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redresolve July 22 2009, 21:28:48 UTC
[Just more proof that Exorcists travel in herds! She was leaving Caritas, about to return to the castle when she stumbled across one of the bodies. Of all times for sometime like this to happen..]


[Eliade! Come out, come out wherever you are~]


1/3?? has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:06:41 UTC
[But of course my dear~ Even though it's not her favourite type of delicacy men hurrhurr, an Exorcist is the perfect treat♥ Curled around a building not too far away, she spies the newest addition on the scene and grins to herself]



2/3 has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:09:51 UTC
[Switching back quickly to her human form she wipes a bit of blood from her face with a sliiiight look of annoyance, but that's just before she crouches at her newest victim's feet--a man in the process of disentegrating due to the pentacles spreading across his skin--]


3/3 has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:10:34 UTC
[--and cries out in horror!]

Someone...! Anyone, help! H-help--!


redresolve July 23 2009, 08:31:30 UTC
[You know, she might have been a bit more cautious in any other situation. But the fact that there's a crazy doctor running around on top of this new Akuma deal? She turns and hurries towards the cry!

.. And when she gets there, she turns to the woman and frowns, carefully crouching down beside her]


Are you all right?


has_thorns July 23 2009, 14:32:18 UTC
Frances...h-he just...! I heard a scream and when I came o-out he... There was blood, b-but now...! [she clutches at the clothed remains]


redresolve July 23 2009, 21:20:07 UTC
It isn't safe here right now. Someone has been attacking castle residents and it looks like--

[But she cuts herself off, giving her a sympathetic glance]

I'm sorry.. but there isn't anything I can do to help him. But I don't think he would want you to be left alone out here, especially considering the circumstances. There are a few safe zones around the castle, I can take you to one of them.

My name is Rinali.


has_thorns July 23 2009, 22:42:33 UTC
I'm E, Eliade... [she sniffles and wipes her face]


redresolve July 24 2009, 08:31:43 UTC

[She may not have met her before, but it was a name she recognized. Suspicion get! However, she nods and offers her a hand to help her up nonetheless. It wasn't a very common name, but if she assumed--]

Can you stand?

[ooc; ffff I am SO sorry these tags are coming back so slowly. Busy week!]


has_thorns July 24 2009, 14:48:20 UTC
I, I think so... [She nods slowly and 'shakily' gets to her feet with another sniffle]

What am I going to d-do about Frances...?

[[ooc; no worries♥]]


redresolve July 24 2009, 14:54:19 UTC
There isn't anything we can do, I don't think it's anything that can be reversed. This is.. something from my world, the cause at least. I think he was attacked by an Akuma.

[she turns her back to her to look around for any signs of other victims]

But I don't see any other victims nearby, so we should get you to safety before it attacks again.

[ooc; Now, watch as I spam all of your characters /Kotarou]


has_thorns July 24 2009, 14:58:03 UTC

[[ooc; *w* eeeee]


redresolve July 24 2009, 15:04:18 UTC
I'm sorry, Eliade. Maybe, if I was able to get here a little sooner-

[But she stops there, turning back to her to point to the castle]

I know of two safe zones, and one is there. I think the other one is around the forest but we're a lot closer to the castle now. Is there anyone else there who knows you? If so, I can leave a note for them in the journal and they can meet us there.


has_thorns July 24 2009, 15:07:02 UTC
I, it's okay... I live in the city. I'll go back and tell Frances' family what happened.


redresolve July 24 2009, 15:13:26 UTC
Would you like me to come with you?

[she tries on a small, reassuring smile]

I would feel better knowing you got there safely.


has_thorns July 24 2009, 15:14:35 UTC
Th, thank you Rinali... [God she wants to ambush her the first chance she gets )8]


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