Open // In-Progress

Apr 12, 2010 18:59

Who: a_general_chaos // silencesong // firstclasswings // slays_in_heels // blackhole_revel // eveningladies // frost_la_magra // mercuryquick // freedomonwings //not_puppet // revengebound // onegil // superninjayuf // 1led_them // ridiculoushair // unlocked_hart // 13sugars // andaateikaahrr // hellsingmaster // OPEN
When: After this.
Where: Streets of Paradise
Rating: Pg probably
Summary: ShinRa's General gets to work...and the city pays the price.

Kill them. Kill them all.

And so he was, without thought, without mercy. No less than fifteen had fallen to his sword; the Masamune hungered and thrummed for more. Gleaming steel cut through the hoard effortlessly, testament to the power of ShinRa's SOLDIERs. And of them all, Sephiroth stood supreme.

The radius around the General crackled with energy; heavy ice magic roared against the squealing fire creatures, followed by Masamune's deadly song as it obliterated the frozen beasts. He knew the fool Turks were out and about in this hellish storm, thus his lure for the meddlesome little beasts. But such a distraction was taking its toll.

His head throbbed with the strain, it was becoming harder and harder to summon forth the powerful blasts of ice and lightening to stave off the swarming demons. A sickening roar behind him had Sephiroth whirling in shock; the wind began to howl as if angry and the fire creatures suddenly chittered warningly and scampered away as the Madison tower swayed alarmingly in the face of the increasing onslaught.

A huge chunk of rock caught Sephiroth squarely in the back, knocking him to his knees with the shock and pain, therefore he missed the dark cloud that descended from the storm's apex and quite literally toppled the building to the earth, burying all inside and Midgar's General under a mountain of rubble.

[Mod's notes: I don't usually do it this way, but it seemed appropriate. Fact of the matter is, the Madison Apartment building has been more or less put out of commission, being that it's in piles there in the middle of the city. Everyone who was inside - including Sephiroth, who's under it - is trapped under a few tons of building material. Whether or not you want your pup to die in the catastrophe is up to you. If not, they can probably be rescued, but with several contusions, broken bones, ect. Oh, and the shock of the building falling was felt for miles, as well.

By the way, Sephiroth really pissed off the storm's directional entity, so anyone else who does the same will suffer something similiar, just so you know. ^_^ The storm's still raging, and the fire sprites are still bouncing around causing mischief, so you guys have loads of fun! IM or PM for questions, let's just have IC replies in the log post, please.

EDIT: If you want to save someone, please check with their mun first just to be sure. Also, Sephiroth won't be replying to everyone's initial comments, because he's in a world of hurt himself, so don't be alarmed if he doesn't reply right away. If you'd rather make a character entry instead of tagging the log, that's up to you. ♥]

, tseng, † undertaker, † hiyono castagno, aerith gainsborough, † nill, zack fair, † cissnei, mercy "vortex" dyer, axel, † abel nightroad, † tifa lockhart, † buffy summers, † deacon frost, † mercury, † integra hellsing, yuffie kisaragi, † danica talos, hannibal king, cloud strife, † sephiroth

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