[Thread] Squall & Selphie

Apr 09, 2007 19:42

Who: Squall and Selphie.
What: A break for chattin' and food.
When: After this.
Where: Library.
Rating: PG/PG-13?

take off your coat and i'll make you some tea )

selphie tilmitt, squall leonhart

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Comments 20

anewlingo April 10 2007, 03:58:56 UTC
Selphie had a feeling she was going to meet a not so happy Squall. That wasn't anything new, but usually he had a reason. Now she was concerned--he was talking about his loss of memories and other things... almost complaining. And it really wasn't like him. Selphie was honestly worried for her friend.

However, it was a welcomed distraction. Selphie was tired. She hadn't gotten any sleep since the Ganados arrived, and she had even drank coffee to keep herself going. She didn't want to leave the front doors... just in case. Anyway, she wanted to keep spirits up, no matter what happened. But even Selphie Tilmitt, the ball of rainbow and sunshine, needed a break.

With two sandwiches stacked on a plate and two water bottles tucked under her arm, Selphie trudged into the library and found herself looking at the back of Squall's head. Smiling, she made her presence known and readied herself for the energy it was going to take to cheer him up. "Hey, Squall!"


hadtoleave April 10 2007, 04:10:50 UTC
"Hey," Squall returned the greeting, turning around to face her. He unashamedly looked her over, obviously trying to gauge how much this whole thing was taking its toll.

It was-weird, to say the least, how open his expression seemed at that moment. It wasn't a lot by normal standards… but compared to his usual 'don't even dare to try to figure me out' blankness, it was noticeable.

"Wanna give me those?" he asked, holding out his hands. Then he gestured towards the tables with his chin. "I don't think we'll have to worry about being disturbed."


anewlingo April 10 2007, 04:29:07 UTC
Save for the appearance of pale lavender circles under her eyes, Selphie looked perfectly fine, her smile not lacking in the least. She looked over him, too, but for different reasons--he looked like himself, save for a slight change in his expression. Did he crack? No... that would probably be a lot more violent.

"Thanks," she said, placing the water bottles in Squall's hands. Then, walking over to the table, she placed down the food and frowned at it. "I know it's not much, but the kitchen is pretty crazy. Don't know about you, but turkey sandwiches always make me feel better~"

Almost as if she were afraid about the reaction to that comment, Selphie skipped around to the other side of the table and sat.


hadtoleave April 10 2007, 04:36:27 UTC
She needs rest. But then, so did a lot of other people, himself included. He just-couldn't. There was too much going on, mostly in his mind.

"Sure," he responded. He took them and followed her to the table, placing one on either side. "Don't worry about it. I'm not all that hungry." He shrugged, pulled out a chair and sat down. "I don't feel one way or the other after eating them, but they're pretty good."

He watched her move around the table and grabbed his water bottle. Twisting off the cap, he took a couple large gulps before he put it back. "I'm mostly thirsty. Last time I had anything was around five this morning." He picked up one of the sandwiches next and took a small bite. His movements and expression were more familiar now-almost mechanical. Gotta eat. Don't wanna be fatigued when they finally decide to make a move.

"How're things going?"


anewlingo April 10 2007, 04:50:42 UTC
"But these are special because I made them!" You could practically hear the little scribbled heart in her voice, but there was also a look in her eye that said You'd better like them or else~ Of course, the smile was still there.

Selphie watched him drink, chewing thoughtfully on her sandwich. So he didn't sleep either, or so she thought. But her thoughts were similar to his: Once the Ganados got in, they would need all the strength they could get. It was a beyond Selphie when she would find the time to really rest, but if it came down to it, she'd fight her best. Like always.

"Things are going as well as they can be," she replied, "It's just a matter of keeping people calm and..." Selphie glanced away from Squall and then back, "Not... cracking or anything." So subtle.


hadtoleave April 10 2007, 04:59:08 UTC
Squall looked at her, wondering if she was teasing him again. "Why?" he finally asked. The ghosts would have made them. Then again, aren't there people in the kitchen doing this sort of thing so the rest of us don't have to? He really didn't understand doing something if you didn't have to sometimes, especially if it was something like that.

"Mm." He took another bite of his sandwich, not missing the slight pause or the way Selphie's gaze left and came back to him. He swallowed and said, "Maybe those who would crack already have. I think there are still people outside, wasting time and effort." His brow furrowed. Does she think I'm gonna crack or something? I'm not really tired… Do I look like it? "Something you want to say?" he asked bluntly.


anewlingo April 10 2007, 05:13:57 UTC
Selphie blinked. "Because I felt like it?" That was a weird question! Selphie had nothing against the ghosts or the other people in the kitchen, but sometimes she liked to do things herself. Besides, everyone looked busy enough and it would be easier for her to run off without too many questions asked if she made the food herself.

"Ah, well," Selphie giggled nervously, "You said you weren't okay, and I was wondering if you want to talk about it or something." She was worried. Squall was acting off, and it was in a very subtle way. She almost would have preferred him to totally fly off the hinge and flip out.

She grabbed her water bottled and took a sip. Hopefully asking wouldn't make him upset or something.


hadtoleave April 10 2007, 05:27:07 UTC
"Okay." Well, whatever. Her prerogative. He looked at his sandwich. I'm almost hungry. "It's not bad," he said before taking another bite.

He listened to her response, wondering if he was going to end up regretting this. After swallowing, he put down his sandwich and reached for his water. "I'm hardly ever okay," he said. It was said just as bluntly but it was surprising he admitted it so readily. He took a sip of water, shrugged, and added, "There's not much to say. The problem's not gonna change or go away."

Now that I know… I'm always going to feel like pieces of me are missing.

"You've got bigger things to worry about," he reminded her. "I'm not going to lose it and put people's lives at risk or anything." Even if I did lose it… I wouldn't do something stupid like that. …Would I? No. It's my problem, I'll deal with it.


anewlingo April 10 2007, 05:41:56 UTC
Selphie just kind of stared at Squall. Just him saying that he was hardly ever okay was making her concern go through the roof. "H-hey, don't say that, Squall!" ... even if it was kind of true. Poor Squall had a ton of problems, but he never brought them up unless he could avoid it. And he hadn't even tried to dodge the topic.

"I know you wouldn't put people in danger, but I'm worried about you!" Selphie put her friends before anything--and that meant they came before impending zombie-like doom that was just outside the castle walls. "You tend to keep things bottled up until that bottle just kind of pops!" She gestured with her hands for emphasis.


hadtoleave April 10 2007, 05:51:37 UTC
"Why?" he asked, bitterness clear in his voice. "It's true." Squall wasn't about to let her try to convince him otherwise. It would only be fooling himself.

"Whatever," he said with a small, dismissive wave of his hand. The idea that he and Selphie could be considered friends was still an uncomfortable notion. It wasn't really even about being friends with somebody. It was the fact that Selphie knew so much about him-knew him, period-while he was only getting to know her. It made him feel off-balance and insecure.

But that brought up a question he'd been meaning to ask. Was there a reason he hadn't before…? He couldn't remember. "I've snapped before?" He glanced at his sandwich, frowning slightly, and then picked it up to finish.


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