
Jul 07, 2011 20:39

Who: Kasanoda and you!
What: Tanabata! Write your wishes and tie them to the tree. Also watching the beautiful night Sky. And make CR.
When: Tonight.
Where: Alexstrasza's tree.
Rating: PG.
wish for more CR! )

fifth doctor, combat instructor alleyne, misaki shiki, phoebe halliwell, himura kenshin, ritsu kasanoda, allen walker, yamanaka ino, kate kane

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Comments 128

cricketycricket July 8 2011, 01:22:22 UTC
Though Five remembered the last Tanabata festival he'd been involved in his first summer at Paradisa all too well - and not exactly with the fondest of memories - he had decided that it might as well be high time to give it another try. He'd heard the origins of this particular tree, and figured that its nature might be balm enough to keep away any of the castle's more meddlesome influences.

Sitting down beneath the tree, he rifled through his pockets until he found both pen and paper, and began to write. If most residents tried to read over his shoulder, however, they'd have poor luck - as the Time Lord was writing out his wish in Gallifreyan.


kickthecanplz July 8 2011, 01:25:15 UTC
Kasanoda spotted the Doctor, and was fairly surprised anyone showed up. He actually looked over with interest, but remembered his face, and quickly looked away again, embarrassed.


cricketycricket July 8 2011, 01:26:10 UTC
"What's the matter?" Five glanced up, concerned. "I don't bite, I promise you."


kickthecanplz July 8 2011, 01:27:44 UTC
The embarrassment continued to pile up. A year of being here, and Kasanoda was still awful at being social. "I-I'm fine! Yeah."


modernholmes July 8 2011, 01:24:16 UTC
Normally Conan would have had quite a lot to say about Tanabata. He always did. He often thought the story of two lovers who could only meet once a year had far too many similarities to his own situation with Ran. And that wasn't getting into the disaster that had been the last Tanabata.

Of course right now he was two years old. A very nosy two-year-old Shinichi with no memory of his life as Conan. And so he merely walks shakily into the room and looks around with bright curiosity. What was everyone doing?


kickthecanplz July 8 2011, 01:26:04 UTC
Now what's a little kid doing all by himself in this kind of area? Kasanoda watched him a bit, worried. He then knelt down, trying to somewhat be eye level with the little scamp. Someone that young shouldn't be left alone. "H... Hey..."


modernholmes July 8 2011, 01:27:35 UTC
Shinichi just stares at him with wide eyes.


kickthecanplz July 8 2011, 01:28:22 UTC
"Um... are you lost, kid? Are you staying with someone?" He looked around for a moment, hoping that someone was looking for the little boy.


tunafanatic July 8 2011, 01:45:39 UTC
And Haruhi find herself at the table, pencil in hand as she leans over it and hesitates with the tip to the paper. She's not sure how to phrase what she wants to say, and instead sighs, leaning back.

She had never really been invested in this holiday, anyway, and she wrinkles her nose a little at the blank paper.


kickthecanplz July 8 2011, 01:46:54 UTC
He spots her, and walks over, trying to be friendly.



tunafanatic July 8 2011, 01:53:23 UTC
Haruhi half-smiles at him in greeting.

"I don't know what to write."


kickthecanplz July 8 2011, 01:57:22 UTC
He gives a half-shrug.

"Don't worry about it too much."


kungfuwitch July 8 2011, 02:25:34 UTC
Phoebe was taking a walk when she saw the tree. Having lived in Asia for a while she knew exactly what that was. She smiled and moved closer, peeking at a few of the secrets already hanging in the tree as she passed. When she got to the table she took a piece of paper, thinking for a moment before writing three words

Love and Friendship

Setting the pen aside she looped a string through the hole in the paper and went to find a place to hang her wish.


kickthecanplz July 8 2011, 02:29:29 UTC
Oh geez, a pretty girl. He tried to ignore her, lest he look like a moron. But he couldn't help but glance at her paper as she passed him by, and he smiled. What a nice wish.


kungfuwitch July 8 2011, 02:39:04 UTC
She returned that smile with a bright one of her own. "Hello." So much for avoiding notice, huh?


kickthecanplz July 8 2011, 02:40:09 UTC
Oh crap, she looked! face flushing, he quickly looked down, embarrassed. "H-Hi."


ascensional July 8 2011, 02:44:41 UTC
After seeing the reminder about Tanabata, Tomoe reluctantly decides to find this tree she's heard so much about. She isn't much for crowds, so she'll wait until she hopes most people are gone before trying to find her way to the enormous and calming tree.

When she thinks no-one is looking, she'll find a spare branch and push up onto her toes a bit so she can tie a piece of paper to it. Her wish will remain a secret, of course, for now.

She isn't sure which person made the invitation, but she's grateful nonetheless.


kickthecanplz July 8 2011, 02:47:11 UTC
He happens to see her, and blinks. She's... familiar, somehow. he just can't place it. He frowns, scratching his head, trying to place her in his memories. The days when he was turned into a baby are completely gone from his head, so he doesn't really recognize the woman who helped take care of him.


ascensional July 8 2011, 02:49:41 UTC
Picking up on the feeling of someone watching her, Tomoe immediately tenses and glances over her shoulder. She most certainly doesn't recognize this person. Then again she isn't completely unused to the idea of people staring at her, so she just assumed the obvious.

"May I help you with something?"


kickthecanplz July 8 2011, 02:53:24 UTC
Caught, he blushes deeply, and looks away. What reason did he have for staring at such a lovely woman? Filled with shame, he tried to pretend nothing happened. "N-No, sorry..."


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