[Thread] Squall & Selphie

Apr 09, 2007 19:42

Who: Squall and Selphie.
What: A break for chattin' and food.
When: After this.
Where: Library.
Rating: PG/PG-13?

take off your coat and i'll make you some tea )

selphie tilmitt, squall leonhart

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Comments 20

anewlingo April 10 2007, 06:04:52 UTC
"Because--" It makes you sound like a little kid! "That makes you sound hopeless," Selphie said, shaking her head. "And you're not hopeless, hmm?" She regretted making it into a question, given the mood Squall was in, but it was too late to cover it up so she let it be.

Selphie's eyes darkened a little at the whatever. Squall and Leon were seriously making her hate the word. She knew it'd be dumb to snap at him, so she let it slide... this time. "Whatever doesn't make much of a difference, you know." She took another bite of her sandwich.

She gave him a small smile. "Everyone snaps, but it's just scary when you do it because you seem so collected. But yeah, you have." Probably more times than Selphie knew about, too.


hadtoleave April 10 2007, 06:17:15 UTC
"I don't have a reason to believe otherwise," Squall replied carelessly. It's never been any different. Why start now?

"What else am I supposed to say?" He finished his sandwich, sitting back in his chair. He brushed crumbs off of his gloves, noting he should have taken them off beforehand, and continued, "I don't think you can afford to worry about me."

"Collected?" he said, voicing his thoughts aloud and hardly aware he was doing so. "I always feel like I'm coming apart. When have I done it? How?" After all of that Squall's shoulders and hands automatically tensed, a look of bemusement crossing his features. Then it was gone and he watched her, waiting for an answer.


anewlingo April 10 2007, 06:42:33 UTC
"What's gotten into you?" This was not the Squall Leonhart she knew. He had his bad lows, but this was really just bad and Selphie was stunned, and it showed on her face.

Selphie also looked like she wanted to slap Squall, and her feelings weren't exactly telling her not to do as much. "That's the most stupid thing I think I've ever heard you say! You're my friend!"

The smaller SeeD shook her head, almost sadly. It probably wasn't a good idea to tell him this. "When we were told that Seifer was executed, you started freaking out. I guess you were having one of your internal monologues or something," she gave him a look--everyone knew he did it. "But you ran out, saying something about how you wouldn't have people talking about you in the past tense."

Selphie paused, tilting her head to the side, then giggled a little. "Well, I guess in the whole... dead sense! Not past event sense."


hadtoleave April 10 2007, 07:03:40 UTC
"What do you mean what's gotten into me?" Squall asked, scowling. She's acting like I grew a second head or something.

He grabbed his water to swallow the rest of it, capping it and putting it to the side when he was done. "How is that stupid?" He shrugged. "Fine, whatever, but I meant that if you have to, do it later. When it's a slow couple days and we're not under siege or there are murders or civil unrest or whatever the hell these people manage to get up to. I still think you're wasting your time."

Seifer…? Right. The other gunblade specialist. "That's why?" He mulled it over, trying to understand previous actions that he couldn't remember. He reached up and rubbed his scar with a grimace. "Is that it? I freaked because I didn't want people to talk about me after I'm dead?"

If those things manage to get inside and I die… What will happen? Would anybody other than Selphie and Rinoa notice? Would anybody care? What would they say? Squall was this and that…Before he knew it his hand had dropped from his scar, ( ... )


anewlingo April 10 2007, 07:22:17 UTC
"Why are you letting all of this get to you now?" If their roles reversed, and he still the leader, she would have told him that he needed to set an example for everyone else. That wasn't the case, but deep down, Selphie still saw Squall as the leader. It was frightening to see him be so... weak?

The girl actually growled. Her temper was flaring, and she was tempted to just let him have it: yell at him for forgetting everyone, yell at him because she missed their world, yell at him because she wanted everything to be back to normal, yell at him because she was tired of all the dumb people in the castle not listening to her when all she wanted to do was help. "You. Are. My. Friend. Worrying about you, even if you're perfectly fine, is so not a waste of time! You come first, even if this whole place was exploding ( ... )


hadtoleave April 10 2007, 07:41:43 UTC
"What the hell? It's always gotten to me." It was practically all he thought about. He wanted it to stop and he thought if he got some answers then maybe it would ( ... )


anewlingo April 10 2007, 08:02:33 UTC
She grit her teeth. "You're letting it get to you too much! I know you're always being prodded about opening up or whatever, but this isn't the time to start acting like this! This isn't the time to be upset at things that we can't change!" Selphie had her hands in fists on the table, but she didn't hit or do much beyond digging her nails into her palm. That desire to slap had evolved into a desire to punch ( ... )


hadtoleave April 10 2007, 08:21:27 UTC
"What else am I supposed to do?!" Squall yelled, leaning forwards further. It looked like he was trying to intimidate Selphie with his size but, with the table between them, it wasn't really effective. "What's going out there is the first damn thing even approaching what went on back home! It's impossible not to think about it when I've only got training or puzzles or a card game to distract me ( ... )


anewlingo April 10 2007, 08:43:52 UTC
"You just keep going! You always say this and that about not letting stuff get in the way, but if you keep worrying about what you've lost and how miserable you are, it's going to kill you!" Selphie was too upset to be intimidated, though the sensible part of her mind told her that she hadn't seen Squall this angry before ( ... )


hadtoleave April 10 2007, 09:14:51 UTC
"Then tell me!" Squall lifted his right arm as if he was going to strike her, but he straightened up so he only cut it in a diagonal slash to the right. "Answer my damn question. What else?!" It was ironic how he was asking her to tell him when he had lost it when he was doing exactly that ( ... )


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