Open // In-Progress

Apr 12, 2010 18:59

Who: a_general_chaos // silencesong // firstclasswings // slays_in_heels // blackhole_revel // eveningladies // frost_la_magra // mercuryquick // freedomonwings //not_puppet // revengebound // onegil // superninjayuf // 1led_them // ridiculoushair // unlocked_hart // 13sugars // andaateikaahrr // hellsingmaster // OPEN
When: After this.
Where: Streets of Paradise
Rating: Pg probably
Summary: ShinRa's General gets to work...and the city pays the price.

Kill them. Kill them allAnd so he was, without thought, without mercy. No less than fifteen had fallen to his sword; the ( Read more... )

, tseng, † undertaker, † hiyono castagno, aerith gainsborough, † nill, zack fair, † cissnei, mercy "vortex" dyer, axel, † abel nightroad, † tifa lockhart, † buffy summers, † deacon frost, † mercury, † integra hellsing, yuffie kisaragi, † danica talos, hannibal king, cloud strife, † sephiroth

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silencesong April 13 2010, 00:07:56 UTC
Nill didn't even have time to react before all of a sudden the building was crumbling onto her with a deafening roar. Small hands flew up in a feeble attempt to protect her head, her spine, but she wasn't a very strong girl. Soft, pale lips opened and if Nill possessed the voice to do it, she would scream, but as wood, plaster and stones smashed into her tiny body nothing was able to escape her.

By the time the apartments had fallen fully, the girl was nearly completely buried in the rubble. Nill couldn't tell exactly where she had been hurt at first. Everything hurt. Tears dripped down her cheeks and left streaks on her dust covered face. Oh God, oh God, oh God, why? Her right arm was gone, she thought, completely crushed and useless. It felt as if a couple rips had snapped in half upon impact as well. She could taste blood on her lips ( ... )


frost_la_magra April 13 2010, 00:49:08 UTC
"Buffy?" The first thing that came to mind when his mind had caught up with what had happened. The second was it had been some time since he tasted his own blood, so long he had almost forgotten what it tasted like. Bitter, old, copper. The feeling stirring in his gut from the lack of reply pained him even more then his wounds. He looked down and noticed the large splinter of wood that had managed to make it's way from one side of him to the other, he was loosing blood at a slow crawl-- he was thankful for the bit of La Magra left in him.

Buffy, he needed to find Buffy he reminded himself. A harsh cough before he reached down and with a swift jerk yanked the splintered wood from his gut. Another cough.

No time to hope, no time to wait.

Shoving a large block of rubble he spotted a mess of blond hair and for a moment he was relieved. It was moving. He pushed closer and with another push shoved something large-- he wasn't even sure what it was-- out of the way. It wasn't Buffy.

Kneeling down his voice was horse and gruff, "Nill?"


silencesong April 13 2010, 00:55:46 UTC
Buffy. Nill. It took longer than it should have to register in her mind. The noise of someone moving, a familiar person's voice. She shifts her neck, more blood dripping from her lips. Glazed blue eyes look up at him searchingly, not quite understanding. It was hard, so hard to stay awake, so hard to hear his voice, but Frost was there. Someone was there.

She attempts to smile at him weakly, let him know that she's there. It's her, the same girl he had spoken with in the shop. Even though she probably looked horribly disfigured, she was the same person. The tears betrayed the smile, but she was trying, oh she was trying to stay alive. But there was Buffy, right? He needed to find her, didn't he?


frost_la_magra April 13 2010, 01:02:36 UTC
He would have grimaced, but he'd seen worse, he had done worse to some people. Still it was disheartening to see the little girl crushed and looking like she was in so much pain. He lowered down quietly, ignoring the fact that his blood was dripping onto her-- he doubted she really cared at this point. The smile caused a facial twitch from the older man as he shook his head. "It's gonna be okay Nill." He wasn't sure how to reassure her, but he knew this much. He was not going to let her die, no matter what he had to do.

Arms slipped down as he tried to adjust her into a move comfortable position on the floor, twitching slightly and covering her when a creek sounded from above them, but the rest of the building remained still.


silencesong April 13 2010, 01:10:19 UTC
His arms were cold, but they were comforting all the same. Upon being moved her lips parted as if she was going to cry out, but a noise hardly came from it. Nothing as always. Frost's voice was nice too, soft, hoarse. Was he thirsty? Maybe he was thirsty? But that was all very mundane, wasn't it? Blood dripped onto her cheeks and neck. It wasn't hers, it was coming from above.

With her good hand she gently touched his arm as what was left of the building creaked. If he wasn't there she would probably be even more terrified, but somehow she was able to let the tears flow a bit less. Somehow she was able to close her eyes and just listen to his voice.


frost_la_magra April 13 2010, 01:28:14 UTC
He looked at her little hand and offered just a weak smile, it wasn't something he did often but with the way things were looking for the little woman he didn't think it mattered. He slid his hands down one under her frail little legs the other behind her shoulder, offering just a gentle sympathetic look for her. He knew it hurt to move, but there was little else he could do for her at the moment.

He could hear the thudding of her small heart slowing, and he wasn't sure what to do. He could keep her company as she died or...

"It'll be alright."

Lips parted and bared those sharp canine teeth, pulling the small frame closer he let his teeth brush against the soft skin of his neck. It was something he'd done a million times, damned a person to the life of darkness-- but he'd never done it to save someone. "It will only hurt for a second..." He did his best reassuring tone before his teeth impacted the skin and dug through the flesh of the young Nill's neck.


silencesong April 13 2010, 01:37:55 UTC
She could feel her heart slowing and she didn't want to die. Nill didn'tt want to give up, but it wouldn't be wise to struggle in his arms. He was being sympathetic, gentle and that was what mattered. They barely knew each other, yet somehow he seemed to care and understand. Just what he understood she wasn't sure of, but it felt mutual in a way. Then again, in a way they were worlds apart.

Then Nill could feel sharp teeth sink into her skin. All of her muscles tensed, blue eyes snapping wide open. What was he doing? Why was he doing this? Was he going to do those things to her like the pimps did to her? No, no, that wasn't right. He wasn't touching her breasts and thighs. He wasn't throwing her against the ground screaming profanities. It wasn't any of those things, so what was he doing? Drinking her blood? Why?

Another beat and it slowly dawned on her. From the start Nill knew he wasn't human, but a vampire? She had only heard of those from stories. Stories, but he was here biting into her neck and telling her it would only hurt ( ... )


frost_la_magra April 13 2010, 01:52:35 UTC
Frost felt a pang of guilt when the pace of her heart picked up, and the silent gasp from the lithe frame. He reminded himself he wasn't doing this to be cruel or to end her life any more then it already was. His fingers tightened their grip just a bit, though it wasn't to keep her still but more to keep her aware of his grip on her. Teeth brushed against her skin again but this time he pulled back lapping the wound just a but before he pulled her tighter in what would be the closest thing to a hug outside of what he gave Buffy. He'd sit her up, one hand sliding to the back of her head to keep it balanced the other soothingly slipping around to rub at her side and then her back, but his intent was not malicious and that was apparent even with the mix of blood on his face.

"Just go to sleep, Nill, I promise you it will be better when you wake up." He didn't want her to fight the change, it was so much worse when you did. He let out a short breath but it catches halfway through his throat and turns to a ragged cough turning his head ( ... )


silencesong April 13 2010, 02:04:46 UTC
The tighter grip from Frost didn't feel malicious, but it reminded her he was there. Nill still didn't understand why he was doing this, but his touch was gentle and protective. He wasn't doing this to be cruel and for a moment his emotions felt nearly tangible. Was it guilt? It felt like it, but in the haze she wasn't too sure.

Her eyes are closed now, because she's not sure if she wants to see the chaos around her or the blood right now. It's all so overwhelming, all so scary, but his voice wasn't scary. It was still soft and he was promising things. That things would be better when she wakes up. It's hard to sleep at first, but she still feels dizzy so she let's herself quietly rest in Frost's arms. Before a strange sort of sleepiness overtakes her, she offered him a final soft, weak smile. It was the only way she knew how to say that she knew he was trying to help, she knew he was being gentle and kind. Nill was very grateful for that.


frost_la_magra April 13 2010, 02:18:39 UTC
When she smiled he returned it even though she couldn't see it, what else could he do? She was dying and he was pushing her along; but only so she could be reborn. It was better then death right? Someone as young as her didn't deserve to die. He had an understanding of her form their talks, and while he wouldn't admit to feeling the compassion he had; it was there.

"You need to wake up, still have to get your shop in order." He was just talking, he didn't expect a reply but the change took different amounts of time for different people, he'd let her sleep to the sound of his voice if he had to. "Get a better table, some fabric right?" His fingers flexed as he pushed upwards, back braced against the rubble for a painful moment. He could feel the pain in the back of his mind-- but he didn't have time for it.

Staggering to a stand he started walking, he needed to get her somewhere better, somewhere safe. Out of the cold; and he needed to find Buffy.


silencesong April 13 2010, 02:26:53 UTC
Somewhere along the line her heart stopped beating and there was nothingness. Nill couldn't feel or here him, but if she could she'd smile at the sentiments. It took more than a few minutes for her heart to start beating for a second time. A rebirth of sorts, but it wouldn't be in Nill's mind, at least not for a while.

Time ticked by before finally she was able to crack open her eyes. Something felt off as she gazed up at him bleary eyed, reaching up her good hand to touch his cheek. She felt a little better, but barely. Frost must be even more tired though.


frost_la_magra April 13 2010, 02:36:55 UTC
He looked down when he felt the touch of warmth to his cheek. She was awake, good. After the first few minutes he'd been worried she had turned wrong and he would have regretted his choice fiercely. But she seemed awake and he was glad. He took another few steps but it was obvious he was slowing down, even as the former La Magra he'd been decently wounded. He offered a quirk of the corner of his mouth but then looked back ahead. He needed to keep moving.

He wouldn't die of course, but he couldn't afford to pass out either.

"Buffy..." He muttered but his words didn't even mean anything to him anymore. He wasn't even sure why he was talking, but he had been the whole time she was asleep, it had been to comfort her; but now it was simply to keep himself awake. "Feeling okay?" He asked knowing she could answer with a simple nod or shake of her head. "I guess not okay..." He laughs but its bitter and only makes him cough more. "But, hopefully better."


silencesong April 13 2010, 02:43:30 UTC
She could feel him slowing down, getting tired. The rain probably wasn't doing any good either. Nill frowned and ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to comfort him. Her eyes were worried as she looked up at him questioningly. Did he need a break? Was she being a burden?

His laugh worries her, but she is feeling a little better so she nods. Nill wanted to walk, lessen the burden for him, but she wasn't sure if she could even stand. The girl wants to ask him what's going on, if he's going to be okay, what in God's name happened to her, but she can't so she'll keep her eyes on him. Waiting.


frost_la_magra April 13 2010, 02:58:57 UTC
Even if she had wanted to be put down; he wouldn't have let her. He was supposed to be good, to try, and then she would be happy with him. He jostles her just a little as he steps over a piece of rubble and has to balance himself again. He grins because he isn't sure what else to do and keeps walking.

"I've never really liked the rain..." His head drops backwards and his eyes flick skyward, its washing the blood from his face and burning when it hits his wounds, but he's almost enjoying it this time. It was cooling and refreshing and was helping him breathe. He had a sudden spark of fear that he was losing his grip-- although he wasn't-- and he clutched her closer. "Never liked the rain..."


silencesong April 13 2010, 22:27:27 UTC
Nill felt his arms tighten around her, uncomfortably so. Frost seemed to be afraid to drop her, but it didn't seem like he was going to. She did wonder why he didn't like the rain though. The rain meant so, so many things. Birth, life, the coming of a new year. Then again, it could be rather foreboding at times.

Right now hardly seemed like a time of refreshment though.


frost_la_magra April 13 2010, 23:49:18 UTC
"At least you wont get cold now..." He offers as if its some sort of condolence to the fact she was now one of the undead. Fingers relaxed just a little when he saw the clinic up ahead and he picked up that painful stride. Nill needed help, and she would need blood, and neither of those he was able to give at the moment.

A slight waver before he held her out just a bit, "She needs help."


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