who: Loz and whoever happens by (he'll be in the kitchen a long time)
what: Loz is hungry!
when: last nite (the night that he arrived here) after Django told Loz about the kitchen
where: the kitchen
rating: prolly PG. might change depending on who he meets =O
Well something wasn't right here. Last he rememberd he was fighting that stupid blonde-haired brother of his that just didn't want to play and now? He was definitely not in Midgar, that much he knew, but this place was interesting nonetheless. He had this book now he had to write in and other people could respond to it. And there were some meanies here too. But one was nice enough to inform him of the kitchen.
He wrinkled his face. Where were his brothers? Did they get caught in that murderous rain? He flipped open his cell. No signal. Go figure. He flipped the phone shut with a look of disgust. At least Yazoo wouldn't be able to call him and mockingly ask him if he was crying. His face twisted into crying for a brief moment, then returned to his normal, furrowed-brow scowl when he thought of Yazoo's snide remarks about his crying. He missed his brothers but he'd find something to entertain himself. His mind quickly shifted to another thought.
Loz strode down the hallways, hoping to find something to do. His stocky frame felt amazingly well, even after enduring such abuse from a materia overdose and that lifestream rain. Feeling as strong as he did, the next person he saw, he would demand to play, but something distracted him and enticed him away from thoughts of play: food. He had been fighting playing rather hard lately. A snack (read: 3 pizzas and a case of soda) would definitely do the trick to restore his energy. Then he'd go in search of someone who wanted to play.
He soon arrived in the kitchen to begin some rummaging.