Who: Valentine (
maskemotion) and Kaylee (
What: Kaylee and Valentine have a tea party! Okay, not a tea party, but tea is drank, and party-like antics may ensue? :P
When: April 9th, afternoon
Where: Valentine's Room, 2103
Rating: PG (but will change as needed)
Valentine rather liked the new arrangement of his room. It suited his tastes much, much more. Not to mention he had done his best to 'convince' the castle to change some of the colors around - which, the best he had done was get a set of classy purple curtains and a bucket of dark purple paint. He hadn't done the painting yet, but rest assured, when he had more time, it would happen. Purple was, after all, a color of royalty, and he felt he ought to be treated as such at the moment.
But asside from the paint bucket, placed discreetly under his desk and out of view, the room was excellently laid out (in his opinion), providing enough space for a few people to generally congregate and hang out if they so pleased. A coatrack (which his robe was currently hanging on), few chairs, a small table - which he had just recently asked for and got, to his amusement - in the 'opening' of his room, and his bed, wardrobe, and his desk somewhat to the back.
Valentine, at the moment, was sprawled out on his bed, arms folded across his chest, and his legs dangling off the edge. He had no idea what to expect from Kaylee, asside that she had a changable expression. Everyone and their grandmother's had changable expressions here, and it was really getting on his nerves - but upwards and onwards, right? Adaptation was the name of the game!
Truth be told, Valentine was very eager to meet Kaylee. He had met pretty much all of his friends now, except for her. Even more, none of them had even been to his room yet - not even Carmine, who lived right across the hall from him! But to top it all off... she was coming with tea, and had hinted at some kind of food. Not that he was totally motivated by food... it was just very, very important. Possibly the number two (okay, it was number one, really) reason he was so ready to accept it all.
Now he was just hoping she wouldn't take her time getting up there. It was no fun waiting for someone to show up. Especially when you were Valentine, and had about as much patience as a little kid waiting for a sweet.