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Comments 87

berserkism July 22 2009, 16:40:18 UTC
[yesterday had been a Not Good Day.

donned in the Berserker armor and wielding Dragonslayer on his back, he's been patrolling the city and the castle perimeter since late last night. but, it's just his luck he hasn't run into anything worth impaling on his sword.

so, it's a pleasant surprise when the Brand at the nape of his neck begins to tingle, and then burn. and then bleed. a demon is nearby - and not just a normal demon. this one was relatively powerful.

a twisted smile finds his lips. perfect.

he follows the feeling to find the scattering of dead bodies strewn about like bloodied rag dolls leading to the silhouette of the massive, serpent like fucker Guts has been looking for. placing a hand on the hilt of Dragonslayer at his shoulder, he smiles. a very blood-thirsty, cruel smile.]

My, aren't we a messy eater. Didn't your momma teach you any manners?


has_thorns July 22 2009, 16:46:54 UTC
Hnnn...--? [The hulking akuma whirls around, blood dripping from it's chalk-white, elongated hands. It's someone she's never seen before, and weilding a sword...

But that wasn't what bothered her; it was his comments that really roused her ire, and she let out a low hiss as she poised herself aggressively]

Ahhh...so kind of you to show up~ I was getting bored with all these people that wouldn't fight backk.


berserkism July 22 2009, 16:56:57 UTC
[just when he thought this place was meant to be some kind of torture - filled with demons, but all of them pussy little children without backbones, defying their true nature - he came across a diamond in the rough. how kind of it to deliver.

he pulls Dragonslayer off of his back, hefting the massive sword in front of him.]

Looks like you've been busy. [gestures with his head to the corpses scattered about.] Suppose you don't really give a shit about keeping your girlish figure, though, do you?


has_thorns July 22 2009, 16:59:58 UTC
[kjsahfkja oh what--that was more insulting than anythign else he could have said, and she's hissing again]

I despise this ugly form, you brute! But there's little I can do about it when I feel peckish...

I'll sate myself with you before I go to clean up!


save_the_souls July 22 2009, 20:02:50 UTC
[Allen is walking through the city to visit the Caritas and see how everyone is, when he comes across one of the bodies, covered in pentacles just before it blows up into dust. He freezes] Is that-


[Forgetting the Caritas, he starts to look around, even more cautious than before. If there are Akuma here, then that's something he can fight]


I HOPE THIS THREADJACKING IS OKAY? >> grrnoguns July 22 2009, 21:33:17 UTC
[out patrolling, Broadway comes across some of those remnants at some point? And gasps in shock. He's planning to land to make sure he's seeing what he thinks he is, but he spots someone else arrive on the scene, so he stops on a nearby roof instead, noticing that the person seems to be looking for something - someone?]


IT IS MORE THAN OKAY ♥ save_the_souls July 22 2009, 21:37:32 UTC
[He keeps looking around for this Akuma when he hears the wings from over heard, looking up just in time to miss him. Normally he's nicer but HEY AKUMA IS IN PARADISA]

Whose there?! Show yourself!


1/2 <3! grrnoguns July 22 2009, 21:45:42 UTC
[UH-OH, ALARMING SOMEONE. D: Broadway considers moving into view, but since that might make things worse, he decides to stick with just calling down to the stranger for now, hoping to reassure him]


redresolve July 22 2009, 21:28:48 UTC
[Just more proof that Exorcists travel in herds! She was leaving Caritas, about to return to the castle when she stumbled across one of the bodies. Of all times for sometime like this to happen..]


[Eliade! Come out, come out wherever you are~]


1/3?? has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:06:41 UTC
[But of course my dear~ Even though it's not her favourite type of delicacy men hurrhurr, an Exorcist is the perfect treat♥ Curled around a building not too far away, she spies the newest addition on the scene and grins to herself]



2/3 has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:09:51 UTC
[Switching back quickly to her human form she wipes a bit of blood from her face with a sliiiight look of annoyance, but that's just before she crouches at her newest victim's feet--a man in the process of disentegrating due to the pentacles spreading across his skin--]


3/3 has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:10:34 UTC
[--and cries out in horror!]

Someone...! Anyone, help! H-help--!


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