
Jan 25, 2011 17:00

Who: Jo Harvelle and invited guests. (Bela, Eliot, Max, Lois, Clark, Cassie, Faith, Spike S., Crowley, Kaylee, Booth, Jilly, Gabriel, Chase, Claire)
What: Hunter's Memorial
When: tl;dl for January 24th || Dusk on Tuesday January 25th (after she's invited everyone personally)
Where: The Paradisa Cemetery

January 24th - Dean Winchester's Birthday )

seeley booth, joanna beth 'jo' harvelle, claire bennet, spike spiegel, dr. robert chase, kaylee frye, bela talbot, jilly coppercorn

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Comments 34

enjoythe_ride January 26 2011, 03:32:51 UTC

She was at the end of the group, shot glass in front of her wiggling between her fingers. She wasn't really the funeral type, but Sam and Jo were both friends, and Bela wasn't opposed to doing things for friends.

Plus, there was alcohol. Even if it was whiskey. At least it wasn't tequila.


huntersdaughter February 3 2011, 00:37:49 UTC
Jo moved to pour another drink for Bela, "Thanks for coming, Bela."

There was a definite weight on Jo's shoulders and she was clearly going through the motions at this point.


enjoythe_ride February 3 2011, 02:52:18 UTC
"Of course." Bela gave her a small smile, before raising the drink a bit. "Cheers."


verydistinctive February 13 2011, 21:28:33 UTC
Eliot offered his glass as well, smiling softly to Jo. He was worried about her. He knew what sort of things happened in the mind of someone who had faced death the way Jo had.

"Look, if you've got any questions -"

Jo cut him off, lifting her hand briefly.

Eliot nodded, moving to put his arm around Bela, "Look, we're here if you need us. You've got other people to talk to, we'll be here until you're ready to head back."

Jo nodded and headed off to go talk to other people.


autophoenix January 26 2011, 08:23:57 UTC
Well. Of all the funerals she'd gone to, this definitely won points for the most interesting. She'd bundled up enough so that the cold wouldn't chill her to the bone as it was prone to doing -- it was the only way she was going to make it through the full service, however makeshift. When Jo started passing out shot glasses, an eyebrow was raised, but she didn't comment. If this was how she wanted to celebrate the life of her dead boyfriend, that was her prerogative. Everyone grieved in a different way, and no one in present company had any idea that Claire wasn't going to be feeling the kick when she downed it, so she could go through the motions for Jo's sake ( ... )


autophoenix January 26 2011, 08:24:20 UTC
"I know you can't hear me. But, I don't know if I'd have it in me to say it to your face, and I need to say that I'm sorry. It shouldn't have been you. It was never supposed to be you." The tears began to threaten to come and she sucked in a deep breath, shutting her eyes to fight them back. Not in public. Not now. She'd done enough crying. Releasing the breath, she stood, fingers brushing off the edge of the tombstone like she was saying goodbye, lips finding the form of a strained smile as she turned to walk over to where Jo was finishing up with refilling glasses ( ... )


huntersdaughter February 3 2011, 00:43:59 UTC
She had noticed who had gone to talk to Sam's headstone and she wasn't surprised that Claire had been one of them. Even before she'd left and come back in again, Sam and Claire had been close. If anything, she was another part of the extended Winchester family. Jo was relieved that she'd shown up, mostly because she knew that it wasn't exactly a good week for Claire either. She'd known more than just Sam and she'd lost more than just one friend.

Jo had sort of lost sight of what she was doing, lost in her own thoughts when Claire's hand brought her back to the present. Glancing at her, she offered an attempt at a warm smile, "Thanks. I... I over-reacted with the flowers. I just, I couldn't keep walking past that every day."

Exhaling, she gave Claire's arm a squeeze back, moving to pull her in close against her side, "I'm glad you came."


autophoenix February 7 2011, 05:49:17 UTC
It wasn't hard to see that there wasn't much enthusiasm in Jo's smile and Claire just nodded. There wasn't much warmth to the way she returned, out of obligation, mostly, the half-hug that Jo gave her. Claire's method of mourning was through isolation, but she'd never flinched away from offering comfort when she could. It just happened to be difficult to reconcile the two ( ... )


gottaknockhard January 26 2011, 16:39:38 UTC
It was quiet when he stopped by, the cold wind carrying over that somber air that seemed to spread for days after the death of a few residents. Some people weren't used it, so it only made sense, and for that Spike could muster up some sympathy. A symbalance of grief for as much as he understood it. He couldn't help but be detached from the whole thing; he never had a lot of experience in formalities. As many times as he'd seen death, he somehow always missed the funeral ( ... )


huntersdaughter February 3 2011, 00:54:32 UTC
It didn't take her long to wish that she'd brought more alcohol, but she still had enough for now. She'll hand Spike the bottle and lean against him a bit. He was tall, it was a comfort thing.

"Thanks for coming, Spike," she stated quietly. She knew that Spike was more her friend than Sam's, but she was still really glad he was there.


gottaknockhard February 5 2011, 17:33:42 UTC
Spike held onto the bottle, although this time it's not because he wants a drink. He hadn't done a lot for her -- doesn't in general, besides drink her alcohol and run up his tab -- but he can be there. For once.

"Yeah," he replied after a moment. As much time as he spent around Jo, it was about time he paid a visit to Sam. Spike never did have the best timing. "... I'm sorry."


huntersdaughter February 13 2011, 21:43:13 UTC
There wasn't much that anyone could actually say to her that would make much difference. She was bottling it all up and keeping it pushed down so far that even she wasn't sure she'd be able to dig it all up if she needed to.

With a nod, she glanced up at him, "Don't be sorry - it wasn't your fault." She kept near him for a bit more, before pushing away from him.

"I might end up moving back to the city after this. It's not like I want to have everyone watching me."


nocushywill January 27 2011, 05:53:03 UTC
Chase hated funerals and he always tried to avoid them. Funerals reminded him of his dead mother. Funerals were depressing and he hated the speeches because he always thought they were lies. That the people being described always sounded like complete strangers to him, and feeling both upset and relieved, he always wanted to pipe in with something real, like, no she wasn't like that, and we are all better off without her.

This was different however. He didn't know Sam well but the man sacrificed his life for his friends. Now...

That just made it all the more depressing.

Poor Jo.

He lifted his glass and drank the shot.


huntersdaughter February 3 2011, 01:02:47 UTC
Jo exhaled, shutting her eyes as she watched most of the people filter away. It wasn't like she expected them to spend their evening there. Hell, she didn't want to be there any longer than she needed to be. She moved over toward Chase, linking her arm to his.

"So, I think you're going to have to take care of the new dog. Just for a bit."


nocushywill February 6 2011, 16:32:59 UTC
"Don't worry about it." Chase could look after the dog for as long as she needed him to. In fact, he might even consider adopting her if Jo couldn't find Scruffy a new owner. Yes. He sort of temporarily named her.

"Ready to go? Or do you want to stay here for a little while more?"


huntersdaughter February 13 2011, 22:39:27 UTC
Jo would correct Chase on the gender of the dog until much later, but still she shrugged in response.

"I don't know. I think I might head to my apartment. Stay in the city for a while."


tehoniongirl January 27 2011, 09:36:35 UTC
She did the first shot in honor of Sam, but when it came time for a second round she quietly set her shot glass back in the snow. She'd drink to remember... the forgetting would have to come from some other source.

Instead, she waits for the crowd to thin, the few gathered stopping to give their regards to Jo, before she makes her way towards her friend.


She doesn't add to it. Not right away. Too many of the things that come to mind are trite... and that's not fitting for any day, let alone this one.


huntersdaughter February 3 2011, 01:05:43 UTC
The moment Jilly was close enough, Jo moved in toward her to hug her. She needed that, just that shoulder for a moment.

"Hey," Jo murmured against Jilly's shoulder. She didn't even care what it looked like, but Jilly was one of her best friends and she needed her best friend right now.


tehoniongirl February 3 2011, 01:21:54 UTC
Arms closing around her friend, she'll hug her back tightly.


huntersdaughter February 3 2011, 02:22:50 UTC
It was appreciated and Jo just clung to her a bit, not crying, but just needing to hold onto something that wasn't herself. After a bit, she pulled back, attempting a smile at her, "This really sucks." There was a bit of bitter laughter that came from that, just because that sort of statement was expected, but just with everything else, she wasn't sure how she was supposed to deal with this.

If he came back in two weeks, would that be enough time for her to grieve the loss? Would she even be able to fall back into that pattern with Sam?


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