Oct 01, 2011 17:59

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WHAT DO YOU THINK SHOULD COUNT FOR A POST? paradisamods October 1 2011, 22:00:53 UTC
Right now, the current activity check asks for 2 journal posts to the main community or the equivalent (a post on the journal community along with a log on the logs community, two logs on the log community, a post to the journal community and some number of threads, a post to the log community and some number of threads, a great number of threads and no posts at all). As a note, currently, if all a player's activity for a given character is done in threads without posts to either the journal or log communities, they will find that character listed on the "Activity Check -- Additional Threads for (Month)" posts we make each month. They aren't considered inactive, yet we as mods are not able to track thread activity and thus rely on players to inform us on their thread activity at that time in order to pass them for the AC of any given month.

Knowing this, what do you feel should count as an "equivalent" to one post? How many threads, how many comments? Does a thread on a log count as a full post? What are your thoughts on this?


saccharosium October 1 2011, 22:01:41 UTC
These are previous AC threads that you, the mods, declared SAFE with these combinations prior to this current AC that we are now debating:

post + log combos )


dusk October 1 2011, 22:08:34 UTC
We definitely don't want to be unfair or surprise the players in the future, which is why we're asking now to discuss what you feel would be a good, new alternative that we can all agree (or at least compromise) on.

Can I take this comment to be a vote for counting any participation in a log to equal a post? Or do you have a different suggestion as to how we can count these things in the future?


saccharosium October 1 2011, 22:10:54 UTC
I want my comment to be a vote for log participation to be counted as a post, as it has always been in the past prior to now.


dusk October 1 2011, 22:16:57 UTC
Okay, cool.

But can I ask you the same question I asked Brain, then? Do you think there's any sort of limits you'd put on looking at participation in a log? Do you feel it's fair for someone who maybe commented 3 times to have that count as a post, the same as someone who commented 50+ times?


saccharosium October 1 2011, 22:38:08 UTC
No, I wouldn't put any limits on a log. If a player comments three times into a log and those three comments have sustenance, quality, weight to them, it should be the same as a player who has 50+ one-liner comments in a single thread.


dusk October 1 2011, 22:46:17 UTC
I think this is bleeding a little into the sections asking about the quality and length of tags below, but can I ask what you'd use to qualify a comment as having quality/weight to them? And if those three comments don't have that (or don't have the qualifications that others agree on), what do you think we should do then?


saccharosium October 1 2011, 23:42:30 UTC
Honestly? Anything third-person to me is quality, because it is a lot of effort and time being put into those logs and their subsequent responses. I wouldn't count a thread with Cross calling Allen an idiot as quality or effort, because it just comes easy to me. Cross and Allen having to face each other and talk about their issues head on? That is effort to me. Of course this is my personal opinion of that type of thing, and someone else may have something different on that.


dusk October 2 2011, 00:09:06 UTC
Makes sense! And thank you for speaking up ♥


saccharosium October 2 2011, 00:17:28 UTC
No problem. ♥

/sends some fried chicken and cake


dusk October 2 2011, 00:29:20 UTC
/d-drools on ......


orz_woeisme October 1 2011, 22:11:28 UTC
I had always thought that the posters of a log should get the credit--because it's the same as the poster of an entry in the main comm. In joint posts both posters get credit an in joint logs both posters get credit. I never saw as having commentors to an entry as need for adding a character tag to an entry--so I never really understood why people who didn't post a log in the comm would add their character tag to it. It's not their entry after all.

All comments to all posts should get credit I agree, but I don't see why adding a character tag when you comment to a log equals a post when we don't do the same thing in the main comm?

I'll admit right now that I am not in charge of AC and I do not participate monthly in the checks. This is just my two cents as a player--ever since I joined in 2009 this is how I thought things were done ( ... )


gottaknockhard October 1 2011, 22:23:17 UTC
I personally like finding logs that characters have been in, because they tend to be more involved and prose-based. (Not all the logs in para are like this, but generally they do result in longer responses than the average post to the main community.) I know I've gone searching for tags of characters in logs just to read everything they've done to get more insight on their character, so I don't think that should change.

It's harder to do a drive-by log response, in other words. Also, I usually do a log with just one other person as they tend to be easier to do than multiple-character logs... and in most cases the person who puts up the log is a toss up. It doesn't matter to me who starts it, because we planned it out together.

There's no perfect system where AC is concerned as there's always going to be different opinions on what counts as 'active', but to me... the only way a log tag shouldn't count as much as a post tag, is if they were tagged in the log and never actually posted in it.


orz_woeisme October 1 2011, 22:33:49 UTC
I agree that log tags and post tags should be equal--but in the main comm tags are only used for the poster(s) of a post and not...whoever comments. So I'm confused as to why people are doing that for the log comm and going "well I tagged 3 times into this log, so that should count as my character posting once for the month."


gottaknockhard October 1 2011, 22:45:59 UTC
Probably because people can post in the main comm with a much shorter post and not reply to their comments and have it count for the month? Also those three log tags could be several paragraphs long... Like how this one counted when we posted it for both of us. We planned that log together, and even though it was three comments each, it was a joint effort and both deserved to be tagged for it.

That's my opinion, anyway!


orz_woeisme October 1 2011, 22:51:33 UTC
Aaah--I get it! :) Though we DO keep track of people who drop threads/don't reply/constantly post private entries and they do get penalties down the road so don't worry about that part♥ Those sorts of things are tracked and recorded.

I guess the big worry I have is that if we count all characters in a log for having a post AC-wise it makes squatting incredibly easy (see here). I HAVE GOOD HTML


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