Who: Lana, Zexion What: Lana drags Zex out for a night on the town ;) When: March 20 (night) Where: Zex's room ------> Bar -------> Zexion's room Rating: R *facepalm*
Who: Lana and Zexion (anyone else who really wants to hop in can as well :D) What: Random encounter When: Evening? ish? Where: Music room Rating: Pg-13 maybe? language?
Who: Lana, Kadaj, Loz, and Zexion (gosh!) What: Trying to get rid of Lana's pesky picture When: Now? Where: Lana's room Rating: D for Destructo (probably like PG-13 or something)
Who: Dilan and Lana, of course, as well as those Dilan asked to check in with him and anyone else who wants to say hi, really! What: The Masquerade. When: .. during the Masquerade? Begins near the start. (god I am so slow) Where: In the ballroom. Rating: PG-13, most likely.
Who: Remus Lupin (boggarted) and Zexion (trialbyillusion) What: Zexion offers information in exchange for a meal and a meeting When: After this thread Where: Zexion's room, 1107 Rating: PGish
who: Loz and whoever happens by (he'll be in the kitchen a long time) what: Loz is hungry! when: last nite (the night that he arrived here) after Django told Loz about the kitchen where: the kitchen rating: prolly PG. might change depending on who he meets =O