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berserkism July 22 2009, 18:13:31 UTC
[he uses the sword as leverage and climbs upward. his body is still in much worse shape than he'd like to admit after going head-to-head with Ganishka in his world; his reaction time is sluggish, and it shows. normally, he'd have no problem avoiding the swipe - but now, even as he sees it coming and reaches down to pry Dragonslayer from its place stuck in the wall, her strike collides with him, and he finds himself unceremoniously tossed backwards, where he slams back into the adjacent building.

his armor absorbs some of the shock, but it wasn't a gentle love-tap. gritting his teeth, he sits himself up, shaking off the momentary disorientation. his sword was now stuck in the wall, close to the beast and surrounded by those hovering bubbles he guessed would explode on contact. fun times. well, luckily for him, he had some ranged attacks at his disposal.

his left arm - severed just below the elbow, and replaced with a metal creation that serves as both a cannon and crossbow - rises, and he points it in the direction of the slithering creature. in succession, several steel arrows fire, aimed for its face, trying to force it to dodge downward and away from his sword.]


has_thorns July 22 2009, 18:32:53 UTC
[Unfortunately for the weapon, steel was nowhere near on par with Innocence. Naturally Eliade tried to dodge one or two, but when she found them to be nothing more than flimsy metal she stopped trying and just laughed with amusement as they bounce off her thick hide]

Something like that won't have any effect on me, foolish human! Now die!

[She opens her mouth and sends a streamlined plethora of bubbles in his direction with a laugh, coiling around his weapon smugly]


berserkism July 22 2009, 19:00:20 UTC

[figures; they were useless. well, then he'd simply have to go for something a little more heavy-handed.

but before he could get a chance to continue the offensive, he was forced to leap to his feet and run down the street, putting more distance between himself and Dragonslayer. it didn't much matter if he had the sword if he was too dead to use it.] Don't get cocky, fucker!

[he turned the corner and down another street, an alley between two buildings; if he lured it somewhere in close quarters, he could get the cannon off in close proximity. he just hoped it'd give chase.]


has_thorns July 22 2009, 19:25:57 UTC
[His hopes were answered without fail.

Even though part of her rational mind became instantly wary her instincts and desires to kill as an akuma won't let her give up the chase and she follows him with a bout of laughter, gripping the side of one building as she crawls around it]

Running away?? Don't be foolish...!


berserkism July 22 2009, 19:45:16 UTC
[a smile of pure, unadulterated blood lust decorated his face as the wrist mechanism on his left arm cocked back, revealing the cannon in his wrist. the minute she had turned the corner, she'd put her face in point-blank range.]

Scream for me.

[and without hesitation, he fires a massive explosion of heat and flame.]


1/3 has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:15:31 UTC
[skajhfak oh geez while that's not going to kill her, it certainly knocks Eliade back through a house across the street with a howl of frustration--the noise is sure to attract attention, so using the resulting structural damage to her advantage...]


2/3 has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:16:00 UTC
[...she quickly returns to her human form while the dust and debris cover the area...]


3/3 has_thorns July 23 2009, 01:16:35 UTC
[...and makes a run for it! Hurrying further into the populated building before she can be pinpointed as the cause]


LOL eliade <3 berserkism July 23 2009, 02:39:56 UTC

[Guts wipes the blood from the Brand at his neck, leisurely retrieving the Dragonslayer; the tattoo-like scar isn't bleeding any longer, which means she must be gone.] God damnit. God damnit.


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