
Dec 10, 2011 21:21

[Zelman's tucked just out of the way as you're leaving the castle--he's leaning against the outside wall to the side of the door, gazing somewhat uninterestedly out at the snow-covered grounds. he is definitely not dressed for the weather (wearing the same pants and t-shirt and hat and tennis shoes he always wears), but does not seem to mind the ( Read more... )

zelman clock

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agent_maine December 11 2011, 05:43:15 UTC
[Saner then he's ever been here and feeling like he's fresh off the Mother of Invention, is one (1) unarmored Freelancer stepping out of teh castle. Maine's armor is still in Wash's care so he's just got on a couple layers under a shearling coat.]

[He's getting reacquainted with the castle, stepping out to take a look at the grounds, and casts a curious glance at Zelman. How could you possibly be warm in that :| ]


exanimatus December 11 2011, 06:11:02 UTC
[huh. he doesn't think he's seen this guy around before (at least--not in a way that he'd recognize). so he gets a lazy hand-raise in place of a wave while he continues to chill in his little toasty-warm diameter there.]



LJ Y U NO GIVE ME NOTIF >:l agent_maine December 11 2011, 07:03:58 UTC
[Maine gives a little half wave back, before lumbering over.]

Comfortable? [Low, gravelly, and falling off at the end as he senses the slight hange in temperatre as he nears the other man. Odd ...]


IT IS JEALOUS. B( exanimatus December 11 2011, 07:18:45 UTC
As much as one can be in weather like this.

[which, in his case, means that he is only slightly more inconvenienced than usual. he doesn't bother hiding that he is looking this guy over.]


way to be a douche, LJ :| agent_maine December 11 2011, 15:22:47 UTC
[Maine curiously pokes his hand into Zelman's little warm weather bubble, but when he catches getting oogled, he drops his hands to his sides and squares his shoulders, growling slightly.]


exanimatus December 12 2011, 03:31:16 UTC
[no need to get defensive, Maine. B)]

Hm, what's that for?


agent_maine December 12 2011, 03:48:32 UTC
[He shifts his weight to glare, using his best intimidation tactics.]

Not interested.


exanimatus December 12 2011, 06:04:26 UTC
[that's cute.]

Oh? I hope you aren't jumping to conclusions. You just remind me of someone.


agent_maine December 12 2011, 15:30:13 UTC
['Cute' was actually entirely opposite of what he was going for. :| ]

[Not relaxing.] Who?


exanimatus December 12 2011, 15:45:17 UTC
An old... acquaintance of mine. Eight-foot-something, pretty big guy. He frequented a look of disapproval as much as you, I reason.

[and since that guy would always try to intimidate Zelman too... he is unfortunately used to it and not swayed in the least by the guy that looks like he could snap him in half. man, he hated that guy. :|]


agent_maine December 12 2011, 15:57:08 UTC
[Yeah Maine figures he could probably snap this guy in half without blinking.]

[He rumbles and nods approvingly in reply. Looks of disapproval generally got people to leave him alone, when coupled with his natural size and build. Sadly, it didn't seem to be working for this little dude.]


exanimatus December 13 2011, 06:05:52 UTC
[this little dude wouldn't know fear if it walked up and hit him in the face. which it often tries to do.]

You don't seem as loud, though. I can appreciate that.

Are you new around here?


agent_maine December 13 2011, 06:25:05 UTC
[Maine lets out a low grumble. He can get loud if he wants. At the question, though, he actually ]has to shrug. No, but ... yes?]


exanimatus December 14 2011, 06:05:14 UTC

Here in a sense, but not that you really remember...?


agent_maine December 14 2011, 06:22:47 UTC

[He nods a bit energetically, exactly that. Apparently he's been a little on the crazy side earlier and no one really wants to talk about it.]


exanimatus December 15 2011, 07:03:41 UTC
[oh, he believes it! C:]

Hm. Got a name?


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