

Tao stops himself from thinking about that and keeps eating. His uneasiness doesn't go unnoticed by Yifan and the photographer asks, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm going for a walk after dinner. What are you doing?"

"Can I join you? It can make me more acquainted with the place."

"No funny business, okay?!" Tao reminds him and Yifan raises his hand, "I promise. I'm just gonna take a walk with you."

Tao nods and they finish their food. Yifan says he'll just get his stuff and he'll meet Tao outside. The night breeze is perfect and the area is quite silent except for the occasional teenagers they meet. Tao tells Yifan of the places he should check out while he's here and the stores he should run to should any emergency arises. "How long have you been in Shanghai?"

Tao looks up at Yifan who's absent-mindedly looking at the various shops by the streetside. The photographer's messy ponytail and loose hair strands flutter in the wind while the tail of his dragon tattoo peeks under the sleeve of his shirt and the piercings on his ear glisten under the moonlight.

"How long?"

Tao blinks his eyes and he finds Yifan looking down at him, "Oh. Uh, I think... 7 years? I'm from Qingdao and I moved here after college for my internship. The company took me in and now I'm here."

"I see. I guess you have a lot of friends?"

"You could say that. But most of them are my co-workers and my bestfriend is in Qingdao so I don't usually hang out with my office friends."

"I see. So you're often alone?"

"I... I guess."

"No boyfriend?"

Tao chuckles and puts his hands on his waist, "Well, yeah... I mean..."

"We slept together."

Tao turns quiet and walks on ahead. Yifan catches up to him and grabs his wrist, "Look... It's been bugging me, too. Let's just sit down and talk about this."

Tao keeps his head down and mumbles quietly, "I thought we're supposed to forget."

Yifan sighs and drags Tao across the streets until they're both walking to a small park a few blocks away from their apartment complex. Yifan gently pushes Tao down a bench to sit and the photographer sits next to him, "At first I thought we should, it will be easier, but... look. We are both trying here and we could have taken that night as a joke if we acknowledge the fact that indeed, we slept together."

Tao fidgets on the bench and Yifan lights up a cigarette. The photographer notices that his companion is still silent and he continues on, "We can make fun of it, Tao."

"Not only is it a one time thing, now it's a joke?" Tao snaps and Yifan turns to him, "How low do you want me to feel?!" Tao almost yells and the other flinches. "Tao! Not like that! Ugh. I'm really dumb when it comes to things like these. Not as a joke! My god, why would I even think of it as a joke when you're one of the sexiest persons I've slept with!?"

"Pfft." Tao laughs uncontrollably and Yifan looks at the other confused, "Why are you laughing at me?!"

Tao calms himself and takes a deep breath before talking again, "You're right. You fail in this kind of department. You think I'm sexy?"

"Now you're just flirting."

"Dear God. We both fail in this. But yeah, it's funny and amusing." Tao shakes his head and looks at Yifan, "Okay. I guess we shouldn't be dwelling too much on that."

Yifan leans his head back then chuckles to himself, Tao scrunches his brows and asks, "What's funny?"

"You said... 'Not only is it a one time thing...' You sounded disappointed. Wanna go again?"

Tao's response is a barrage of light punches on Yifan's arm. The photographer laughs and apologizes before the younger stops hitting him. "Let's go home. It's getting late." Yifan tells the other before the both of them starts walking back to their complex.


"You know, if you weren't an asshole, this wont be here in the first place."

"I already said I'm sorry."

Tao tsks and shakes his head at Yifan who's currently staring at the wall in his bedroom when the photographer came over to his apartment the next day. "Oh well. Whatever, I'm calling someone over to fix this up."

Yifan raises an eyebrow and Tao notices it, "Don't even think of telling me you'll fix it."

"Not gonna. I already drilled a hole to your wall, what makes you think I can fix that?"

Tao chuckles and sits on his bed, "You're not as idiotic as I perceived you to be."

Yifan hums and crosses his arms over his chest while staring at the hole and Tao just had to ask, "Okay. Out with it. What the hell are you thinking?!"

"I'm just thinking if the hole is big enough for me to peep on you."

"WU YIFAN!" Tao throws a pillow at him but the photographer catches it perfectly, "I kid."

"You better be. Ugh! This is just more reason for me to get that hole fixed."

Yifan checks the time, "Hey, it's almost lunch. Wanna eat out?"

"Nah. I have some stir fried chicken I'm cooking for lunch. I love to cook just so you know."

Yifan sits on Tao's floor looking up at the other and gives the younger his best puppy eyes impression, "And I love to eat. Will you feed me?"

Tao laughs maniacally at Yifan, "Where do you even get the gall to look like that?! If you weren't such an asshole a few days ago, we could have been better friends already."

"Hahaha. I'm cute and hot. I'm fucking perfect. Being an asshole completes the package."

Tao stands and ruffles Yifan's hair, "Fine. I'll cook our lunch. Wait in the sofa or something." The younger tells the other before the both of them are leaving Tao's bedroom. Yifan sits on the sofa and Tao proceeds to cook. The older male quietly watches TV while Tao cooks their quick meal. An hour or so later, Tao walks over to the sofa to find Yifan quietly sleeping on his chest. Like always, sometime between the minutes Tao has left him alone, Yifan has managed to remove his shirt. Tao never really noticed it before but it seems that part of the dragon's body is tattooed on Yifan's right shoulder blade as well. He might have called it tacky before but looking at the intricate details of the tattoo makes him appreciate its beauty more. Tao also finds a black text tattoo on the photographer's left shoulder that says 'Normally insane' in which Tao agrees to. It must be Yifan's motto or something.

Tao turns his attention to Yifan's sleeping face with some loose strands of his long hair has fallen onto. He notices the long eyelashes and the pinkish lips despite the fact that Yifan's a smoker. Tao wont deny the fact that Yifan is hot and if he had been nicer he could have been an instant crush but no, God must have some other plans. Then again, no matter how unlikely the way their current friendship started, Tao is somehow grateful that Yifan is showing remorse and is genuinely trying to be his friend.

Friends forgive and forget and Tao reminds himself that what happened between them was a one time thing, was done for the greater good, and Tao should just revel in silence that someone as hot as Yifan actually thinks he's sexy and has slept with him. Tao slaps himself mentally for thinking that way. It has been way, way too long ago since he got laid and just...



Tao stares at Yifan who mumbles Kyungsoo's name again. He stops whatever he's thinking and shakes Yifan awake. The photographer blinks his eyes rapidly and stares at Tao, "Are we eating? I'm hungry."

"Yeah." Is Tao's only response before turning around and walking back to the kitchen. His mood has turned foul and for some absurd reason, he knows it's because he hated hearing 'Kyungsoo' coming out of Yifan's lips.


Author's Notes: I give you a tsundere Tao and a kinda kuudere Yifan. This is a little messy and I'm so sorry. T_T This will be short and maybe just one or two chapters left. ^_^

title: the neighbor, length: chaptered, pairing: kris x tao, !fanfiction, band: exo

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