
Dec 10, 2011 21:21

[Zelman's tucked just out of the way as you're leaving the castle--he's leaning against the outside wall to the side of the door, gazing somewhat uninterestedly out at the snow-covered grounds. he is definitely not dressed for the weather (wearing the same pants and t-shirt and hat and tennis shoes he always wears), but does not seem to mind the ( Read more... )

zelman clock

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Comments 220

bedninja December 11 2011, 05:35:17 UTC
[It doesn't take long before, as out of the blue and suddenly as ever, Pharos appears beside Zelman. Although instead of facing out at the snow, he's peering at one of the windows into the Castle, trying and failing to see his reflection in it while he pushes his hair back out of his face.

He doesn't look up at Zelman though, too busy fiddling clumsily with his hair. Which is probably pretty weird in itself.]

It did not seem an entirely unpleasant one last year, at the very least.


exanimatus December 11 2011, 06:04:24 UTC
[he wouldn't have even looked over if the sound didn't bounce off the window all funny like that. ...funny, he kind of got the impression that Pharos wasn't even all that aware of his physical body, so why's he messing with his hair?]

Mm. It's tame compared to other things the place could pull.

[...well, he might as well ask.] Need a haircut or something?


bedninja December 11 2011, 06:15:58 UTC
Careful, Zelman. I have heard other Castle residents say in the past that such things can "jinx it". [Though he chuckles, because it sounds like a particularly funny joke to him. The Castle would only do something like that if the majority of people were calling it tame!

He looks up at Zelman though, hands still in his hand. Forgotten about them already, it seems.]

I do not believe I ever require such things, no. Why do you ask?

[But before Zelman can actually reply, he glances back at the window, and does his best to smooth his slightly unruly hair back with his fingers. ...it's too short to make much difference either way, and he can't actually see it, but can't blame a kid for trying.]

Do you believe it would look peculiar if I had my hair like this?


exanimatus December 11 2011, 06:48:16 UTC
[...Pharos, you are too precious. Zelman doesn't say anything to any of this for a moment, eventually just reaching down and sweeping his bangs back himself, holding them down on his head so that he can get a good idea of what that would look like.]

A little. It might look nice if your hair were a little longer.


fishy_go_byebye December 11 2011, 05:41:18 UTC
[Del meanders past him and then stops and walks backwards until she's next to him, rocking back and forth on her heels.]

First and fourth.


exanimatus December 11 2011, 06:08:01 UTC
[oh, it's Del. he'll give her a lazy little wave when she 'settles' next to him.]

Partridge and calling birds.


fishy_go_byebye December 11 2011, 06:11:11 UTC
It never did manage good numbers.


exanimatus December 11 2011, 06:32:40 UTC
The best bit is in the middle anyway.

How do you like Winter, majaczenie?


agent_maine December 11 2011, 05:43:15 UTC
[Saner then he's ever been here and feeling like he's fresh off the Mother of Invention, is one (1) unarmored Freelancer stepping out of teh castle. Maine's armor is still in Wash's care so he's just got on a couple layers under a shearling coat.]

[He's getting reacquainted with the castle, stepping out to take a look at the grounds, and casts a curious glance at Zelman. How could you possibly be warm in that :| ]


exanimatus December 11 2011, 06:11:02 UTC
[huh. he doesn't think he's seen this guy around before (at least--not in a way that he'd recognize). so he gets a lazy hand-raise in place of a wave while he continues to chill in his little toasty-warm diameter there.]



LJ Y U NO GIVE ME NOTIF >:l agent_maine December 11 2011, 07:03:58 UTC
[Maine gives a little half wave back, before lumbering over.]

Comfortable? [Low, gravelly, and falling off at the end as he senses the slight hange in temperatre as he nears the other man. Odd ...]


IT IS JEALOUS. B( exanimatus December 11 2011, 07:18:45 UTC
As much as one can be in weather like this.

[which, in his case, means that he is only slightly more inconvenienced than usual. he doesn't bother hiding that he is looking this guy over.]


lord_wizard December 11 2011, 05:51:08 UTC
[Felix is on his way back from town. He's not especially fond of the snow. Even in his heavy jacket and scarf he seems less than comfortable.

His expression changes into a slight smirk the second he notices the castle's new decoration.]

Come down to consort with the mortals?

[He wasn't actually sure where Zelman hid himself most of the time, actually, but it was good enough.

Teasing the vampire. Excellent first gambit to a conversation]


exanimatus December 11 2011, 06:28:49 UTC
I was feeling benevolent enough to grace the residents with my presence, yes.

[he replied to that way too quickly, looking absently down at his fingernails. there's no reason to, because his nails never grow and are unnaturally nice no matter what he does, but it's a thing that people do when they make those sorts of comments. long story short, he was probably kidding.]


lord_wizard December 12 2011, 02:08:52 UTC
Well, you picked an interesting time for it, whatever the reason

[Really, he could just mean the whole Christmas decorations and general good cheer thing that conflicts rather starkly with Zelman - which is true - but the kissing-inducing fairies are really what he's talking about. Because someone as private as Zelman doesn't seem the sort to let people invade his private space if he can avoid it]


exanimatus December 12 2011, 04:30:28 UTC
Why do you say that?

[go ahead, Felix. explain your reasoning.]


payback December 11 2011, 08:00:44 UTC
[Riding by on Tad

boo to you Zelman, no acknowledgment]


exanimatus December 12 2011, 03:21:26 UTC
[what? gosh.]

Not even a hello?


payback December 12 2011, 04:17:33 UTC
[Not even a glance! Rin knows where he is. She hops off Tad to get the doors, though, taking her time before answering Zelman.]

What for?


exanimatus December 12 2011, 04:51:17 UTC
Such a cold response... [though really, she has no reason to say hello.]


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