Mutant Ninja Turtle--What? \\ Donnie and Chavez

Jul 23, 2007 22:00

Who: Donatello and Chavez
What: Chavez has got to see this to believe it. A mutant turtle? Com'on.
When: Now.
Where: Kitchen.
Rating: PG

Ninja! We own the night! )

donatello, domingo chavez

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Comments 30

purple_bo July 24 2007, 03:22:41 UTC
Donatello lounged on a barstool rather close to the coffee pot. He figured that he might as well brew himself up some while he was down here; besides, the new guy he was meeting might want some.

Opting against the trench and fedora, seeing as how it didn't seem to matter any more, Donnie was instead decked out in all his ninja glory, teleporter clipped onto his belt.

Donnie wasn't exactly too sure who he was waiting for, but he figured the guy striding into the kitchen looking as if he half-expected someone to jump out and yell "Gotcha!" was it. "Hey," he called out with a wave.


ding_chavez July 24 2007, 03:47:20 UTC
Chavez would actually look quite normal, casual even, to the normal eye. The slight skepticism on his face aside he acted and walked normally. Maybe a bit too casually, but that was how it went. Act casual, non-threatening to the extreme, just another passerby, and you were easily ignored. It was training from being an unobvious bodyguard in the CIA. Not that he would ever tell anyone that.

Of course training for intelligence operatives and even military tactics does not prepare one for the sudden sighting of a giant walking, talking turtle. Shell and all.

This caused Ding to actually pause, one fraction of a second hesitating in his next step. His mouth dropped open only slightly and his eyes probably widened just a tad as he looked over the green man. But then he carefully crafted his face into a normal expression, and then even gave a large grin as he further approached.

"Hey, hombre," Chavez said, trying not to sound anything but normal.


purple_bo July 24 2007, 14:27:21 UTC
Donnie gave Chavez a friendly smile. "Wanna pull up a seat? I've got some coffee brewing if you want any."

((*headdesk* This post if full of suck and fail D:))


ding_chavez July 26 2007, 03:13:36 UTC
((lawl. Well, it was a reply. :3))

Chavez, still with a slight smile, nodded and pulled up a seat for himself. He glanced towards the coffee and decided, though it may not be the army's blacker-than-black brew, he could definitely go for some at the moment.

"Yea, sounds good," he replied as he took his seat and waited for it to finish. He glanced over his new acquaintance while he did so then raised a curious brow. "Wow," he said simply.


ding_chavez August 7 2007, 15:39:41 UTC
Chavez watched the man's face carefully. It was obviously and definitely different from a human's, but still it wasn't hard to interrupt. Getting around the aesthetic differences in the face the expressions were more or less the same of that of a human. He began to catalog the expressions he saw without consciously thinking about it ( ... )


purple_bo August 7 2007, 21:56:19 UTC
Donnie had a small laugh at Ding's 'dream' exclamation. If that wasn't familiar...

"Maybe you got attacted by a clan of ninja thieves in a subway station? And you saw a rat in the parking lot." The turtle made his face serious as he said all this, before allowing a large grin to spread. "Wishing you were dreaming of Harrison Ford, yet?"


ding_chavez August 9 2007, 04:13:18 UTC
Ding's eyes lit up with amusement and a small smirk spread at the mention of ninjas and rats. Now that's a dream, he thought to himself. He showed curiousity--where did that come from?--but kept the joke running.

"Harrison Ford? Why not? I'd probably have to save his ass though, always playing presidents and whatnot. I do things like that sometimes..." he grinned, and his expression was something to make a person wonder if he was really joking or seriouslly speaking the truth.


purple_bo August 9 2007, 04:18:36 UTC
"Him and Bill Pullman, those two scoundrals."

Donnie 'snrked' at Chavez. "Do what? Save presidents or dream about Harrison Ford?"


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