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BREAKFAST ad_aeternitatem June 16 2011, 15:14:16 UTC
[Breakfast is a feast: thin strips of venison, fresh tomatoes from the garden, a plethora of foreign berries in all shapes and sizes, and juice made from the fruits from the trees in Lente's orchard. Eat and make merry, residents.]


too_fairytale June 17 2011, 03:47:34 UTC
[now she's choking on laughter rather than panic]

You've got to tell me about you and him and handcuffs someday.


hullo_sweetie June 17 2011, 03:56:03 UTC

[She winks and pats Amy's hand]

Mostly I use them on him when he doesn't listen to reason. Mostly.


too_fairytale June 17 2011, 04:01:00 UTC
[as weird as the thought of the Doctor actually having sex is, Amy still laughs. Mostly it's at the mental image of the Doctor squawking indignantly at River to let him out]

I think I can fill in the rest, thanks.


hullo_sweetie June 17 2011, 04:08:20 UTC
I suppose you can.

[She cleverly steals a berry from Amy's plate and plops it into her mouth]

I noticed Rory isn't trailing after you. That's a bit unusual, isn't it?


too_fairytale June 17 2011, 04:31:14 UTC
[okay, "trailing after you" puts a bad taste in Amy's mouth, and she pauses with her fingertips on another berry. Rory's a big boy, he's his own person, he doesn't *trail* after her...]

He wasn't comfortable with coming out here, even though we tested our power crystals.


hullo_sweetie June 17 2011, 15:19:32 UTC
[That didn't sound like the Rory she knew, but...perhaps he was still transitioning to that point]

I see. Well, you'll have to tell him all about this when we get back.

[She's really loving it out here]


too_fairytale June 18 2011, 01:40:21 UTC
[yeah, he's still transitioning. And unhappy about being plastic]

I'm going to tell him he was stupid not to come.


hullo_sweetie June 18 2011, 01:50:55 UTC
[She laughs pretty hard at that one, shaking her head slowly]

Sounds like perfect domestic bliss to me.


too_fairytale June 18 2011, 02:02:55 UTC
[that's sort of not funny given the fighting they've done over this expedition, but Amy smiles anyway and says lightly]

We make it work.


hullo_sweetie June 18 2011, 02:12:37 UTC
It's a cold day in hell when I don't tell the Doctor off for something. You have to be firm with these men.

[She winks, trying to lighten the mood]


too_fairytale June 18 2011, 03:38:22 UTC
[it works]

Sometimes it doesn't work. Do you know how many times I've told him that bow ties aren't cool?


hullo_sweetie June 18 2011, 03:58:54 UTC
I'd have gotten rid of it a long time ago, but it's too close to his throat.


I try to nip as many of his fashion disasters in the bud as I can.


hulloeverything June 17 2011, 01:19:38 UTC
[Holds out a handkerchief from behind River]

Need a napkin?


hullo_sweetie June 17 2011, 02:13:17 UTC
[She doesn't seem surprised by his presence. Reaching and taking the handkerchief from him. She wipes her mouth clean]

Thank you, sweetie.


inafadingcrown June 16 2011, 20:43:42 UTC
[This was actually normal fare for Galadriel, strange unknown fruits and berries aside, and rather pleasant.

She seems to be in a pretty good mood this morning, speaking graciously with anyone who approaches her and laughing easily. Don't think that she's let her guard down completely, however; she's still watching this whole scene carefully, taking note of every little detail she can.]


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