The Daily Lives of College Boys - 03/?

May 21, 2013 10:40

Title: The Daily Lives of College Boys
Chapters: 03/?
Author: paranoiascreams
Genre: fluff, romance, college!au
Warning: unbeta'd
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Kris x Tao, Sehun x Luhan, Kai x DO, Suho x Lay, Chen x Xiumin, Chanyeol x Baekhyun
Synopsis: It's a normal start of the year for most students in the Faculty of Arts and Letters until their lives change one by one because of a smile, a helping hand, a power shortage, a play, a snapshot, and an interview. Sooner than they know it, hearts are beating faster for another.
Disclaimer: I own no one. Title stolen from the anime, "Daily lives of High School Boys". that anime is on crack.

[01] [02] [03] [04]

Tao gets home to find Sehun sprawled on the bed. It's Wednesday during club week and all he's been seeing is his roommate moping inside their dorm room.

"Nothing will be done lest you make a move upon thy self." Tao tells Sehun in Chinese, the younger groans.

"I have no idea what you just said."

Tao rolls his eyes, "Make a move, Sehun. How would he notice you if you don't do anything? You helped me earlier this week with Yifan and I got him to semi-date me on the same day."

Sehun groans louder this time, "I don't have an excuse. You're pretending to be bad with Korean, and I can't do that."

Tao shrugs, "And what are you gonna do about this? I'm sure Luhan won't turn you away. He seemed nice during the tour."

The younger blows his bangs away from his forehead, "I barely remember anything about the tour. Was he singing when he was talking? I'm pretty sure melody is spurting out of his lips, not words."

Tao wrinkles his nose, "What."

"I'm gonna die alone and with a raging crush on my senior that won't even notice me."

"He knows you. He'll notice you."



It's Friday and the end of club week. Jongin is dancing in the music studio while Sehun learns his moves, the younger has joined his cousin's club much to the other's chagrin and blackmailing that he's left with no choice anyway.

"Oh! Sehunah."

Jongin stops whatever he's doing and walks over to his bag, "Can you bring this to the SC office? Just hand it over to Kyungsoo, he hates my awesomeness and I hate that office." The club's president hands him a sheet of paper, "It's the list of the new members."

"Can't you ask another person to do it?" Sehun tilts his head to the other people in the studio, Jongin chuckles, "Why? Trying to run away from the adorable, doe-eyed, student coun-"

"FINE! Shut up!" Sehun heaves then runs out of the studio after chucking the paper inside his bag. He can hear Jongin laughing and his cousin is probably rolling on the floor dying of laughter.

"Please don't be there. Don't be there." Sehun mumbles over and over until he reaches the door of the SC office, "Please don't be inside, don't be inside." He whispers as he opens the office. Sehun sighs in relief when he finds the room empty, only for a second though because Luhan pops out from under his desk that Sehun almost screams in shock, "OH. Hi! Sehun, right?"

Sehun nods frantically, fumbles inside his bag and shoves a sheet of paper on Luhan, "New members. Dance club. Okay, bye!" And just like that he runs away from the office. Luhan blinks rapidly making sure that Sehun was real and not some apparition who came and went. He sighs then takes a look on the paper in his hand, "This isn't a list..." He mumbles, double checking the back but there aren't any kind of list there, aside from Sehun's literary essay homework - that isn't graded yet.

Sehun calls Jongin once he's a few classrooms away from the SC office, "You fucking knew he'll be there, didn't you?!"

"I was only trying to help you, baby cousin."

"You're helping me get a perpetual heart attack!"

"Stop running away from him and have some balls to ask him out."

"Uhm. How about, NO?"

"Enjoy your misery. Anyway, I gotta go. You coming back here?"

Sehun checks his watch, he's only got 15 minutes until his World Literature class, "Nah. I'm just gonna change my clothes and I'm heading to class."

"See yah later, then." Jongin finishes the call and Sehun heads to the nearest restroom to change.


Sehun is lying his head against his desk while they wait for their professor when one of his classmates nudges him, "Leave me alone..."

"The president is looking for you."

"The president?" Sehun looks up with a raised brow, and he almost falls from his chair when he finds Luhan by the door, the older waves at him and then walks up to his desk. "You gave me the wrong paper. Thank goodness I found you before your classes start. I mean, Prof. Kim is famous for not letting anybody leave the room once he's inside." Luhan puts the paper on Sehun's desk while the younger speaks nothing and just looks for that god-forsaken list of new members inside his bag. Once he hands the correct paper to Luhan, Prof. Kim arrives and everyone gets on their seats, leaving Luhan standing by Sehun's desk.

"Wahhhh!!!" Luhan wails, "I swear, Professor Kim, I'm just about to leave!"

"But that will ruin my record. Sit down, Luhan."

"Oh, come on!" Luhan stomps his feet, the other freshmen giggle in amusement, "Can't you let me go this once? I promise on my life no one would know you let me leave the room. I'm not even in this class!"

"Sit down, Luhan."

Luhan pouts and Sehun's classmate who's always next to him moves to another empty seat to give way to the SC president. Sehun can feel cold sweat trickling down his back as Luhan sits beside him. The older takes out a pen and notebook and starts doodling random caricatures and cartoon characters and doesn't bother to listen to Prof. Kim.

Sehun sometimes (okay, after every 5 seconds) takes a glance at Luhan, and when the older catches him, he smiles at the younger. Sehun chuckles shyly and scratches the back of his head, embarrassed after getting caught. Luhan holds up his doodles of Prof. Kim's random facial expressions and the SC president mimics them, making Sehun burst out in laughter.

"OH SEHUN! LU HAN! Care to share?!"

Luhan faces the professor, "Well, yeah." The senior laughs, Luhan shows the professor a doodle he drew earlier, the classroom laughs, "Please, please throw me out of this class! I have my own class in 20 minutes!"

The whole classroom erupts louder in laughter, even the professor joins them, "Okay, Luhan. Go away and stop bothering these freshmen."

"VICTORY!" Luhan exclaims then gives his doodles to Sehun before leaving the classroom.


"Those are atrocious." Tao comments after he sees some doodles taped on the wall above Sehun's study desk.

"You're one to talk." The younger responds without looking up from his laptop.

Tao walks behind Sehun, "Is this... Professor Kim?" The Chinese asks after closer inspection.

"If you can tell, then the drawing isn't so bad."

"Did you draw these? Because if you did, please stick to your talent in dancing."

"I didn't draw those." Sehun chuckles and Tao looks at his roommate with a raised brow, "Are you blushing, Oh Sehun?"

"Luhan drew those."

Tao backs away, "Now you're a scary stalker who picks up random doodles drawn by their crush."

Sehun turns from his laptop and faces Tao, "I am not a stalker, okay? He was stuck in my class for at least 15 minutes because Prof. Kim won't let him leave."

Tao smiles mischievously, "Did the two of you talk? You got his number?"

Sehun shakes his head dejectedly, "He made me laugh, though. He drew those and gave them to me before he left."

"... You're such a pity, you know that?"

"No, I don't. Why do you say so?"

Tao shrugs and walks back to his bed, "You have good looks, you're an amazing dancer. Girls swoon, boys get boners over you."

"And your point being?"

"You don't have the courage to actually go after the person you want."

Sehun sighs, "If it's in the stars, it will happen."

Tao claps, "Right! Stars! Yifan joined me last night for the first time in the rooftop!"

Sehun makes face and responds in a sarcastic monotone, "Hurray for your blooming lovelife."

"You suck."

Sehun blows raspberry then turns his attention back to his laptop.


It's Monday. Nobody loves Mondays, unfortunately. And Sehun is definitely one of those people who hates this day with intensity. "Fuck! I'm late! I'm late!" Sehun runs out of his dorm room, and speeds his way to the AB building all the while trying to button the rest of his polo. He swipes his I.D and runs faster than he could before he crashes to another student, "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" Sehun doesn't bother to look at the student and speeds through the hallways of the building.

"Luhan? What the hell?" Minseok pulls up the SC president, "What happened?"

Luhan picks his bag in a daze, "Someone ran into me. It was so fast and I didn't even have time to know who it was."

"He didn't even apologize?! That bastard!"

"He did? I think he did." Luhan dusts off his pants then walks to his class he shares with Minseok.

"We're gonna find out who that bastard is, because nobody should be allowed to do this to you!"

Luhan waves his hand in the air, "Don't be too dramatic, I'm okay."

"You could have broken a bone or something!"

"But I didn't, so don't bother." Luhan smiles then enters the classroom.


"You're late."

Sehun rolls his eyes then just drops his bag in one corner of the dance studio. He's been into heaps of bad luck today, and even if he had a student as collateral damage today, his professor still kicked him out of his Algebra class for being 10 minutes late.

"Don't start, Jongin. I'm not in the mood." He shoots down his cousin and proceeds to change his uniform to a white shirt.

"Aww. Baby cousin having his period?"

"Stop it!"


Kyungsoo barges right inside the studio and marches towards the tanned boy, "Admit it! It was you!"

"It was me, what?!" Jongin crosses his arms across his chest, but before Kyungsoo answers, another student walks inside, "Kyungsoo! It's not a big deal! Agh! Minseok and his big mouth!"

Sehun turns around the moment he hears that sweet voice and he finds Luhan trying to pull Kyungsoo away so he can keep the wide-eyed boy from lunging at the dancer.

"You crashed into Luhan and you didn't even bother to pick him up!"

"I didn't do any crashing into anyone today. I mean... Unless you want to crash into me," Jongin opens his arms wide open, "I'm all yours."

"Uhm, that was me?" Sehun pipes in, and all three of them looks at him. The youngest bows 90 degrees, "I'm so sorry. I was really late for my class, and I didn't see you, Luhan-hyung..."

Jongin pulls up his cousin then wraps his arm around his shoulder, "YOU DID WHAT, BABY COUSIN?! That's not nice." Sehun turns to look at Jongin and a devilish smirk is planted on the motherfucker's face. "You should apologize."

"I already did." Sehun grits between his teeth, Jongin smirks more evilly, "Apologize more properly."

"T-that's okay! Why is everybody making a big deal? I'm okay. We're all okay! We're leaving." Luhan pulls Kyungsoo but Jongin grabs the secretary's wrist before the two can leave, "No. That's not the way of our family. Sehun, redeem yourself and take Luhan for bubble tea. NOW."

"Kim Jongin." Sehun glares at Jongin, Luhan waves his hand in the air, "Maybe next time, okay? We really have to leave. I have classes in 10 minutes. The bubble tea can wait, I love bubble teas." The SC president steps forward but is pulled back when Kyungsoo is dragged a step back.

"You can let go now, Jongin." Kyungsoo shakes his arm off, but Jongin tightens his hold, "Give me a kiss first, babe."

"Kiss my foot!!!" Kyungsoo steps on Jongin's foot then hightails his way out of the studio ahead of Luhan. The dancer groans in pain and drops to the floor, Luhan bows in front of Sehun, "So sorry about that. Bye." The SC president leaves and Sehun breaks into a small smile, "He likes, no, loves bubble teas. Just like me. Wow."

"A little help here?"

"You deserved it." Sehun rolls his eyes and walks over to the music player to start dancing, Jongin curses at him, "I was setting you up on a date!"

"Whatever." Sehun turns the volume louder and completely ignores his groaning cousin and proceeds to dance.


Sehun doesn't have Tuesday classes and he's decided to wander around the campus. Tao's got his own schedules to deal with and Jongin's nowhere to be found. Sehun can't say he's made friends with his classmates too (most of them says he's too intimidating and they settle for in-classroom interactions), long story short, he's alone. He decides to just go to Noriter and order his choco bubble tea to go then just go back to his dorm.

As expected, the place is a bit crowded. Sehun scoffs as he falls in line. He's got his headphones on and he's shut himself to the world. He unconsciously walks forward when he notices the line move as he is busy replying to Jongin's text messages. When he reaches the counter, he slides his headphones to his neck and orders his bubble tea. He finds a free table (a rare occurence) and immediately takes it since Jongin's class has ended and is already on his way to the place. He puts his headphones back on his ears and shuts down.

Sehun is too busy fiddling with his phone to actually notice someone waving a hand in front of him - until said hand taps his shoulder. The young Korean looks up and he could have gone blind immediately because that smile is just too bright for him to handle. Sehun immediately removes his headphones, "L-Luhan-hyung?"

"You remembered! Uh, is it okay if I sit with you? I'm waiting for Kyungsoo, and there aren't any seats available." Luhan greets him, still standing across from the younger.

"Y-you can sit. You can take this table. I'm about to leave anyway!" Sehun stands unceremoniously, he takes his bubble tea, "Nice to see you, and I'm sorry about yesterday. Uh, okay. Bye!" The younger rambles on then runs out of the cafe. He crashes into his cousin who's about to enter the cafe as well, "Yo, Sehun! What's the rush? I thought we already have a table?"

"Change of plans?" Sehun grabs his cousin's wrist and stirs both of them away from the cafe.

"What happened?" Jongin finally asks when Sehun slows down. They're now in front of a fastfood burger joint, his younger cousin enters first and sits on the first free table they find.

"Luhan came and asked to share the table with me. I gave it to him and ran out."

"You ran out of the cafe, because of Luhan? Are you stupid? That's chance served on a silver platter already!"

A waiter hands them the menu but the both of them just orders their usual food without looking at it. Jongin stares at his younger cousin, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You know very well how I can't speak coherently in his presence!"

"Again, I ask. What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. You?!" Jongin glares at him and Sehun buries his face in his hands, "You...! I can't start with your... Ugh. Sehun. We are proud members of the Kim and Oh family. We do not, I repeat, do not run away from a person that we like."

Sehun looks up to meet his cousin's gaze, "You and your made-up family pride and honor. I'm pretty sure I wasn't brought up to make the person I like's life miserable."

"Why would you make Luhan's life miserable?"

Sehun smirks, "Who said anything about Luhan?"

Jongin crosses his arms over his chest, "So, we're talking about me now? Because," the tanned boy flips Sehun his middle finger, "That's what."

"Oh. Look. He says hello." Sehun lets his right middle finger peek through behind his left palm. Jongin chuckles and the cousins break in laughter. Their food arrive and they dig in, they eat silently for awhile, until Jongin breaks it.

"So, basically... You're saying..." The older starts in between chewing his food. Sehun makes a face, "Don't eat with your mouth full, you idiot. It's gross." Jongin throws a ball of napkin at his cousin then swallows his food, "Where's our precious family's maknae?! He's been replaced with a fuc-- friggin' brat!" Jongin remembers to never curse when eating. Sehun rolls his eyes, "You were saying?"

"Right. Back to my point! So... What you're doing means you're gonna run away from him all year round?"

"Why not? It's his last year in university. It's my first. We're not taking the same major, and there really isn't any reason for us to become close. To become friends."

Jongin squints his eyes, "You know... I have a theory."

"No. Don't bother because that just means trouble."

The older throws another ball of napkin at his cousin's face, "Shut up. My theory is that... When two people are meant to be together, even just for a time or forever, nothing can ever come between them. They're bound to be pulled closer to each other anyway." Jongin smirks, "You can run all you want, you can try and ignore him, lie to yourself if you desire. You'll still end up meeting each other, no matter how unconventional it must be."

Sehun rolls his eyes too far back it looks almost painful, "That's a stupid theory."

"No, it's not."

"Do you even hear what you're saying? Do you even believe the words coming out of your mouth?!"

Jongin smiles meaningfully, "I do."

"And that's because?"

"Look behind you."

Sehun raises an eyebrow and turns around, he gasps when he finds Luhan and Kyungsoo walk inside the burger joint. They don't sit on a table but heads to the take-out counter. Sehun whips his head back to face his cousin only to find Jongin looking at the same direction too, minus the devilish smirk, just a serene smile plastered on his face.

"We aren't really just talking about Luhan-hyung, huh?"

Jongin looks at him with a lopsided smile, "Maybe?" The older motions the waiter for the bill, Sehun whips his head back behind him, but the other two are already gone. His attention is then taken to the soft knocking at the glass window next to him. The cousins both turn at the same time to find Luhan waving at them, mouthing a 'Thank you for earlier!' at Sehun while Kyungsoo has his eyebrows knit together as he glares at Jongin.

"Told you." Jongin mumbles after he pays for their food, he stands and Sehun follows, the younger sighs, "Stop it."

Jongin shoves his hands in his pockets, "Oh, come on."

"It's nice to think that way, but maybe I'll just keep running away until fate gets tired of chasing after me." Sehun kicks a pebble, "Besides, it's obvious that Luhan's just friendly and he isn't interested in me. At all."

"Not yet." Jongin cuts him off, Sehun raises an eyebrow, "Not yet what?"

"He's not yet interested in you. In time he might be. He will be." Jongin checks his watch, "I gotta go. I'm meeting with Yixing. I'm trying to force him to leave the theater club and join ours." The older pats his cousin's back, "Just be glad that at least he doesn't hate you with passion." Jongin smiles meaningfully before running off.

Sehun sighs, "Yeah. At least."


Sehun has never been thankful to quite a peaceful remainder of that week. He hasn't seen Luhan for days, thus, he hasn't ran away from the said boy. It's a Friday night, and judging from the empty bed across his', Tao is probably gonna come home tomorrow morning.

"At least something's happening to his lovelife." Sehun mumbles against his pillow. He thrashes his long limbs on his bed, whining to himself about his low self-esteem and just how envious he is of Tao's courage to go after Yifan. He's still thrashing around when the dorm room opens and in comes Tao who suddenly squeals the moment he closes the door. "He asked me out! We're gonna have our first official date tomorrow, Oh Sehun! Things are falling into place!" Tao jumps in place, Sehun grunts, "Shower me with your confidence, please. Mine's all dried up."

Tao walks over to him and shakes his hands over Sehun, "There, Sehunah! I share you my confidence! I hope it is enough for you to talk to Luhan-ge."

Sehun smiles at his roommate, "Thanks."

"Oh god! He needs to confess to me as soon as he can! It's hard to pretend as if I'm really bad with Korean." Tao grumbles as he heads to the shower. Sehun smiles - at least one of them is getting a love life.


"Ew. Both of you. Ew." Sehun exclaims when the moment he wakes up that Sunday morning, he sees Yifan and Tao eating each other's faces for breakfast. "Good morning." Tao faces him with a smile and hugs his boyfriend closer to him.

"Hey." The older greets him and lies his head on Tao's chest. Sehun sits up and throws a pillow at the couple, "I hope you didn't have sex while I'm asleep."

"Hey! We're not like that!" Tao defends for the both of them. The youngest stands and heads to the shower, "I'm gonna go and wash up. Let's have breakfast. I'm hungry." Once Sehun is out of the hearing range, Yifan kisses Tao again, before it gets heated, the younger pushes his boyfriend a little, "Hey, baby..."

Yifan blushes immediately with the petname, "Yeah?"

"You think you can invite Luhan for breakfast too?"

"And why?"

"Let's just say I wanna play matchmaker to Sehun."

"Alright." Yifan smiles, kisses the tip of his boyfriend's nose then stands up to look for his phone. He's just about to call his friend when Sehun steps out. Yifan excuses himself and leaves the dorm. "Shall we go?"

"Can I wash up too?" Tao asks, Sehun rolls his eyes. "Go ahead. You smell like a mixture of both your saliva. Ew." Tao chuckles and hits Sehun's arm playfully before walking to the bathroom.

Sehun is changing his shirt when Yifan walks in on him, "Dude!"

Yifan rolls his eyes, "Whatever."

Sehun plops on his bed after changing, "I'm happy for the both of you."

Yifan eyes the younger, "Thanks? How about you? Anyone you like in particular?"

Sehun's white. Really, really white and he blushes. What a sight to see. Yifan smirks, "Who is it?"

"None of your business!"

"Sehun!" Tao reprimands his roommate, "Be nice." The young Chinese grabs his boyfriend's hand, "Come on. I'm hungry."

They arrive at a pancake house a two blocks away from the dorms. Sehun wonders why Tao sits next to him and corners him against the window while Yifan sits across them. "You're playing footsies, aren't you? Please don't! Don't ruin my breakfast!"

Tao is about to retort when Yifan's phone alerts them of an incoming new message, the blond reads it then sighs, "You can sit beside me, Tao." The ravenhaired boy pouts and defeatedly sits next to his boyfriend. The Korean eyes them both, "What is going on?"

"Nothing." Yifan shrugs, Sehun glares at them, "I'm gonna go take a leak. You two order set A for me, ok?" The youngest excuses himself. "Why'd he bail out?" Tao asks once Sehun is gone. Yifan sighs again, "He was about to leave when Minseok dramatically enters their dorm saying there's a crisis. Yixing is thinking of leaving the theater club."

"Minseok? Yixing?"

"You'll meet them." Yifan pinches his boyfriend's nose lightly then calls for a waiter. He orders their food and enjoys their breakfast once Sehun returns to their table. Sehun spends the remainder of the day away from the lovers, he studies in the library to have his alone time. He's just about to get another book he needs for reference when a certain doe-eyed boy saunters inside the library, heading straight to the shelves where Sehun needs to go. The young Korean tries to calm himself, he's in between walking up to the shelves and Luhan because his paper is due on Friday and he really needs to start on it, or he could put it off until tomorrow. He sighs, he takes a step forward, then back. He grabs his stuff from his table and makes a run for it without looking back. Sehun decides to return to his dorm and just sleep everything off.

"Wake up." Tao shakes Sehun awake, approximately half an hour after taking his nap. "What?!" The young Korean lashes out, Tao smirks. "Your phone is missing."

"No it's not. It's perfectly here on the tab--" Sehun immediately sits up when the said device is not on his bedside table. He checks his pockets then his bag but the phone is not there. "Ok. Stop playing, Tao. Where is it?"

"I don't have it. The guy who got it is waiting for you at the lobby."

Sehun raises an eyebrow, Tao continues, "He called me. I mean, I wanted to get it for you then again, it would be nicer if you thank him personally. Go." The younger doesn't bother combing his hair and just puts on his sandals and heads downstairs.

'TAO YOU'RE DEAD MEAT.' he immediately screams inside his head when he finds Luhan with his bright eyes and lovely smile. "Sehun!" The SC president waves and walks up to him, "You left this in the library table. Another student found it and just decided to hand it over to me."

"Ah, y-yeah! Thanks." Sehun grabs the device, he's in dillemma whether or not be rude and take a run for it because he feels his sweat trickling down his back and his body is turning cold. "Good god, I'm dying!"

"--ful next ti... What?! You're dying!?" Luhan stops whatever he's saying, he's saying something and Sehun's too panicky to even give a fuck. "What?! N-no, hyung! I'm not. I'm just..."

Luhan sighs in relief, "I thought you were serious!"

"I'm dandy." 'Dandy. Wow. I'm a dork. I should die now.'

Luhan smiles brighter if it's any possible, "Okay. I'll see you around, okay?"

Sehun nods, one foot already stepping back and ready to run away. Luhan waves him goodbye and steps out of the building. Sehun barges in the room he shares with Tao the moment he steps out of the elevator and his roommate immediately covers himself with a blanket, "YIFAN! HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!" Tao screams - obviously talking on the phone with his boyfriend.



Sehun wakes up alone the next day. He wasn't able to kill off the couple yesterday since Yifan came to his boyfriend's rescue immediately and bought Tao's life by means of treating Sehun to dinner that night. He should have proceeded killing off the two because Yifan slept over again and he had a hard time going to sleep since he felt sick to the stomach hearing the two Chinese flirt on the bed next to his.

The next morning, Sehun's drying his hair with a towel, and taking his precious time since he's woken a bit early. He's walking around the room half-naked - a towel hanging on his waist while he's brushing his teeth and preparing the things he'll need for today's class. Sehun raises an eyebrow because today he has PE in 15 minutes (the soccer field is an 8-minute walk from the dorms if Sehun walks on sunshine, 3-minutes if he makes a run for it) and his gym bag is missing. He starts rummaging his side of the room, looking for the said bag which he already prepared the night before. He looks under his bed but the bag is gone, he's about to stand up when he finds another gym bag next to Tao's bed (fuck this university for giving out a uniformed gym bags as well). Sehun walks up to it and knows that this bag isn't his, judging from the different PE uniform inside. Sehun runs to the bathroom and finishes brushing his teeth. The young Korean immediately changes to his PE shorts - he's left it out of the bag - and a white shirt. He shoves his other stuff inside his backpack and takes his phone before running out of the room.

"God! I'm gonna be late!!!!" He yells as he runs and checks his phone at the same time. He finds a text message from Tao from about an hour ago before he calls his roommate.

From: TaoTao
'We left early. :) Yifan and I will laze around the SC office since my prof is sick and Yifan's classes will be in 2 hours. If you wanna play hookie, just drop by. :)'

Sehun doesn't bother calling, he runs like the wind but he knows it won't be enough since the dorms are 15 minutes away from his building on adrenaline rush and life dependency. So he runs, faster than any time he had run like his life is on the line. He barges inside the SC office, eyes focused on Tao cradling Yifan on his lap, "Tao, you took my gym bag by mistake!"

"I did?"


Sehun takes the bag sitting on the couch and rummages for his PE shirt, he takes off his white shirt and changes his clothes in the middle of the student council room. When his head pops out of the collar, Sehun realizes that Luhan is inside the room with them. "Oh. Hi, Luhan... Uhm. Okay! Bye!" The youngest takes his gym bag and speeds out of the office.

Luhan stares at the door, and sighs. "Wow..."

Yifan chuckles, "Luhan, your gay is showing."

"It's not!" Luhan yells but his reddened cheeks and sparkly eyes cannot be denied to the couple laughing at him inside the room.

"So, ge... You're blushing." Tao smirks, Luhan shakes his head, "Am not!"

Yifan adjusts himself and hugs Tao by the waist and rests his head on his boyfriend's chest, "He's single, Luhan." The older yawns and buries himself deeper against Tao's chest, "You might not be single for long if you know... Pursue him."

"First of all, Yifan, ew. Both of you look like horny cats." Tao yelps and Yifan laughs, the oldest continues, "But you're both adorable so I guess you're okay. Second, I don't think he's even interested." Luhan sighs and arranges his already clean desk, Tao laughs uncontrollably and Yifan had to pat his boyfriend on the back to prevent him from choking on air. "Ehhhh? What's so funny, Tao?" Luhan whines with a pout.

"Sehun... Not... Interested?!" Tao responds in between his fits of laughter, "Oh god... I'm dying..."

"Look! Stop it, okay?" Luhan pouts some more, Tao calms himself before facing the other again, "Say, ge... You'd consider dating Sehun, won't you?"

"You make it sound like I don't have a choice, nor does he!"

Yifan groans, "Luhan, just answer the damn question."

Luhan scratches the back of his neck, "Not that I won't consider it. I just never thought about it. I mean, he's cute..."

Tao jumps off the desk, he almost knocks Yifan over. "Oh, he is." The youngest walks over to the SC president and holds both his hands, "So, you won't take it against me if I try and set the two of you on a date?"

"What? Whaaaat?! No! Tao! You don't have to do this!" Luhan shakes his head, Tao raises an eyebrow, "But you're the one complaining about graduating single."

"You don't have to help me and him in whatever ways. If it will happen, it will happen."

Tao rolls his eyes then checks his watch, "That's why people are single. Anyway, my next class is starting soon." The younger walks over to Yifan and gives him a chaste peck on the lips, "See you later." The blond waves his lover goodbye before taking out a book from his bag, "Tao's got a point."

"Whatever, Yifan. You'd always take the side of whoever is against me anyway."

"That's true." Yifan chuckles and a ball of paper doesn't miss his head this time.


It's been 3 days since the encounter in the student council's office, and Luhan's still bugged on whether or not Sehun is really interested in him albeit a little. He decides to take action, not because he wants confirm his assumptions but moreso he wants to observe the actions of the younger boy. He's thankful that their building isn't as huge as the others and even if they have different schedules, he can still find the younger almost all day, everyday. Only if Sehun would allow a conversation longer than 5 minutes then his curiosity would be satiated. Because really? Even for the very friendly and bubbly Luhan, having someone literally run away from him like a plague isn't nice.

Luhan sits in his Advanced Calculus class and for one of those rare times, he isn't listening. He's writing down things in his notebook, but not those complicated formulas, he's listing down the conversations he's had with Sehun since that Monday after the younger stripped in the office. 'Stripped.' Luhan recalls and he chuckles silently at the memory.

'Luhan's Sehun Encounters:'
1. Monday. He ran away after he put on his shirt. He has sexy skin color. Sexy abs too. I am a pervert. Good morning. GOOD morning. Never saw him the rest of the day. :(

2. Tuesday, late afternoon. Saw him by the dorms. He's sweaty and he looks sexy like that (ok. When did I think of him as sexy, every friggin' time?). I asked him why he looked so exhausted, said he was dancing with Jongin. And then: 'Uh. Gotta go. Bye!' (What the hell?)

3. Wednesday. Building hallways. I saw him sitting by the stairs alone and no, I wasn't stalking him, this was pure coincidence. Me: 'Hey! Have you seen Tao? I can't contact Yifan and I'm sure those two are together again.' Him: 'Left them at the library earlier. Uh, I'm gonna go now.' And he stood and headed to the third floor. I'm pretty sure, Freshmen never had classes on the third floor, they were for the juniors and seniors exclusively.

4. Thursday. Haven't seen him today yet. And I now ask myself if he's interested in me (assuming he does as Tao and Yifan insists rather suggestively), why does he run away from me? Am I that repulsive?

Luhan sighs as he puts down his pen and realizes that his class is about to end in 5 minutes. He doesn't learn anything that day because Oh Sehun has occupied his mind most of the time (all the time), he'll have to ask Minseok for help about this lesson later at home. Once the class is over, his roommate / classmate nudges him, "You weren't listening at all. Something bothering you?"

"Yeah. A little." Luhan smiles, "How do you know if you like someone?" He asks as he stands up to gather his stuff, Minseok follows. The older thinks for a bit, "When he mesmerizes you. When he's in slow motion, when his eyes sparkle and even the slightest of motions cause butterflies in your stomach then that's how you know."

Luhan sighs, "Okay. I'm not as dramatic as you," the Chinese squints his eyes, "Wait. Do you like someone?"

The chubby-cheeked boy shakes his head, "Unfortunately, no. But I've played too many lovestruck roles, and I guess that's what it does to me. I need to be in love with the character in love with me." Minseok sighs as they walk the corridor, "Would be nice to feel it without forcing myself to, though. Without thinking it, just letting it happen."

Luhan shrugs, "I guess that's true." The Chinese checks his organizer, "I'll meet you later, okay? I need to run to the Main building. I need to pass the proposal for AB week at the Central Student council."

"Sure, sure. Hope you get the answer that you need to know soon." Minseok waves him goodbye then runs off. Luhan walks out of the building and starts sprinting to the Main building. He just wants to get this proposal over with so he can focus on some other things, such as his classes, his papers and the mystery of Sehun running away from him. He gets to the CSC office in record time, and he finds Lee Hyukjae - Performing Arts major in Dance inside. He's the CSC's secretary. "Oh, hey, Luhan."

"Hey. Is Yunho around?"

"He's got classes until 6 today."

"I see. Then I'll leave this to you." Luhan hands Hyukjae his envelope, "I'll text him and tell him I left it to you. It's for this next month's AB week. I need his approval before I show it to administration."

"Got it."

"Okay. Bye." Luhan leaves the office when he finds that familiar mop of silver hair running up the stairs of the main building. Okay, he's not a stalker but all this running away Sehun had done to him just have to stop and it will stop today. The younger doesn't notice him immediately and runs another flight of stairs on the east wing. Luhan follows him closely but enough to give the younger space. Sehun ascends another floor and then disappears inside a classroom. Luhan decides to wait outside, a bit further down the hall so Sehun won't see him the moment he steps out again.

The waiting doesn't take too long though because Sehun steps out, and another guy followed. Luhan watches from where he's standing how comfortable Sehun is talking to the other guy and he wonders that maybe he is indeed repulsive to the silver-haired boy.

'Tell Jongin I said hi.'

'Oh come on, Taemin. It's already been more than a year.'

'And yet he still asked you to meet me personally.'

Luhan doesn't hear anything anymore, the two bid each other farewell and Taemin heads back inside the room while Sehun walks the empty hallway. Luhan follows him, but for the reason that the floor is empty, Sehun notices he's being followed so he turns around before going down the stairs, "H-hyung?"

"I need to talk to you."

"Uhm. Maybe next time? Busy?" Sehun smiles awkwardly then turns immediately and makes a run for it. Luhan sighs and starts running after him - internally thankful that the main building is indeed empty and that they were taking the most isolated staircase in the building.

"Sehun! Stop running away from me!" Luhan calls out but Sehun doesn't stop. The older descends the staircase after the younger, he even misses him when the younger turns but he stops when he hears Sehun yelp. Luhan runs down the staircase faster and finds the younger sitting on the platform between two flights of stairs, unmoved. "Sehun! What happened?!"

The younger is beet red at this point , "I... I fell."

Luhan walks up to the younger and Sehun flinches at their proximity. He tries to scoot away from Luhan but to no avail, "Why are you running away from me?"

"I'm not..."

Luhan chuckles, "Yeah. Obviously you weren't." Sehun doesn't say anything anymore, instead he tries to stand only to whince in pain. "I will help you, okay? But not before talking to me because you've been running away from me. I can tell."

"Will you help me first and interrogate me later? I'm in pain here."

"But you'll run again."

Sehun sighs and looks at Luhan briefly before turning away, "I... I... Run away... from you... Because... Because... Ihfkglitueyakehfyrou."

Luhan knits his brows, "What was that?"

"I'm not saying it again. This is embarrasing enough."

"But I didn't understand!" The older whines, Sehun lifts his head and stares at Luhan, "W-what?"

"I said I like you."

Minseok is right, the older thinks because there's suddenly a flock of butterflies fluttering inside his tummy. Luhan smiles, "Then why are you running from me?"

"Because... You're friendly. You're popular and I feel a bit intimidated by your presence. Everyone likes you, but I like you more than I should and right now I can't believe I confessed to you like this because I'm really in pain, so stop torturing me and help me now?"

Luhan doesn't say anything but calls Kyungsoo to go to the Health office and get a wheelchair and a nurse. Once the call is finished, the older looks at Sehun whose head is back staring at the ground. "They'll be here in a few minutes." Luhan tells the other, Sehun doesn't respond. The older pouts then scoots closer, when Sehun still doesn't respond, Luhan leans over and kisses the younger's cheek. Sehun finally looks up with a hand on the cheek previously kissed, "Why did you do that? Is that some kind of friendly rejection?"

"Who said anything about rejection?"


"You still owe me bubble tea, remember? We can also watch a movie after or take a walk somewhere too."

"You're... Asking me to take you out on a date...?"

Luhan shrugs, "Something like that." Sehun stares at him, the older chuckles, "I kind of... Like you too? Though I just realized it until recently, so maybe we can start from here?" Sehun remains speechless, and it's Luhan's turn to blush, "U-unless you don't want to date me then okay."

"I didn't say that."

"You weren't saying anything."

"It was just a lot to take especially in the state I'm in."

Luhan offers his hand, "Hold me then."


"Couples hold each other's hand when one's in pain, right?"

Sehun turns beet red again and takes Luhan's hand in his. The older smiles and adjusts himself to sit next to Sehun while they wait for help. The younger chuckles as he leans his head on the other's shoulder, "I've never been more glad in falling down the stairs..."

"Could have avoided the fall if you stopped running in the first place."

"Would have kept running away though."

Luhan doesn't say anything, Sehun looks up to meet his gaze, the older speaks again, "I would keep chasing after you then." The pair stares at each other and their faces get closer and closer but not close enough because...


The duo turns their heads to find Jongin and Kyungsoo run up the stairs, Sehun's cousin stop when he spots the two close to each other with hands entwined. He holds a thumbs up, "Good job, baby cousin." Kyungsoo just looks at them then turns to ask the nurse to help Sehun up. Luhan helps the younger stand along with the nurse while Jongin and Kyungsoo stays at the back. They're about to leave the platform when a voice calls out.


Kyungsoo and Jongin turn to see Taemin walking down the stairs, "You never come to this building."

"Sehun fell down the stairs."


Kyungsoo just stares at the other guy. He's quite tall, maybe just as tall as Jongin. And he's got a perfect nose and his eyes aren't too big for his face. And above all that, Jongin can't look at him directly. He can't talk with that certain bite around this guy too.

"We're going ahead, Taemin." Jongin nods before leaving. Kyungsoo nods then follows Jongin out. The shorter boy wonders why his steps are heavier getting out of the building compared to entering it earlier.


"Seriously?!" Kyungsoo gasps the next day when he goes to the Student council room that Friday afternoon. As usual, he finds Tao on Yifan's desk while the blond's head is cradled on his boyfriend's lap. This time though, Sehun is lying on the small couch with his head on Luhan's lap as well. "You all reek of fluff and love." Kyungsoo smiles at the two couples before sitting on his desk. Sehun adjusts himself from the couch then faces Kyungsoo, "Ne, hyung."


"Are you single?"

Kyungsoo blushes, "If I am?"

Sehun smiles and looks at Luhan with a grin, the older nods his head. Sehun turns to look at Kyungsoo again, "Do... You like someone?"

Kyungsoo's smile disappears, "Maybe. He'll never take me seriously though." There are suddenly 4 pairs of eyes staring at Kyungsoo, "What?"

Nobody answers, no sound is made until the office's door bursts open, "I KNEW I'D FIND YOU HERE! Oh Sehun! Dance practice!"

Sehun whines and faces his cousin, "I have a broken ankle, asshat."

"Oh. So it's real?" Jongin laughs, "I thought you were faking it to get into Luhan's pants."

Sehun wails, Luhan blushes and the Chinese couple bursts into a fit of laughter. Jongin looks at Kyungsoo who's just staring at him judgingly, "Hey, babe."

"Babe your face." Kyungsoo stands from his chair and throws a ball of paper at Jongin, "Get out!" Jongin laughs and bids farewell to everyone. The short boy sighs and sits back on his chair. He realizes there's dead silence around him and when he looks up, 4 pairs of eyes are staring at him again, "WHAT??!?"

"It's my cousin, isn't it?" Sehun asks with a lopsided grin, Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, "You wish."

'I wish.'


Author's Notes: This was a struggle to finish because too much TaoRis feels lately and i just wanted to write about those two forever and abandon this. hahaha. Anyway like always, this is the song that inspired this chapter.

Love me?

pairing: sehun x luhan, pairing: kris x tao, pairing: jongin x kyungsoo, pairing: jongdae x minseok, band: exo, pairing: chanyeol x baekhyun, pairing: suho x lay, length: chaptered, title: the daily lives of college boys, !fanfiction

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