!!!expedition business!!!

Nov 10, 2011 18:51

[ooc: sob can we pretend this was earlier in the week though... backdate to around Tuesday? I've been so busy, sorry guys. ;;]

[Filtered away from the 'Free Peoples' and those who would pass information onto them]

All right.

As some of you probably remember, Jr. wrote a while back about taking an expedition out to inspect some ruins that were found in the Dead Zone. For those of you who're acquainted with how these work, they're pretty much open to whoever wants to come, but of course things get risky out there sometimes so it's good to have some skills.

For those of you who would like to come, it's a good idea to be prepared for most any eventuality, but it would be best to pack light as well. This time around should be a short trip. I would advise that for essential things too, people spread out what they carry. Like if you know some first aid, it's a good thing to have the supplies spread out over different people rather than just one person... just in case, I'd say.

So, what're some things it'd be adviseable to be carrying this time? Here's a bit of a list... feel free to throw in more thoughts if you have ideas. NOT flashlights, or anything electronic that takes batteries to work. It won't work out in the dead zone and will just be a waste of space.
Flare torches. NOT flashlights.
Rope, I'd say. I've seen that climbing cord stuff used, all to the good. It's light but sturdy.
Good shoes for walking or climbing, with good traction.
First aid gear. Bandages, disinfectant, what have you.
Weaponry just in case. Magical weapons and more technological things won't be useful, but guns have worked in the past.
Cooking gear, a lightweight set is best. And adequate food, of course.
Whatever you would prefer to sleep in and use as shelter. Lightweight is good, but keep in mind it is getting colder.

Other suggestions: maybe a whistle, small sewing kit, hand mirrors for flashing light signals, bandaids, extra water for drinking, layers to wear, paper to take notes, pencils and pens, a sketchbook in case someone wants to keep visual notes. A pocket knife. A dagger for general survival use, not necessarily fighting.

And a corollary to electronics not working: if you received a power crystal from Flora last Christmas, and have an electronic device hooked up to that crystal, it will work. I would advise backup since things can be lost, but with specialized materials will allow some smaller things to work.

Feel free to put in other suggestions, though keep in mind you will probably have to carry most of what you bring unless you choose to bring a mount, which is not strictly necessary as this is planned to be a short trip. For my part I will be bringing my Arcanine.

We will be leaving this weekend, on Sunday morning, I believe. Generally, people group up in the lobby before heading out.


asano rin

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