Thread: Loz & hungry muses =3

Feb 03, 2007 22:13

who: Loz and whoever happens by (he'll be in the kitchen a long time)
what: Loz is hungry!
when: last nite (the night that he arrived here) after Django told Loz about the kitchen
where: the kitchen
rating: prolly PG. might change depending on who he meets =O

snack time! =3 )

loz, zexion, midna

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Comments 36

twilitprincess February 4 2007, 08:07:11 UTC
Midna had been passing the time away conversing in the strange book with two beings she'd taken a liking to, and one she couldn't care less about meeting again. She hadn't realized just how long she'd been doing it until she felt an unmistakable feeling in her small stomach. She uttered a small groan, annoyed at the hunger. She really didn't want to get up from where she was seated, but it was for the best. Slipping the small book under her helmet, she exited the room she was in. Dilan had mentioned a kitchen on the floor she was currently occupying, so she decided to try to find it ( ... )


asobu_ka February 4 2007, 08:22:47 UTC
Loz flipped around, his usual scowl-esque expression drawn across his face. He had a piece of pizza hanging half out of his mouth and a can of soda in his hand. Slurping the rest of pizza into his mouth, he gave a quick nod, acknowledging her presence. He was never one for introductions and somehow his usual Wanna play? greeting was put on the backburner for the pizza and soda. He had almost completed one box of pizza and was about to rummage for something else, perhaps some beer or ice cream.


twilitprincess February 4 2007, 08:27:52 UTC
Midna's nose wrinkled in disgust and she rolled her eyes. 'How rude,' she thought. She inhaled through her nose and was pleasantly surprised at how delicious the dripping piece of...something...smelled.

"You there," she piped up. "What is that you're eating?"


asobu_ka February 4 2007, 08:35:24 UTC
"Huh?" he finally said after swallowing the pizza nearly whole. "You mean this?" He picked up another piece of pizza from the box sitting behind him on the counter. "Pizza," he said, sticking the floppy, greasy pizza out towards her.


trialbyillusion February 4 2007, 08:49:51 UTC
Zexion had arrived at the castle several days earlier but despite all of his newfound free time, he hadn't gotten a chance to visit the kitchen. Every time he'd started down the stairs to find a meal or at least a stove to cook on, he'd been distracted. New arrivals, new fights, new information. There were too many puzzles to work with and he was secretly a little excited in having been supplied with so much fresh research. The only problem, as he soon discovered, was his stomach had formed a strong alliance with his ability to concentrate ( ... )


asobu_ka February 4 2007, 08:57:45 UTC
Loz felt another presence nearby, one that had a rather dark feeling like his own. He flipped around to look at the newcomer, an empty tub of ice cream in one hand with a giant spoon in the tub, soda in the other. Spotting Zexion, he dropped the tub and it clattered to the floor, the giant spoon making most of the noise. "Kadaj?!" he exclaimed, his green cat-like eyes widened with excitement. "KADAJ YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!! BROTHER DIDN'T KILL YOU AFTERALL!!!"

[[ooc: that's all good! i hoped you'd repost X3. let the fun begin!!! mwahahahahhahahaha!!!!! =3]]


trialbyillusion February 4 2007, 09:16:13 UTC
Zexion jerked visibly at the loud crack of the spoon as it hit the floor, but it was the stranger's words that brought about his absolutely baffled, and maybe a little horrified, expression. For a moment, he just stared at the silver-haired man. Oh, the sixth member had always had rather poor run of luck when it came to social situations, but this was just crazy.

"Excuse me?" he managed to ask at last, finally composing himself and straightening up. The name sounded familiar, he knew he'd heard or read of it just recently, but he couldn't quite place it-... Oh. No.


asobu_ka February 4 2007, 09:25:28 UTC
Loz blinked. He looked like Kadaj. His scent was similar to Kadaj. But he didn't sound like Kadaj. Did he hit his head and lose his memory?

He blinked again. He just didn't get it. Who was this guy who was had striking resemblance to Kadaj? Did he have another brother he wasn't aware of? "Brother?" he asked stupidly, pointing at Zexion, his mouth agape, his silver brows knit in confusion.


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