The Daily Lives of College Boys - 04/?

Jun 04, 2013 12:39

Title: The Daily Lives of College Boys
Chapters: 04/?
Author: paranoiascreams
Genre: fluff, romance, college!au
Warning: unbeta'd
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Kris x Tao, Sehun x Luhan, Kai x DO, Suho x Lay, Chen x Xiumin, Chanyeol x Baekhyun
Synopsis: It's a normal start of the year for most students in the Faculty of Arts and Letters until their lives change one by one because of a smile, a helping hand, a power shortage, a play, a snapshot, and an interview. Sooner than they know it, hearts are beating faster for another.
Disclaimer: I own no one. Title stolen from the anime, "Daily lives of High School Boys". that anime is on crack.

[01] [02] [03] [04]

"You okay there?" Baekhyun asks, looking up from his book. Kyungsoo sighs and lies his head on his desk, "Why does he make my life so miserable? Doesn't he realize I have more things to do than chase after him so that he'll give me the proposals of the dance club?"

"We talking about Jongin?"

"He's the only one who makes me feel this way." Kyungsoo sighs and shakes his head, "Nevermind. I have a paper to finish anyway."

Baekhyun bookmarks his book then sits up, "How do you even know the guy? I mean... You know?"

"Childhood neighbors." The older shrugs, Baekhyun raisies an eyebrow, "Okay. Childhood neighbors... And?"

"There's no 'and'. That's that. We're childhood neighbors." Kyungsoo continues, "It was my first summer back in our hometown after my first year here when he started 'harrassing' me."

His roommate smiles, "Harrassing how?"

Kyungsoo sighs, "We live in the suburbs and our houses are divided by this fence. I haven't seen him for a whole year so one day when I was watering mom's vegetable garden, this guy started talking to me as if we were long time friends and I got so annoyed I hosed him down."

Baekhyun laughs uncontrollably, "You hosed him down?!"

"Yeah. And guess what he did?"

"Punched you in the face? Because I would."

"He stripped off his shirt, grabbed the hose and used it on himself. Gross."

"No. HOT."

Kyungsoo makes face, "What?"

"Oh come on. Even I think he's charming in his own way."

"Whatever. I started avoiding him all through summer after that."

"Why? Isn't it fun to have a childhood neighbor? We moved around a lot when I was younger and I never really had a friend like that."

Kyungsoo grunts and moves to his bed, "Point is, we weren't friends. We used to trick or treat around the neighborhood, but that's it. Besides, he took my Snickers bar when I was 7."

"You're too cute."

Kyungsoo screams against his pillow, "I don't ever wanna have anything to do with him anymore!"

Baekhyun just chuckles and ignores his roommate completely and returns to reading his book.


"I need it now. Why do you keep stalling this?!" Kyungsoo taps his foot against the wooden floor of the practice room, Jongin just looks at him with a smirk, "Why can't I?"

Kyungsoo grits his teeth and checks his watch, "I've already wasted 10 minutes just trying to get you to give me the proposal. Some kind of president you are. You do realize your club is the only one who hasn't given it to us yet?! If you were some small time club, this would be dissolved already." Kyungsoo rambles on, Jongin stands from his seat and starts playing the music, "Kim Jongin! Are you even listening to me?"

The younger shrugs, "Not really."

Kyungsoo screams out of frustration, "Why are you such a pain in the ass?!"

Jongin looks at him with that annoying smirk, "How do you know that I am? Wanna try?"

Kyungsoo turns tomato red at the question and the only retort he has on that is throwing a book at Jongin's face then storming out of the room. Jongin sighs once Kyungsoo's gone and picks up the book that luckily missed him.


"Luhan, I can't do it anymore... Do something about this..." Kyungsoo complains when he got back to the office, "I'd ask Yifan but he's too busy being a lazy vice president."

Luhan smiles and pats Kyungsoo on the back, "You can do it."

Kyungsoo sinks lower in front of Luhan's desk feeling so defeated and exhausted, "I swear Jongin's having the time of his life tormenting me."

"Well, try not be too angry all the time, Soo. Try and approach him nicely." Luhan advices him as he types away on his laptop.

The other sighs dejectedly, "Nice doesn't work on Jongin."

"Come on, so he stole your candies when you were kids but you're older. Be nice."

Kyungsoo blows the bangs out of his eyes, "I would if he would just stop calling me 'babe.' I'm not his babe."

Luhan laughs, "Oh, what would you rather be called? 'Sweetheart'?"

"I hate you. I'm going to class." Kyungsoo groans and stands abruptly that a pencil jar tumbles over and falls under the desk. "Yah! Kyungsoo!"

"I'm not even sorry!" He tells the older who's already crouching under the desk to gather his dozens of pencils and runs out of the office. He walks in strides, he also notices Jongin's cousin walking with his head down mumbling about 'not being there'. Kyungsoo shrugs - weird must run in the family.

He walks into his classroom and settles on one of the seats in front, he's a junior student and even if it's Friday and the last day of club week, he's certain there will be classes for them. Kyungsoo's already taking out his notebook when their class president enters their classroom, "I just ran into Prof. Park. He said he's going to the Behavioral Science society meeting. Classes are cancelled." Most of his classmates cheer in delight because this is their last class and instead of going home at 6, they have 3-hours free for Friday. Except that Kyungsoo groans, he hates it when classes are cancelled, because his parents are still paying for his tuition and couldn't Prof. Park go to the meeting after his class? Defeated, Kyungsoo stuffs his notebook back into his bag and decides to just roam around the hallways.

He doesn't find Minseok nor Baekhyun around the building, he heads to the SC office but Luhan isn't there too. Kyungsoo texts Baekhyun and asks if he's home because unfortunately, Kyungsoo forgot his dorm keys. He's sitting alone in the office and luck must hate him today because Baekhyun's out of the university and would be back around 5 for his evening classes. The wide-eyed boy doesn't bother texting his bestfriend because Minseok's probably in his class now since the both of them know each other's schedules despite having different majors.

Kyungsoo thinks of heading to the library but he's too frustrated to study now. He decides that why not just cap Friday with more frustration by trying to force a friggin' proposal out of Kim Jongin. With a huff, he walks out of the office, out of the AB building and heads to the student center a short distance away.

Kyungsoo looks at the said student center. It's one of the newest buildings in campus and it's all electrically operated. He wonders what if there's a power shortage and students are still inside? "The horror!" He mumbles under his breath as the glass doors automatically open when the sensors find him. He walks up to the 2nd floor where the dance studios are located, and he can hear music coming out from their department's studio. He doesn't bother knocking, he just opens the door and finds Jongin dancing with some students. The dancer sees him through the mirror and he smirks. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and just enters the studio. The older sits in one corner and waits until Jongin is done.

Kyungoo doesn't realize that he has fallen asleep. He opens his eyes to find Jongin staring at him, a few inches away from his face. "You aren't supposed to wake up yet! A prince is supposed to kiss a princess!" The younger exclaims, Kyungsoo pushes him off. "I am not a princess!" The wide-eyed boy looks around the room and they're alone now, "Jongin, it's Friday. We have to study all the proposals of our department's clubs, organizations and societies on Monday. I'm begging here, okay?"

"I love how determined you are." Jongin ruffles Kyungsoo's hair before standing and getting something out of his bag, Kyungsoo sighs and stands up from where he had fallen asleep.

"Here you go." Jongin hands Kyungsoo a folder, the older checks it and it's the club's proposal - perfectly organized to the T. The shorter boy gapes at it for a moment before using it to hit Jongin's shoulder, "How long have you had this!?"

"A while. I just love to tease you."

"Why do you do this?" Kyungsoo's voice is in between sobbing and anger because he's kind of a mixed of both right now.

"You're cute when you're angry."

Kyungsoo gives him one final blow on the shoulder before storming out. He's aware that he's turned red and he hates how Jongin's teasings are affecting him slowly day by day. He checks his watch and it's a quarter before 5, he then checks his phone and a mesage from Baekhyun says he's left their dorm keys to the lobby since he got back a little early.

Kyungsoo drops by the SC office to leave the proposal on Luhan's table before heading back to his dorm.


"Yo, Kyungsoo." Minseok greets him the next morning in the lobby of their dorms. It's a Saturday and both of them has decided to grab breakfast in the nearby cafe pancake house. "Hey. Good morning."

"You look a little less stressed today." Minseok tells him and Kyungsoo smiles, "Finally got Jongin to hand over his club's proposals." The older nods, "Good for you! You'll see him less and you'll be feeling less angry all the time."

"That's true." Kyungsoo replies. They enter the pancake house and finds Jongdae and Yixing eating in one of the booths. "Yoh! Both of you!" Minseok greets the other two, "Oh. Hey, hyung." Jongdae greets Minseok, Yixing just smiles to the both of them. "Is it okay if we join you?" The oldest among them asks and Yixing just nods. The Chinese scoots a little and Kyungsoo sits next to him, Minseok takes the space next to Jongdae. "Uh, why don't I know you?" Kyungsoo asks eyeing Jongdae, the latter wipes his lips with a napkin first before speaking, "I'm Kim Jongdae, I'm a Literature major. Yixing's my housemate."

"Oh! I'm Do Kyungsoo. I'm Minseok's bestfriend."

Minseok hands Kyungsoo the menu, "Did I forget to mention him to you?" The wide-eyed boy nods, "He also auditioned in the drama club. Amaaaaaziiiiing voice." Minseok exaggerates, Jongdae laughs nervously next to him. "He's just being overly dramatic, Kyungsoo. I'm about average."

"If you are, we're freaking low class." Yixing comments and the four of them bursts into laughter.

They finish their breakfast about an hour later, the housemates leave first while the other two stays behind for another round of fruit juice and catching up. "So..." Minseok starts, Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow. "Sooo...?"

"Are we up for the biggest budget?"

Kyungsoo grunts, "You're horrible. We have to check everything."

"But it's Romeo and Juliet. In a musical."

"Jongin's right. You might just outgay Moulin Rouge from last year."

Minseok raises an eyebrow, "Since when did you ever agree with Jongin?"

"Does it even matter?" Kyungsoo bites back, "So! Of course you'll be Romeo."


"You're Juliet?!" Kyungsoo's eyes go wider, "You're gonna crossdress?! You never crossdress!"

Minseok shrugs, "It's my last year, I would love to give everyone something to remember!"

"I need to convince Luhan to give you the biggest budget!"

Minseok laughs, "That's one reason too!"

"So, decided on a Romeo yet?"

"I dunno. Probably Yixing but I swear, there isn't any chemistry between us. He's a good actor don't get me wrong, but most of the time... He looks a little lost."

"How about that Jongdae?"

"He's a rookie, Kyungsoo."

"And so?"

"And so there's no way I'm putting him as a lead."




"It was Jongin, wasn't it?!" Kyungsoo yells the moment he steps inside the SC office a little after lunch where Luhan and Yifan (surprisingly) are already sifting the different clubs' proposals. "Jongin what?" Luhan asks in confusion. "He was the one who rudely crashed into you without helping you up."

Yifan snorts and Luhan hits his head with a pile of papers, the SC president turns to Kyungsoo, "I'm not sure? It doesn't matter. I'm fine."

"That guy is so despicable! Don't worry, I'll deal with him." Kyungsoo storms out of the office, Luhan sighs, "Yifan, just go on with this and I'll be back much later. I thought we can finish halfway before my class starts but now I have to deal with a raging Kyungsoo." The taller blond just nods and Luhan runs after his secretary.

"Kyungsoo! Come on! Minseok must have exaggerated this, ok?! I'm fine!"

The wide-eyed boy continuously ignores Luhan and heads straight to the practice room where he knows Jongin is.


Kyungsoo barges right inside the studio and marches towards the tanned boy, "Admit it! It was you!"

"It was me, what?!" Jongin crosses his arms across his chest, but before Kyungsoo answers, Luhan follows after him, "Kyungsoo! It's not a big deal! Agh! Minseok and his big mouth!"

"You crashed into Luhan and you didn't even bother to pick him up!" Kyungsoo continues as he tries his best to get to Jongin but Luhan is doing his best to wrap his arms around the shorter boy to keep him from committing murder.

"I didn't do any crashing into anyone today. I mean... Unless you want to crash into me," Jongin opens his arms wide open, "I'm all yours."

"Uhm, that was me?" Sehun pipes in, and all three of them looks at him. The youngest bows 90 degrees, "I'm so sorry. I was really late for my class, and I didn't see you, Luhan-hyung..." Kyungsoo removes Luhan's grip from his waist as he watches the young Korean apologize.

Jongin pulls up his cousin then wraps his arm around his shoulder, "YOU DID WHAT, BABY COUSIN?! That's not nice." Sehun turns to look at Jongin and a devilish smirk is planted on the motherfucker's face. "You should apologize."

"I already did." Sehun grits between his teeth, Jongin smirks more evilly, "Apologize more properly." Kyungsoo watches with wide-eyes the banter of the cousins.

"T-that's okay! Why is everybody making a big deal? I'm okay. We're all okay! We're leaving." Luhan pulls Kyungsoo but Jongin grabs the secretary's wrist before the two can leave, "No. That's not the way of our family. Sehun, redeem yourself and take Luhan for bubble tea. NOW."

Kyungsoo is hissing against Jongin's hold but the more he pulls away, the grip only becomes tighter that he just lets the tanned boy hold him down.

"Kim Jongin." Sehun glares at Jongin, Luhan waves his hand in the air, "Maybe next time, okay? We really have to leave. I have classes in 10 minutes. The bubble tea can wait, I love bubble teas." The SC president steps forward but is pulled back when Kyungsoo is dragged a step back.

"You can let go now, Jongin." Kyungsoo shakes his arm off with a shrug, but Jongin tightens his hold, "Give me a kiss first, babe."

"Kiss my foot!!!" Kyungsoo steps on Jongin's foot then hightails his way out of the studio ahead of Luhan. The dancer groans in pain and drops to the floor, Luhan bows in front of Sehun, "So sorry about that. Bye."

"Was that really necessary?" Luhan asks after he catches up with Kyungsoo who's already heading back to their building. The shorter boy doesn't answer so Luhan runs faster and catches a glimpse of Kyungsoo's reddened face. "Oh my goodness! You're blushing!"

"I am not! I'm angry!"

Luhan smiles knowingly, "Oh, really?"

Kyungsoo stops and faces Luhan nonchalantly, "Really."

"I will tell Minseok about this."

"Oh please don't."

Luhan smiles, "But I will."

"I will not hear the end of this! I don't like Jongin, okay!?"

"Oh. Okay." Luhan walks ahead, "Be prepared for your bestfriend's chagrin soon."

"I hate you too!!!" Kyungsoo stomps his feet on the ground like a kid throwing a tantrum before walking back to their building.


But no, Kyungsoo doesn't really hate Luhan because if he does he wouldn't be meeting up with him in Noriter the next day. Even if he indeed told Minseok about yesterday's episode and his bestfriend says they need to talk later today too.

"Glad you found an empty seat." He tells the older when he enters the famous cafe. "Sehun was here earlier. He said he's about to leave so he gave the table to me." Luhan explains then pushes a large glass of almond milk tea towards Kyungsoo's. Luhan doesn't always treat Kyungsoo with sweets since it's usually the other way around so this drink must come with a price, "What is it this time...?"

"Apology for yesterday?" Luhan responds but Kyungsoo narrows his eyes skeptically and the older just straight up confesses, "And Jongin's proposal, there's a problem there." Kyungsoo groans, "I knew it. What is it?"

"Well, it's organized and all, but he wants a 2-day showcase that coincides with Minseok's play during AB week next month."

"But Minseok probably won't be doing a whole play. You know that he only showcases 30-minutes of the whole play his club will present before they do it more extravagantly before the schoolyear ends."

"I know. Come on, I room with your bestfriend. The budget isn't the problem for AB week because Minseok didn't even ask for any. It's the venue. They're both asking the same venue. At the same time. Yifan says it's first come first served but it's the dance club, we can't just throw them aside." Luhan explains, Kyungsoo huffs after he takes a sip of his drink, "Alright, hyung. Now get to the point."

"He sent his proposals late. Now, it's not only his club that's gonna use our department's sole auditorium okay? There's the debate team and some symposium as well. He has two choices and please this time use your complete powers over him to get him to agree until tomorrow." Luhan explains again and he flinches when Kyungsoo groans out of frustration because he's gonna have to meet with Jongin again and this time he has to sell his soul for him to agree immediately. "What are his choices? Why does he get choices and I don't?" Kyungsoo asks and Luhan just smiles reluctantly, "The auditorium can only be open for him on Tuesday, 4-6 pm. That's it. If he wants a 2-day showcase, he'd have to settle for a smaller venue - the conference hall and only for 8-10 am."

"Who'd go for a morning dance showcase? Because I won't. Would you?"

"That's exactly what Yifan and I thought. Now, use your charm to make him agree to cut it for a day."

"Fine..." Kyungsoo agrees and Luhan beams. The former's phone rings and it's Minseok. Kyungsoo talks to his bestfriend and he hangs up a few minutes later. He glares at Luhan, "He's asking me to grab him a burger, go to your dorm and we NEED to talk."

"Again, I'm so sorry!"

"Let's go."

The two of them leaves their table and walks their way to the burger joint near the cafe. They head to the takeout counter and just orders for Minseok and Kyungsoo's as well. Luhan is skipping lunch with them to attend some meeting. Their orders arrive rather fast and they walk out of the joint. That is until Luhan finds two familiar figures by the glass window, the SC president knocks on it to get the two boys' attention. Luhan waves a hand and yells, "Thank you for earlier!" Kyungsoo just glares at Jongin who's suprisingly looking at him a little differently than he's used to. Kyungsoo's heart races as the gaze lingers on him so he grabs Luhan by the wrist and pulls him away.

"Kyungsoo, you're blushing again."

"Luhan, stop it." Kyungsoo releases his friend and sticks out his tongue, "I'm gonna head over to Minseok's. I'll talk to Jongin tomorrow."

Luhan pats the shorter boy's head, "Okay." He smiles then jogs away. Kyungsoo continues on his way to the dorms and knocks on Minseok's door. His bestfriend opens the door for him and the younger makes his way inside. "Here's your food."

"Sit on my bed unless you want Luhan to skin you alive." Minseok takes his place on the floor as he piles up sheets of papers scattered on it. "Kyungsoo, I'm your bestfriend and you should know by now that I hate secrets, okay?" The older speaks without looking up. Minseok keeps eating his lunch and waits for the other to speak.

"Luhan's just playing around."

"So... You really don't feel anything about Jongin?" Minseok still keeps himself busy not that he's angry with Kyungsoo, he's just a multitasker and with a prototype play in a few weeks there's just no way he can stop now.

"He makes my life miserable."

"That's been established. Luhan says you blush around him now. Heck. I thought when you turn red when he teases you is just out of pure anger."

Kyungsoo sighs and takes a huge bite off his burger, "I don't know, Minseok." The older of the two stops shuffling the papers and stares at his bestfriend, "Go on."

"I don't understand why lately, I feel like my chest is beating too fast when he's looking at me. And blood rushes to my head when he teases me and maybe it makes me angry because I'm getting too affected and it's not funny. I hate him." He sputters continuously as he keeps eating his lunch.

"I'm no expert because you know, high standards, but you might be confusing hate to an entirely different emotion." Minseok smirks and then proceeds on checking out the pages of the script on the floor.

"What do you mean?" Kyungsoo asks after swallowing the last of his burger, Minseok taps his pencil against the floor as he reads the part of the play he wants to be shown on AB week, "Think about it, Kyungsoo. You're smarter than me."

There's silence between them first, except the tapping of the pencil and the shuffling of papers. After a few minutes, Kyungsoo wails and buries himself on Minseok's pillows, "OH MY GOD!!! I LIKE HIM!!!"


"Nononononooooo! NO! NOOOOO!!!!" Kyungsoo whines and wails, tosses and turns and flails. Minseok acts oblivious to the tantrum his bestfriend is throwing and just continues with the task at hand. The younger suddenly sits up, "How do I face him tomorrow!? Why did you have to talk to me about this today?!" Minseok laughs. At his bestfriend's misery, "Face it, Soo. You're caught. Then again, Jongin's kinda cute and charming too."

"Of all people... Why him?" Kyungsoo sighs against the pillow and just lies still then he hits Minseok with a pillow, "And you hate him too! How can you say he's charming?! You traitor!" The older laughs it off, "I hate him when you do but cute boys are cute."

"Traitor." Kyungsoo hisses then gets up from the bed, "I'm gonna go. I am gonna wallow in this self-discovery and hate myself."

"You're so dramatic, why didn't you join my club?"

Kyungsoo sticks out his tongue before heading out of the dorm.


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are getting ready for class when the younger suddenly speaks, "I've heard something interesting from Joonmyun."

"What is it?" Kyungsoo asks as he fixes his hair for a bit, Baekhyun chuckles, "Looks like Yifan's having some stargazing dates with the freshman Huang Zitao."

"Ohhhh. And he said he's not interested in him." Kyungsoo coos and checks himself in the mirror for another once over then takes his bag from his bed. "Could this be a start?" Baekhyun asks after he gets his own bag and they both head outside. "Start of what?" Kyungsoo asks after locking the door.

"The year of love." Baekhyun grins, Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow. Then he thinks of Jongin, and his blood rush to his cheeks again that he's thankful the hallways are a little dark for Baekhyun to notice. The wide-eyed boy clears his throat, "So... You and Park Chanyeol this year too?"

Baekhyun waves his hands in the air, "NO! That...! We're impossible! He's Park Chanyeol."

Kyungsoo smile then his roommate narrows his eyes at him, "But you don't deny that this could be the year of love... Do you like someone?"


Baekhyun stares at Kyungsoo harder, "Are you sure?"


"Huh." Baekhyun looks at him skeptically before continuing on, "But really, I hope a lot of love bloom this year."

Kyungsoo smiles, "Well, we'll see. Fingers crossed for you and Chanyeol!"

"Stop it!" Baekhyun yells then stops when he sees Chanyeol run past them in his disarrayed uniform. The tall team captain just continues running until he's further ahead. Baekhyun looks at him longingly before realizing something.

"Oh my god!!!! Did he hear us?! Did he?! Oh my god!!!!"

"Why don't you ask him?" Kyungsoo teases and Baekhyun shrieks, "Oh my god. I'm doomed."

Wednesday starts normally for Kyungsoo. He's got his morning classes that finishes an hour after lunch. Solving math problems took his mind off the pressing matter of meeting Jongin later that day. He's got 2 hours of vacant time until his 2nd class for the day so he decides to just look for Jongin's schedule in the bulletin board.

Thankfully, Jongin has classes in room 209 for a major subject and hopefully, he's not skipping it. Kyungsoo takes a deep breath after rechecking the room number on the bulletin board before heading to the said class. He finds the classroom and truthfully enough, classes are already going on. Kyungsoo takes a peak from the corner of the small windon on the classroom door and he finds Jongin yawning in the middle of the classroom.

"Deep breath. Deep breath." He mumbles and with all his confidence, Kyungsoo knocks lightly on the door - thank god for being part of the student council, class disruptions from them can be excused. The door opens and Ms. Hwang steps out, "Oh? Yes, Kyungsoo?"

"Hi, Ms. Hwang, uhm, is it okay if I pull Kim Jongin out of your class for a while? It's official matters for the student council and we're kind of running on a deadline."

The professor smiles, "Sure. That boy is halfway into dreamland anyway. Just wait here." She smiles again before stepping inside the classroom. Kyungsoo fidgets as he waits then jumps a little in shock when there's a sudden loud cheer inside the room then Jongin steps out with a huge grin in his face. "Hey babe."

Kyungsoo sighs, "I am not your babe."

Jongin raises an eyebrow, "Aww, you're not angry this time, too."

"Jongin!" Kyungsoo tries to sound tired of the games the younger is playing, Jongin walks to the stairs and sits on it, Kyungsoo follows but opts to stand by the wall. "Okay, babe. What is it? I mean, you won't just pull me out of the classroom because you miss me, right?"

"I will never. Anyway, about your proposal..."

"I already gave it to you."

"Well, there's a problem with the schedule." Then Kyungsoo proceeds on explaining the choices Jongin has for his club's showcase. The younger knits his brows, "That Minseok."

"It's your own damn fault."

Jongin shrugs, "No. I get that auditorium for two days."

"Kim Jongin, please? Cooperate with me this time!"

Jongin eyes Kyungsoo then grins, "In one condition."

"I'd probably regret this, but okay?"

"Spend next Friday night with me in the dance studio. Watch me dance alone, alright?"

"If you do something funny, I will kill you."

Jongin looks at Kyungsoo softly, "No. I'm just gonna dance. I just want you to watch me and I will take that Tuesday schedule."

Kyungsoo sighs rather loudly since he's trying to steady his bloodflow and heartbeat, "I'll see you next Friday."

"See you, babe." Jongin winks then heads straight back to his classroom. Kyungsoo is walking away from the classroom when a loud cheer echoes again. He ignores it and texts Minseok for their lunch together.

Minseok and him meets at Noriter for lunch and his bestfriend talks on and on about the showcase he's giving, but Kyungsoo is spacing out a little. "You aren't listening. Something wrong?" Minseok asks when he finally notices.

"He asked me to see him dance alone next Friday night."

"Him? Dance? Alone?" Minseok asks then his eyes go wide, he leans forward excitedly that he almost gets their drinks to topple over and whispers, "KIM JONGIN ASKED YOU ON A DATE?"

"I don't know if it's a date. It's compensation for rescheduling his showcase and cutting it for only 1 day."

"Are you going?"

"I have to. I need to keep the end of my bargain."

Minseok smiles, "You could just say you want to spend some time alone with him too."

Kyungsoo doesn't respond and just picks on his food, his bestfriend chuckles, "Luhan's right. You're blushing for him now."

"Stop it."


It's Thursday night and Jongin, Sehun and Tao are inside the latter two's dorm.

"You asked him to watch you dance and he actually agreed?" Sehun asks while he and his cousin are eating take out dinner on the floor. Jongin nods and Tao puts down the book he's reading. "So, like a date?" The Chinese asks and Jongin shakes his head, "No. Not a date. I just want him to watch me."

"Yeah right." Tao rolls his eyes and Sehun chuckles, "Ignore him, Jongin. Everything that involve two people is a date for him."

"If it involves someone you like, then it's a date." Tao smiles and the cousins roll their eyes. "But, isn't Kyungsoo-hyung with the student council? I thought you don't like people involved in that?" The Chinese asks and Jongin swallows his food first before answering, "Well, he's cute."

"See?! I told you it's like Taemin all over again!"

"No! I told you it's different!" Jongin defends, "I want Kyungsoo to like me, as a friend! He's just too angry at me all the time and Taemin... I really liked him. He's beautiful and graceful and we were perfect together."

Sehun nods, "And you teased him a lot too before you started going out, and you were so in love, you even went to this university to be with him only to find out he's already cheating on you."

"Minho's an asshole, okay?" Jongin grunts, Tao lies to his side to watch the two people eating on the floor, "But, Jongin... You can't just blame Minho alone. It takes two people to have an affair." Tao comments and Jongin ignores him.

"And those two are still together, too." Sehun adds and Jongin scoffs. "It's been over a year, haven't you forgiven him?"

"Forgiven? Yes. Forgotten? No." Jongin responds and finishes the last of his food. "We were perfect together. Let's leave it at that."

"And what you're doing to Kyungsoo is a distraction? You're unfair." Tao asks and Sehun agrees. The Chinese continues, "Kyungsoo-hyung is a nice person and he doesn't deserve to be treated like that."

"Both of you are bullying me. He's not a distraction. Maybe I like him but maybe not as much as I give myself credit for. I don't know. I can't say anything more than that because maybe I haven't moved on completely from Taemin."

"Why don't you talk to Taemin? Settle things?" Sehun asks as he finishes his dinner.

"We haven't talked since I found out he was cheating on me. What's the point now?"

Sehun and Tao looks at each other first then faces Jongin and dramatically tells him in unison, "So you can let go."

"You two are crazy. Crazier than Chanyeol." Jongin exclaims.

Tao takes his book again and flips the pages, "You linger in the beautiful memories of the past that you forget to live in the present." He speaks in Chinese. Jongin looks at his cousin and Sehun shrugs, "He speaks random Chinese proverbs I think? Then doesn't usually translate it so don't mind him."

Tao chuckles then speaks in Korean again, "You'll never be able to live your life in the present if you keep thinking about the past. It sounded more meaningful in Chinese though."

"Again? In simple Korean?" Jongin asks and Tao sighs, "Just, open your eyes. You'll never know what's in store fo you if you keep yourself in denial."

"Say something Sehun! I'm getting beat here." Jongin yells and Sehun shrugs, "But I'm with Tao with this." He high fives his roommate and Jongin groans.

"Think about it, stupid cousin. It would be better if you just talk to Taemin."

"Says the guy who keeps running away from Luhan."

"In my defense, I have no hangups with him. Unlike you, you and Taemin need closure."

Jongin scoffs, "Okay. I'll think about it. Gah, if only Chanyeol's isn't always busy with his basketball team, I won't be eating with you guys, I won't have this intervention." The tanned boy stands and grabs his stuff.

"One way or another you're gonna face Taemin anyway." Sehun comments before Jongin slams the door behind him.


The days go by, weekends roll uneventfully for Kyungsoo who's thankful that he's not gonna deal with Jongin in the future (the coming Friday must be the last, hurray!) and this infatuation can finally die down. It's a peaceful Sunday morning and he goes to the pancake house near their dorms to grab takeout for breakfast. He waits by the corner when he finds some familiar people sitting a few tables from him. Kyungsoo squints his eyes and it's Yifan pinching Tao's nose. He smiles because Yifan is smiling at Tao, and they look so happy. And for some reason the image of the two Chinese turns to him and Jongin. Kyungsoo rubs his eyes rather roughly to stop the hallucination and he's never been thankful for his order coming to stop him from looking at the vice president and his boyfriend(?). He stands and walks out of the pancake house without greeting his friend.

"Stupid Yifan being lovey-dovey with Tao." He grunts. His wallowing is halted when his phone rings to a frantic Luhan, "Hyung?"

'Come to our dorm! You're bestfriend is being overly dramatic!'

"I'm on my way."

Kyungsoo hangs up and runs to Luhan and Minseok's dorm in record time. When he enters, he finds his bestfriend crying on his bed. "Okay, what happened?!"


Kyungsoo and Luhan looks at each other with a shrug. The youngest speaks, "But... You don't give him any lead parts, and I dunno..."

"Your stupid crush talked to him last week! Your Kim Jongin is stealing my Zhang Yixing!"

"What." Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and just sits on the floor to eat his breakfast. He ignores the tantrums while Luhan takes a shower. Minseok sits up from his bed, "I'm serious, Kyungsoo. There will be blood if Yixing decides to leave."

"So why are you talking to me about it? Isn't it your job to convince Yixing to stay?"

"I said I'll give him a lead part to the play, but he said he's gonna think about it! You don't think twice getting a lead part in a play!!! Oh god!!! He's leaving me!"

"You sound like a distressed girlfriend."

"You aren't helping."

"You didn't need any help. You're just throwing a tantrum."

Luhan steps out of the shower, "I'm gonna head out. I'm meeting some of my friends for Sunday lunch." The SC president proceeds to change his clothes and Kyungsoo turns away from him. He continues talking to Minseok, "So, what do you want me to do now?"

"Talk to Jongin. Tell him Yixing is mine."

"Do I look like a messenger for all your Jongin needs?"

"You already know how to charm the guy." Luhan adds with a bright smile and Kyungsoo sighs. "Will you stop being a kid if I say I'll try my best."

Minseok nods, Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, "Fine. I'll try my best. Again." The oldest hugs his bestfriend while Luhan gets ready to step outside but Kyungsoo stops him first. "Looks like Yifan and Tao's together now, by the way!"

"Really?" Luhan's eyes widen and Kyungsoo nods, "Saw them at the pancake house earlier."

The Chinese smirks then waves his goodbye to the two Koreans. Kyungsoo sighs again, 'When will I ever get away from Jongin?'

Entry too long. Part 2 here.

pairing: sehun x luhan, pairing: kris x tao, pairing: jongin x kyungsoo, pairing: jongdae x minseok, band: exo, pairing: chanyeol x baekhyun, pairing: suho x lay, length: chaptered, title: the daily lives of college boys, !fanfiction

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