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berserkism July 22 2009, 16:40:18 UTC
[yesterday had been a Not Good Day.

donned in the Berserker armor and wielding Dragonslayer on his back, he's been patrolling the city and the castle perimeter since late last night. but, it's just his luck he hasn't run into anything worth impaling on his sword.

so, it's a pleasant surprise when the Brand at the nape of his neck begins to tingle, and then burn. and then bleed. a demon is nearby - and not just a normal demon. this one was relatively powerful.

a twisted smile finds his lips. perfect.

he follows the feeling to find the scattering of dead bodies strewn about like bloodied rag dolls leading to the silhouette of the massive, serpent like fucker Guts has been looking for. placing a hand on the hilt of Dragonslayer at his shoulder, he smiles. a very blood-thirsty, cruel smile.]

My, aren't we a messy eater. Didn't your momma teach you any manners?


has_thorns July 22 2009, 16:46:54 UTC
Hnnn...--? [The hulking akuma whirls around, blood dripping from it's chalk-white, elongated hands. It's someone she's never seen before, and weilding a sword...

But that wasn't what bothered her; it was his comments that really roused her ire, and she let out a low hiss as she poised herself aggressively]

Ahhh...so kind of you to show up~ I was getting bored with all these people that wouldn't fight backk.


berserkism July 22 2009, 16:56:57 UTC
[just when he thought this place was meant to be some kind of torture - filled with demons, but all of them pussy little children without backbones, defying their true nature - he came across a diamond in the rough. how kind of it to deliver.

he pulls Dragonslayer off of his back, hefting the massive sword in front of him.]

Looks like you've been busy. [gestures with his head to the corpses scattered about.] Suppose you don't really give a shit about keeping your girlish figure, though, do you?


has_thorns July 22 2009, 16:59:58 UTC
[kjsahfkja oh what--that was more insulting than anythign else he could have said, and she's hissing again]

I despise this ugly form, you brute! But there's little I can do about it when I feel peckish...

I'll sate myself with you before I go to clean up!


berserkism July 22 2009, 17:04:29 UTC
[Guts only smiles that dark smile; looks like he struck a nerve.] Just like a woman to be more concerned about appearances than anything else. But don't worry; I'll tear your ugly ass up soon enough.

[and he doesn't waste any more time, charging right on in with Dragonslayer swinging horizontally with speed that defies its size.]


has_thorns July 22 2009, 17:31:11 UTC
You're the one who's ugly--! [She yells back as she moves her body up like a wave, narrowly avoding the swing and quickly attaching herself to a nearby building a second before a series of large bubbled shoot forth from her mouth; the kind that suck all the water out of anything they touch]


berserkism July 22 2009, 17:44:34 UTC
Shit, you looked in a mirror lately? [he grits his jaw, but not in frustration as his attack is dodged - instead in anticipation and pleasure. it was time to find that mindless trance where nothing existed except him, his sword, and the monster he would tear into pieces.

he moves his sword to swing again when he abruptly changes his grip, raising it to guard him as the bubble-like attack makes the distance to his body. he didn't know exactly what they'd do if they hit him, and he didn't want to find out.

this thing was fast, and without the Berserker armor activated, Guts knew he wouldn't be able to match her speed - so he's gonna have to employ some other tactics. he moves in for a forward thrust towards where its throat would be; if he misses, the blade would lodge itself in the wall and provide some leverage for him to get to a higher vantage point.]


has_thorns July 22 2009, 17:49:39 UTC
[He's granted the higher vantage point as Eliade slithers up higher on the building, but at the last second she curled around and swings one massive hand at him to swat him away. She doesn't like the look of that large sword, and would really rather have him dettached from it

Just in case though, she's blowing out more bubbles that hang in place in the air, slowly restricting the amount of safe area he has to dodge]


berserkism July 22 2009, 18:13:31 UTC
[he uses the sword as leverage and climbs upward. his body is still in much worse shape than he'd like to admit after going head-to-head with Ganishka in his world; his reaction time is sluggish, and it shows. normally, he'd have no problem avoiding the swipe - but now, even as he sees it coming and reaches down to pry Dragonslayer from its place stuck in the wall, her strike collides with him, and he finds himself unceremoniously tossed backwards, where he slams back into the adjacent building ( ... )


has_thorns July 22 2009, 18:32:53 UTC
[Unfortunately for the weapon, steel was nowhere near on par with Innocence. Naturally Eliade tried to dodge one or two, but when she found them to be nothing more than flimsy metal she stopped trying and just laughed with amusement as they bounce off her thick hide]

Something like that won't have any effect on me, foolish human! Now die!

[She opens her mouth and sends a streamlined plethora of bubbles in his direction with a laugh, coiling around his weapon smugly]


berserkism July 22 2009, 19:00:20 UTC

[figures; they were useless. well, then he'd simply have to go for something a little more heavy-handed.

but before he could get a chance to continue the offensive, he was forced to leap to his feet and run down the street, putting more distance between himself and Dragonslayer. it didn't much matter if he had the sword if he was too dead to use it.] Don't get cocky, fucker!

[he turned the corner and down another street, an alley between two buildings; if he lured it somewhere in close quarters, he could get the cannon off in close proximity. he just hoped it'd give chase.]


has_thorns July 22 2009, 19:25:57 UTC
[His hopes were answered without fail.

Even though part of her rational mind became instantly wary her instincts and desires to kill as an akuma won't let her give up the chase and she follows him with a bout of laughter, gripping the side of one building as she crawls around it]

Running away?? Don't be foolish...!


berserkism July 22 2009, 19:45:16 UTC
[a smile of pure, unadulterated blood lust decorated his face as the wrist mechanism on his left arm cocked back, revealing the cannon in his wrist. the minute she had turned the corner, she'd put her face in point-blank range.]

Scream for me.

[and without hesitation, he fires a massive explosion of heat and flame.]


1/3 has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:15:31 UTC
[skajhfak oh geez while that's not going to kill her, it certainly knocks Eliade back through a house across the street with a howl of frustration--the noise is sure to attract attention, so using the resulting structural damage to her advantage...]


2/3 has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:16:00 UTC
[...she quickly returns to her human form while the dust and debris cover the area...]


3/3 has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:16:35 UTC
[...and makes a run for it! Hurrying further into the populated building before she can be pinpointed as the cause]


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