Fanfiction Meme.

May 15, 2013 16:23

Stolen from daeseol because i can. <3

Brief Intro
Camille. i'm old enough and should be leaving this crazy fangirl life but i dont want to. hahaha. Right now i'm a bum but i used to work for a music channel, which was fun. i love potatoes. and coffee. i live for coffee. i have a lot of tattoos that i am so proud of. ^_^

What fandoms have you written in?
WOW. Visual Kei = Alice Nine, The GazettE, Kagrra, Deluhi, vistlip, xTRiPx, Screw, SuG, Egoist and V-Last. For KPOP = SHINee, Super Junior, UKISS, Lunafly and EXO. told you im old.

Does the number of reviews tell how good a story is? Do reviews affect how you write in any way?
I dont think so. There are stories out there that are less popular yet wonderfully written with a beautiful plot. And no, not entirely. i have my own style of writing and i cant let other dictate how i should write, BUT! i am really open to criticisms if it's a way for me to improve, not change.

Do you use a beta?
Not unless i really needed to. When i joined jrockurisumasu i had to but for the ones i usually post online, i dont.

What warnings have you used on your fiction?
Character death. i guess for me, death is the worst as a whole.

Have you ever stolen something from another person's work?
Oh never. I used a previous story from another author and wrote a sequel. with her permission of course.

Favorite fandom to write/read?
For now it's EXO. it was vistlip for a time and SHINee too.

Favorite pairing?
Tao/Kris. Minho/Jonghyun. Tora/Saga. Umi/Rui

Do you tend to write the same pairings/characters?
Yes. I love writing about my OTP. however, in the past, i was able to write stories that arent even my OTP. my kagrra and deluhi fics are examples. im not even too deep into that fandom but my friends forced me to write about them.

Favorite writer/writers?
Audrey Niffenegger. Alice Sebold. Dan Brown. Arthur Golden. JK Rowling. Koushun Takami. Haruki Murakami. Paulo Coelho. Neil Gaiman.

What is your most popular fanfic and why do you think people find it so?
I'm not quite sure what popular means though. As in the number of comments? the number of readers? Well, right now it has to be my HunHan fic, "Of Movie Cliches".

Forget most people, what's the fanfic you've written you're most proud of?
"It Had to be You" an AU Minho/Jonghyun fic. Up to this day, i have no idea how i was ever able to pull that fic off.

Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?
If i am totally inspired, quite a bit easy. But it's hard because im a bit OC and i want it quite detailed but not too dragging to my readers. Also, when i lose my muse, i wont be able to write anything. a story gets paralyzed. i'm so sorry to the readers of "Time Limit". I swear, im still working on that.

Pairings you avoid?
Kris/not Tao, which means the other 10.

Are there any fanfiction trends/cliches you can't stand or are just sick of?
Tao being the crybaby and a gucci lover/ shopaholic becomes the main focus of a story. It's ok if it's mentioned on the side but not as the main focus.

Are you guilty of any of the fanfiction trends/cliches you now hate? Or any other ones?
I dont know. I'm pretty sure i havent yet. XD

When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room?
Music and quiet room. and if it's before i go to bed. i love my own bedroom. it helps me think, no matter how messy it is. OH and i smoke, it helps me too (this is just my preference, i dont promote cigarette smoking!)

Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experience and yourself as a writer?
I guess i've in improved is many ways. Looking back, though i admit, i had ones ive liked the plot better than the ones ive written recently but could have been improved with the way it was written. howell.


!meme, !personal

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