Open // In-Progress

Apr 12, 2010 18:59

Who: a_general_chaos // silencesong // firstclasswings // slays_in_heels // blackhole_revel // eveningladies // frost_la_magra // mercuryquick // freedomonwings //not_puppet // revengebound // onegil // superninjayuf // 1led_them // ridiculoushair // unlocked_hart // 13sugars // andaateikaahrr // hellsingmaster // OPEN
When: After this.
Where: Streets of Paradise
Rating: Pg probably
Summary: ShinRa's General gets to work...and the city pays the price.

Kill them. Kill them allAnd so he was, without thought, without mercy. No less than fifteen had fallen to his sword; the ( Read more... )

, tseng, † undertaker, † hiyono castagno, aerith gainsborough, † nill, zack fair, † cissnei, mercy "vortex" dyer, axel, † abel nightroad, † tifa lockhart, † buffy summers, † deacon frost, † mercury, † integra hellsing, yuffie kisaragi, † danica talos, hannibal king, cloud strife, † sephiroth

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Comments 179

silencesong April 13 2010, 00:07:56 UTC
Nill didn't even have time to react before all of a sudden the building was crumbling onto her with a deafening roar. Small hands flew up in a feeble attempt to protect her head, her spine, but she wasn't a very strong girl. Soft, pale lips opened and if Nill possessed the voice to do it, she would scream, but as wood, plaster and stones smashed into her tiny body nothing was able to escape her.

By the time the apartments had fallen fully, the girl was nearly completely buried in the rubble. Nill couldn't tell exactly where she had been hurt at first. Everything hurt. Tears dripped down her cheeks and left streaks on her dust covered face. Oh God, oh God, oh God, why? Her right arm was gone, she thought, completely crushed and useless. It felt as if a couple rips had snapped in half upon impact as well. She could taste blood on her lips ( ... )


frost_la_magra April 13 2010, 00:49:08 UTC
"Buffy?" The first thing that came to mind when his mind had caught up with what had happened. The second was it had been some time since he tasted his own blood, so long he had almost forgotten what it tasted like. Bitter, old, copper. The feeling stirring in his gut from the lack of reply pained him even more then his wounds. He looked down and noticed the large splinter of wood that had managed to make it's way from one side of him to the other, he was loosing blood at a slow crawl-- he was thankful for the bit of La Magra left in him.

Buffy, he needed to find Buffy he reminded himself. A harsh cough before he reached down and with a swift jerk yanked the splintered wood from his gut. Another cough.

No time to hope, no time to wait.

Shoving a large block of rubble he spotted a mess of blond hair and for a moment he was relieved. It was moving. He pushed closer and with another push shoved something large-- he wasn't even sure what it was-- out of the way. It wasn't Buffy.

Kneeling down his voice was horse and gruff, "Nill?"


silencesong April 13 2010, 00:55:46 UTC
Buffy. Nill. It took longer than it should have to register in her mind. The noise of someone moving, a familiar person's voice. She shifts her neck, more blood dripping from her lips. Glazed blue eyes look up at him searchingly, not quite understanding. It was hard, so hard to stay awake, so hard to hear his voice, but Frost was there. Someone was there.

She attempts to smile at him weakly, let him know that she's there. It's her, the same girl he had spoken with in the shop. Even though she probably looked horribly disfigured, she was the same person. The tears betrayed the smile, but she was trying, oh she was trying to stay alive. But there was Buffy, right? He needed to find her, didn't he?


frost_la_magra April 13 2010, 01:02:36 UTC
He would have grimaced, but he'd seen worse, he had done worse to some people. Still it was disheartening to see the little girl crushed and looking like she was in so much pain. He lowered down quietly, ignoring the fact that his blood was dripping onto her-- he doubted she really cared at this point. The smile caused a facial twitch from the older man as he shook his head. "It's gonna be okay Nill." He wasn't sure how to reassure her, but he knew this much. He was not going to let her die, no matter what he had to do.

Arms slipped down as he tried to adjust her into a move comfortable position on the floor, twitching slightly and covering her when a creek sounded from above them, but the rest of the building remained still.


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blackhole_revel April 13 2010, 00:39:33 UTC
She was a fair distance away, sitting by the bar in Pop's House and watching the tornado tear through the city. It was nothing spectacular. Just another tornado, looked exactly like the one Tunnels made. The little fire shites on the other hand; Mercy had already sent four of them off to oblivion when they tore into Pop's place with their whole bodies alight.

Nasty buggers.

Next thing she knew the earth was moving and for a moment she almost smiled, Quake was good at his shit, but this was nothing like that. The smile faltered and Mercy had crawled to the wind in time to see Madison Apartments collapse on itself. Hearing the scratch of voice from the NOC, she flipped around to lean against the wall, holding the device to her mouth. "No, the ringing of the building is deafening." Looking on it, perhaps the speaker could've done without her sarcasm. "What the shit just happened?"


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blackhole_revel April 13 2010, 01:29:29 UTC
It was a test of patience that she didn't really have that she waited for a response rather than just talking again. The reply she got only made her figure that this was a case of buried under the building.

"The apartments collasped. You're under three stories plus of concrete." It probably wasn't comforting, but at least they were breathing, some of them. Maybe. "How badly are you hurt?" She was close to getting those flashes of memory again, she could feel them at the back of her mind.

She didn't need that.

"I'm fine, I'm not buried under...I'm fine." Panic didn't help anyone, and Mercy had to stop thinking on it. She was trained, she knew what to do. Or Vortex did. So that was where they'd go. "What's your name?" The voice wasn't one that she recognised, so they'd start there and Mercy would get herself together ( ... )


unsharedburden April 13 2010, 00:36:23 UTC
The one place they'd been able to seek shelter from the storm, and a place that she'd begun to call something-like-a-really-shoddy-version-of-home, much that it wasn't actually... All of it, completely obliterated. The building had cracked and begun to shatter, collapsing on them all. Instead of covering her own head, she'd done what she could to shove Giles out of the way, shielding him and taking a few blows until the rubble separated them ( ... )


eveningladies April 13 2010, 00:42:57 UTC
He'd figured that wherever he was made no difference at all, and trekked from one apartment building to the other, it was smarter to be at the Madison, it was. For more than one reason.

God, he was loathing that now. His shoulder felt dislocated, and his head was ringing louder than anything else. "You're shouting, please stop shouting." His voice was barely even a croak, pain lancing through his body in waves. Oh yeah, this was good.

Pulling himself, trying to sit, his foot caught, and Hannibal groaned. Yeah; this wasn't good. "Holy shit, someone cut the fucker off." Any movement made his head swim and Hannibal was fighting to keep his stomach from rolling.

It was times like these he could almost miss being un-dead.


unsharedburden April 13 2010, 00:50:58 UTC
The croak behind her was recognizable enough, and she turned as quickly as she could, toward him. Buffy immediately made some half-successful attempt to kneel next to him. "Hannibal," she breathed, frowning at the state of him. Nevermind the fact that her hair was plastered against her face with blood, or the fact that every breath she took made her torso sting; he was pinned. She spoke a bit quieter. "Sorry," she muttered, "I can't find --" she shook her head. It wasn't important right this second. Well, it was - but survival was, too, and getting him the hell out of that was pretty important to the whole survival thing right now ( ... )


eveningladies April 13 2010, 00:56:31 UTC
The first shift sent the tendrils of pain along his leg, making him wince tightly and clench his jaws. Oh, it was broken. It was close to squashed he was fairly certain of that. "I'd hazard a guess on yes." He ground out, breathing through his nose in sharp hisses.

"What've you done?" He saw those tight lines of pain, the blood matting her hair to her face. If she was concussed, or worse... "Let me see your side."

He managed to pull himself sitting, leaning heavily to one side and ignoring the foot, oh, the foot that might just come off if the skin tore. His shoulder needed putting back in place, his brain needed unscrambling, but he could deal. "You're bleeding buckets, Blondie."


mercuryquick April 13 2010, 01:16:16 UTC
This waking up shit really needed to stop. Ok, wait, she had just been in Danica's apartment, talking with the other vampire. She remembered hearing a loud cracking noise and then falling.

If her eyes could be believed, it appeared if the freaking building had collapsed on her. Luckily she was already dead or the fall alone might have killed her. Mercury slid her right arm out from under the wooden beam it was pinned under, skinning it even more than Deacon's wall had. Next she tried to pull her other arm from over her face, but instead of moving she got searing pain shooting all up her arm and into her shoulder ( ... )


superninjayuf April 13 2010, 01:52:15 UTC
Having run from the park all the way to the rubble of what used to be Madison Apartments, Yuffie was slightly out of breath. It didn't stop her climbing over some of the rubble, pushing what she could aside. Her NOC was the first sound she heard, and then the echo of the voice in the building.

"Hang on, hang on." What she couldn't figure out was where it came from. "I'm here, I'm coming." What good she'd be able to do she didn't know. Wedging Fuma under some of the building, pushing the blades down and over, Yuffie managed to shift some of the concrete aside, a small cascade of small crumbling building following.

"Where are you, I can't see you." She could shout through the slates in the bricks or she could talk to her NOC, either way, the result was the same. And echoing voice and still lacking in direction.


mercuryquick April 13 2010, 02:19:22 UTC
Mercury heard the voice coming from above and winced. She would pulled the piece of wood out, but she had the feeling she would just bleed out if she did. She turned her head towards the direction the voice came from.

"I'm down here!"

She could see pieces of concrete and rubble falling from the far corner away from her and aimed her voice in that direction, hoping that's where the other person was.

"I'm in the far corner, pinned under some concrete!"


superninjayuf April 13 2010, 02:32:17 UTC
Far corner, far corner. She had to figure that moving rocks wouldn't cause a collapse again and maybe, just maybe, she could tunnel in. And hopefully that wouldn't hinder tunnelling out with the woman stuck inside.

"Okay, I got you, I got you." In truth she didn't have a clue if she was pulling away the right debris or if she was just making it worse for the trapped person. But she had to try.

Some of the smaller crumbling pieces of concrete slipped away and Yuffie found a sort of alcove under the building. If she could move some more and get inside, yes. With large slates of concrete holding the mouth of her little cave open, Yuffie managed to burrow out a dip, "I see you!" Although Yuffie wasn't sure how much help she would be.


not_puppet April 13 2010, 01:17:49 UTC
Even with the strong winds and the rain he could hear and see the sight of Madison Square collapse and a froze a second, staring at the sight before his sword automatically moved to whack two fire demons out of the way. Cloud followed up that sword strike with a blast of ice magic before hightailing it to the former building.

"Shit." That word just about summed up this situation entirely, and he began to see if he could find some survivors, if any.


revengebound April 13 2010, 01:35:53 UTC
Well, the building not too far away had not exactly been what she had expecting, but in the Magus' name Hiyono was near dead certain by now that the deity of this planet, whoever it was, had some sort of sadistic streak in him.

The Kaian made her way across the bridge to the collapsed building with quick steps, nearing a run. The blue energy that surrounded her formed a shield, though she had chosen not to allow the attacks to rebound-she had learned the hard way that it only caused them to become stronger the first time. The swarm thinned out some and the woman was able to make out another person nearby, and she called out to him.

"Hey! Anybody found yet?"


not_puppet April 13 2010, 03:53:15 UTC
Rescue operations, Cloud mused, would be so much easier if he wasn't having to fend off attacks from the very annoying fire demons. They were more than a mere 'annoyance' as one of them has managed to scorch his boot already.

"Not a sign!" He called back to the approaching figure and casted Earth, burying two more demons.


revengebound April 13 2010, 15:27:08 UTC
She could see other people already working in the debris, the Fire demons getting rather close to them until they were shot down by one of the people fighting out here. Hn, they really were getting in the way weren't they? It would be best, she decided to herself, if she did what she could to keep them at bay from those already in on the rescuing.

"Let's give them a chance then, hm?" She said, slow grin crossing over the mage's face as she indicated those already working, then took out another one of the monsters. Oh, it had been some time since a good fight, really...


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