Thread: Lulu et al

Feb 03, 2007 23:17

Who: Lulu (hopefully soon Tidus, Rikku, Yuna, and Paine?)
What: Utter confusion and the desire for explanations.
When: Now-ish
Where: the library
Rating: PG I suppose...?

Lulu was up in her room, pacing back and forth and scolding nobody in particular for not giving her the information she so desired. Her ranting to herself was interrupted by a reminder that she was supposed to meet Tidus at the library. She rolled her eyes at herself for forgetting, then rushed out her door and headed downstairs.

It was only five flights of stairs, which was a lot less travel than most people had to take, but it still wore on her. She hated stairs and inclines, no doubt a result of her wardrobe. She silently reminded herself to look in the closet of her room to see if there was something else in there. After poking her head around the grand floor (she honestly wasn't sure where the library was, to be honest) she found her destination. She hoped she wasn't late. She'd honestly lost track of the time, and hoped Tidus and Rikku hadn't noticed. She hoped someone could explain something. Anything, really. She was getting rather irritated that no one really knew what was going on. Her irritation only increased at the fact that Tidus kept saying she was somewhere that she honestly couldn't remember being. You'd think she'd be able to recall such an important moment. 'Maybe that's the loss Rikku was talking about...' she thought.

Lulu grabbed a book on the first shelf she came in contact with and walked over to a group of plush chairs in a corner of the library. Now all she had to do was wait.

yuna, rikku, lulu, paine, tidus

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