Log: All that I said, I meant it [Lelouch & Euphemia]

Apr 10, 2007 00:20

Who: Lelouch (zero_lelu) and Euphie (sealyourfate)
What: Euphie goes check up on Lelouch.
When: After this.
Where: Lelouch's room.
Rating: PG

Euphie hurried down the hall, she held her dress in one hand. She couldn't be gone for long, she had to look after things. She was exhausted, but...

If Lelouch or Suzaku needed it, she would drop things to go after them. To check up on them.

Lelouch looked up towards his door, a frown etched into his face. He couldn't understand it, why was he- No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop himself from answering them with complete honesty. It was as if someone had cast Geass on him, but he knew that wasn't the case. He sighed, irritated, and called somewhat belatedly to the knock. "...Yes." He hated to think what Euphie was thinking at that moment.

She didn't really know what to think at the moment of all that Lelouch had told her. It was surprising, shocking, yes... but right now there were more pressing matters at hand. Zombies and Suzaku... and...

Euphie pushed the door opened it, peeking inside and hesitating. "Lelouch..."

Lelouch stared at her for a few moments. He was glad that she wasn't avoiding him, but...It was so awkward with his apparent inability to answer questions how he wished to, to protect her, them, anyone, from... Himself. He hesitated before replying, looking away from her as he did so. "Euphie..." he answered quietly.

Of course not, Euphie wouldn't do that. She would head straight on and tackle the issues... even if she didn't understand things or if she thought Lelouch and Suzaku were purposely hiding things from her for whatever reason.

The pink-haired princess hesitated a little more before crossing the room to give her half-brother a hug.

Lelouch stiffened as Euphie hugged him, uncomfortable with the sudden action, before relaxing slightly, and awkwardly hugging her back. At least she wasn't mad at him. He wasn't sure what he should say, what he could say.

Euphie was silent, just holding him for a moment. Yeah, it was a little awkward, right? She pulled back, blushing a little and smiled up at him. She wouldn't tell anyone what Lelouch told her, and that didn't need to be said. "It'll be okay, Lelouch."

Lelouch looked away from her wondering what it was she'd been able to figure out from his comments. What was it they had caused her to think? If- No. If she knew he was Zero, then it wouldn't make any difference. The Euphie that had all her memories knew he was Zero, so... Why was he so worried now? Simply because she knew about the Geass? It would be fine, he attempted to reassure himself. Offering her a small smile, he nodded slightly. "Hopefully."

She gave him another smile and took his hand in hers, almost as if trying to do that to offer reassurance that she couldn't voice well enough right now. "Of course, you said Suzaku will be fine right? ...You'll tell me the truth, right?"

Or will you lie? Just... like him and Suzaku had avoiding the memory of the Euphie they remembered... the girl smiled still. "First priority is to make sure Suzaku is okay. Then, you two need to speak."

"Yes," he answered, all remnants of the smile fading. He opened his mouth as if to speak, before shutting it again, wondering whether he should voice his next opinion or not, wondering whether it would lead to more questions. However, Euphie seemed to stay thankfully away from the topic, as if she knew it would most likely only cause her pain. Lelouch sighed softly. "I'll tell the truth." I can't lie, not at the moment, it seems, he added, mentally.

"Do you know where he is?"

Maybe or maybe she wanted them to tell her without having to ask about it. Either way, Euphie let the topic drop between them and moved onto Suzaku. "I don't know, but... you know best, if you say he'll be fine I'll trust you." She would trust Lelouch, after all, he was her brother. Half anyway. Her grip tightened on his hand for a moment and then relaxed.

The small smile returned, with more than a hint of sadness. It was... Nice the way that Euphie trusted him so much, even though he didn't deserve it, not really. "We'll just have to wait and see. But, I'm pretty certain he will be fine," he glanced down at their hands, before looking back up at her. "How are you?" He asked suddenly. It would be hard on her, this whole... Event. He blinked a couple of times, before averting his gaze.

Euphie smiled, "I'm okay, Lelouch. Just came to check up on you." she paused averted her own gaze for a moment as she thought her next words and then looked back at him. "I know you can get Suzaku to talk, I'm certain of it. You're best friends, right? You'll be able to help him... deal, won't you?" Whatever it was that he saw...

He wanted to say 'yeah, well, I'm fine', but it was as if his mouth wouldn't form the words, that the connection between his brain and his mouth just wouldn't work in the way he wanted it to. "Thank you, Euphie." He paused. "We- Yes. I think we are. I hope I can. I just... I wonder what's made him hide from us?" Standing up, he slipped his hand away from hers, and moved over to the window of his room, glancing out and across the scenery, hoping in a small way that it might make him feel better.

She let him pull away and glanced at him, smile fading, "I don't know Lelouch, you'd know better than I would."

Lelouch glanced back at her, sharply. "What do you mean by that? You got on very well with Suzaku, yourself," He replied to her, frown returning, before turning his attention back to the window. "Sorry," he added, in a quieter voice. "I'm just tired, worried." The frown deepened as he wished he had more control over what he was saying.

"You remember things I don't, Lelouch." Euphie stated evenly, "If I don't know what Suzaku was talking about, if I don't remember certain things. I can't do anything but be by his side and tell him it'll be okay, but you can help." That was enough. She turned slowly, trailing back towards the door.

She paused by the door and glanced back with a smile,"I love you Lelouch, you and Suzaku, and people in this castle. I won't let anything happen to you." She'd do her best to help. Even if she didn't know what to do. And with that she was done, closing the door quietly behind her .

Now, she had duties to attend, back on the second floor.

euphemia li britannia, lelouch lamperouge

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