Oct 01, 2011 17:59

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mod post, please read

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Comments 256

WHAT DO YOU THINK SHOULD COUNT FOR A POST? paradisamods October 1 2011, 22:00:53 UTC
Right now, the current activity check asks for 2 journal posts to the main community or the equivalent (a post on the journal community along with a log on the logs community, two logs on the log community, a post to the journal community and some number of threads, a post to the log community and some number of threads, a great number of threads and no posts at all). As a note, currently, if all a player's activity for a given character is done in threads without posts to either the journal or log communities, they will find that character listed on the "Activity Check -- Additional Threads for (Month)" posts we make each month. They aren't considered inactive, yet we as mods are not able to track thread activity and thus rely on players to inform us on their thread activity at that time in order to pass them for the AC of any given month.

Knowing this, what do you feel should count as an "equivalent" to one post? How many threads, how many comments? Does a thread on a log count as a full post? What are your thoughts on this?


saccharosium October 1 2011, 22:01:41 UTC
These are previous AC threads that you, the mods, declared SAFE with these combinations prior to this current AC that we are now debating:

post + log combos )


dusk October 1 2011, 22:08:34 UTC
We definitely don't want to be unfair or surprise the players in the future, which is why we're asking now to discuss what you feel would be a good, new alternative that we can all agree (or at least compromise) on.

Can I take this comment to be a vote for counting any participation in a log to equal a post? Or do you have a different suggestion as to how we can count these things in the future?


saccharosium October 1 2011, 22:10:54 UTC
I want my comment to be a vote for log participation to be counted as a post, as it has always been in the past prior to now.


WHAT SHOULD CONSTITUTE THREAD SIZE? paradisamods October 1 2011, 22:01:13 UTC
How long must a thread be before its considered long? How many comments qualify a thread as too short to count for activity? What qualifications should be used to see if a thread counts toward activity? How many comments from a given character, how many comments in total? Should shorter threads be allowed to stack in order to meet a generally agreed upon and approved "length" for threads needed to pass AC? How should thread dropping be viewed, handled, or addressed?


haruno October 1 2011, 22:26:40 UTC
Not sure about long, but I'd think for an individual thread to count for AC, a total of seven comments from a given character (not including icon-combo threads) should hit the "accepted for proof of activity" minimum threshold on average. This means a thread fourteen comments long!

Looking at community averages, I'd say about three threads of seven comments each should be equivalent to a post. That'd be similar to having at least three people respond to a post you make, then threading with each one of them for seven comments from you (fourteen comments in total), which makes for a post with the equivalent of forty-two (42) comments. This is at times more than one post can even see!


ardens_musebox October 1 2011, 23:52:36 UTC
+1 ♥


saccharosium October 1 2011, 23:54:56 UTC


WHAT SHOULD CONSTITUTE THREAD QUALITY? paradisamods October 1 2011, 22:01:31 UTC
Should any single comment of greater length be considered equivalent to several shorter tags? Should all comments be counted as the same regardless of length of comment, or time spent authoring said comment? In passing a generally agreed upon thread length, should any consideration be shown toward comment depth and breadth if a thread isn't hitting length, but is hitting material played? The mods recognize that a series of short responses, such as "yes, no, maybe, shut up, go away I hate you, oh my god where is the cake" can stack into a thread twenty comments long fairly quickly, where more intense, introspective, or dialog/emotion heavy comments can get up to ten over a longer period of time. Should there be any consideration granted to the difference between these types of comments when looking at the length of a thread being used for proof of activity?


haruno October 1 2011, 23:01:47 UTC
I'm not terribly big on having a quality/quantity argument, because I think the quality argument would need to apply to both the journal and log communities equally. The big concern I have and can see at this juncture is -- you have short threads. Short logs. Short things!

Yet when looked at, those short things have a heck of a lot of detail, thought, emotion. To me, those are more than enough.

And at the same time, what of characters who have little to say, or are being IC in breaking off conversations early? They'd need a lot more of them to be equivalent -- and players maybe should step up the introspection and look to do more [action threading] and logging since journaling isn't a good fit for their character.

I don't think there's a good way of having a set standard. People should use their best judgment, but depth of a thread, quality of a thread is often too subjective to have a standard application. Consideration should be granted by moderators and players when viewing length of a thread.


ardens_musebox October 1 2011, 23:50:18 UTC
Measuring thread quality seems to be one hundred percent stepping over a line to me. I have never seen a game try doing that before, and I hope to never have to. Especially a game I love.

I'd prefer a system that just says here are the things that count for AC: whether that be a post, log, thread of x-number of comments (JUST PICK A NUMBER and leave it at that), and you need so many of these things COMBINED a month to pass. Don't say 'on a case by case basis' we may change this. Don't judge the quality of any of those things.

If someone's really abusing a system like THAT? Talk to them privately.

It's easy. It works for lots of other games. It could work here too.


matchmaker October 1 2011, 23:53:07 UTC
Plus one forever.


HOW MUCH SHOULD THE MODS/PLAYERS BE RESPONSIBLE FOR? paradisamods October 1 2011, 22:02:10 UTC
Due to the size of this game, it is difficult if not impossible for the mods to find all activity every character has. Consequently posts such as the "Activity Check -- Additional Threads for (Month)" are made each month in order to allow players to inform the mods of activity their character has had that has slipped by under the radar of the mods. This post is never meant as a penalization, and is instead meant to reward players with passes and no marks on their AC records by allowing them to demonstrate and share their character's activity ( ... )


perm ac post + player accountability haruno October 1 2011, 22:15:17 UTC
Speaking with an honest bias, I would love love love to have a permanent AC post where we go to comment with character activity for each month. Whatever ends up being decided to count as proper AC, and proper equivalents, I know I'd be happy and willing to tally up what I need to and comment for each character in a permanent AC post.

I favor permanent over monthly posts asking for responses to show activity on more a personal level of then being able to track activity in a general sense for each character -- you end up with a log of activity for a character, and I find that intriguing and useful for me.


loyalised October 1 2011, 22:18:28 UTC
I like this. The sheer size of the game, I can't even begin to imagine how many tags the mods need to go through. If we need to just update something ourselves it'll take 5 mins for us, and maybe make it better for you modlings.


ardens_musebox October 1 2011, 22:23:41 UTC
All the other games I'm in require you to post your own activity monthly, and it is NOT asking too much of players at all. It never ever bothers me, and it makes life easier for players and mods alike. .__.

I'd be coo' with a monthly post coming up that we all stick our replies on. Easy.


HOW SHOULD A THREAD ON A LOG BE JUDGED? paradisamods October 1 2011, 22:02:24 UTC
Should it be counted as a comment thread, like the threads on the main community? Should there be a separate set of qualifications for determining length and quality of log threads? Should a thread on a log thread alone be able to count as a post? "If a thread in a log is to count as the equivalent to a closed post between X number of characters, how many comments does an individual character need to make in order for said thread to "meet" AC requirements for a post? 5 comments? 7? 10? What about thread dropping in log threads? Should people be allowed to add log threads together in order to meet the equivalent of one post, even if those threads are in separate logs, and are not long enough on their own?"


matchmaker October 1 2011, 22:07:01 UTC
I think it should be done as it has always been done, with journal threads counting for the poster, and logs counting for everyone who participates and thus adds their character tag to them.

Personally, I feel action spam journal entries should not be allowed (but that won't happen, so), particularly when they are "joint threads" which really belong in the logs community.


ardens_musebox October 1 2011, 22:08:36 UTC
+1-ing dis


buryyoualive October 1 2011, 22:11:23 UTC
+1ing as well. This has always worked in the past. Why fix what's not broken?


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